
The Wolf's Mate - BL

The extraordinary life of Ivy, a half-breed born from a witch mother and a vampire dad, takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is not only a vampire-witch but also a werewolf. To his dismay, he is an omega wolf, an outcast among his kind. This revelation shatters his world and sets him on a path of self-discovery. Read Ivy’s story on his thrilling journey as he navigates love, betrayal, and the weight of his destiny; As I laid down to rest, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The darkness of the night seemed to be closing in on me, and I felt as though I was at the mercy of the unknown. So, I made the decision to sleep with one eye open, to keep watch over my surroundings even as I closed my eyes to rest. The dim light from the moon cast shadows across the room, and I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. But by keeping that one eye open, I felt a sense of control, a sense of security that helped me drift off to sleep. I was in an urgent situation, desperately trying to escape the clutches of blood-thirsty vampires and ferocious wolves who were targeting my innocent baby! Thankfully, the remarkable witches had taken an oath to shield us from harm's way! With my loving and devoted mate standing right by my side, our mission was to ensure the safe and secure arrival of our precious little one. “To all the witches, vampires, and wolves! Brace yourselves for the dawn of a new era! The prophecy of Agrippa has chosen Ivy’s womb to carry the next ruler who will reunite our extraordinary realms!” This was the statement that had put me under fire. Neither of the Kingdoms wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled. They had to get rid of me, only the witches stood with me!

Jae_Ivy · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Fifteen - Ten Cheater?

"Yeah, I'm not sure, maybe it's been a fortnight." I joked while stripping my clothes for my man. That meant I was going to take a second bath!!! 

I went in the bathtub joining Harry. The naughty prince received me in open arms. He spread his legs out opening space for me. I was tempted to touch his manhood. I sat right Infront of him.

"Do you want to give me a special bath today?" He asked with his beautiful lips curving into a smirk. I guess I knew what he wanted, probably a blow job!

"Oh... I would to be a royal maid. but I would only bath handsome princes and kings." I joked. "Oh wait... I need to tell the maid that today she won't be able to bath the prince." Somebody had to tell her, I was afraid she was going to enter and find the two of on act. This was going to be nasty! I wonder what she was going to do if she found out about me and the prince. Maybe she was going to blackmail us or do even worse!

I put on the prince's robe and went to his room. I caught the maid sniffing his underwear. I was shocked rather than jealous. 

"Oh, my fucking God! What you… What do you think you are doing? Aren't those my undies? Oh no they are Harry's!" I said, as she jumped in terror throwing the underwear on floor. 

"I... I... I... Um... Cleaning..." She was stuttering, I didn't hear what she said but I knew she had no excuse. I had caught her, red handed I always thought there was something wrong with these two, now I had finally understood what Harry meant about the special royal bath!

      "Are you sleeping with the prince, or you have a crush on him? Can you tell me what's going on?" I questioned her as all this was not just a coincidence, just from the time she came in to clean the prince's suite, everything she did was suspicious. Now I wanted to know the truth, I still didn't believe it, Harry would never do that to me, maybe she had to explain.

"I would ask the same, nasty prince. Are you gay? What have you done to my handsome prince. You are a curse to this kingdom! Who are you to ask me such a question? Besides I bath the prince naked I offer him more than the bath, like more, and what were you doing in the prince bed naked?" She rudely responded. What the hell? She knew about us, or she just guessed after she saw the stains on the bed. This woman was more dangerous than I thought!

"How dare you question my identity little miss? You shall bath the prince no more. You are banned from the prince's tower!" I banned her. She had gone too far! How dare she? I wondered where she got all the nerves from, well I guess it was time for me to show her who I was!

"You don't have the right to order me around, fancy pants. This is not Port Lavender!" She dared to open her mouth. What the Hell? Did she just say I had no authority in Darker Ville, oh well then, she was wrong, she did know what was coming for her!

"Watch it bitch. Do you know who I am?" I reminded her what her status was. 

      "Just a gay prince, not even the crown the prince, show me respect if you want me not say a word about this." She blackmailed me. 

      "Oh, my fucking Goddd!!! Are you being real? In fact, you are fired!" I dismissed her. "Do not mess with me, I won't use any of my magic spell on you, I will handle you to Lord Vladimir myself and make sure you are beheaded! I am the descendent of Queen Jezebel, one of the strongest rulers and guess what? I inherited all her genes. Now try me and see what I'm capable of, you haven't heard the rumours about me? Tonight, itself you will have your own version of my story, and the stars shall be your witnesses, you will be the testimony to prove the rumours about me to be facts. You go ahead with your gay allegations and see who will the world believe? the prince or just a commoner maid? You might be murdered for falling in love and disgracing the prince!" I showed her who was the ruler and asked her to bow down as I was the Queen. She had just admitted sleeping with the prince, on top of that she was bragging about it, I felt betrayed!