
chapter 4

In an unimportant weapon shop located in Vale, stood hans günsche. The century old man stood contemplating whether he would need armor.

'armor... I never bothered with it back in my world. It was... unessecary. But, I read about dust, its very useful but if I'm hit with a dust infused weapon, I'm not sure my skin would block it. However, too much armor will hamper me.' I glanced over the various pieces of armor until one caught my eye.

'those will do. I only need something to redirect attacks.' He grabbed a black pair of gloves with 9 small metal pyramids on the back in the shape of a square. The old werewolf saw a feint white line run through them for a moment before it dissappeared.

'what was that? Is that why my lugers feel so different?' The man walked over to the counter, confusing thoughts still on his mind before he payed for the gloves and left.


At beacon

Team RWBY and JNPR were sat at a large table chatting about various things.

Weiss and Ruby were secretly talking about hans as yang watched with interest. Nora was recounting a dream with ren correcting her each moment, blake was reading, pyrrha was watching jaune with sadness... and jaune.

He was sad

Sad about how inferior he felt, about how cardin pushed him around with little care for any consequence he may face.

A yelp could be heard and the blonde looked over to see carding pulling on the ear of a bunny faunus. The teams watched as cardin taunted the bunny... but no one did anything.

Until a certain white haired girl had grown frustrated of this pitiful nonsense and remembered what the security guard had told her.

Weiss stood up and marched over to the Winchester heir with an annoyed look in her eyes. She slapped him across the face causing him to let go of the rabbit faunus' ear.

"you bitch! I thought you'd agree with the treatment of this bitch!" The atlesian girl didn't take this well, her glare caused him to shrink in fear.

"I, am nothing like my father! I never will be. Now, you can either leave her alone or I use my influence as the heiress of the SDC to get you expelled from beacon." He looked away with annoyance.

"come on, let's go." He got up and walked away with his lackeys. However, much to velvets suprise, weiss was offering her a hand. The rabbit faunus gladly took it and stood to her feet.

"th-thank y-you miss schnee..." She waved away the formalities.

"don't bother calling me miss. Just call me weiss. My status as heiress has no standing here."

"B-but you just threatened cardin with it!" The concerned bunny protested.

"that's because he's a moron who doesn't pay attention to the rules. He had no clue." She started to walk away but Velvet stopped her by grabbing her sleeve.

"C-can i-i e-eat w-with y-y-you a-and your f-friends?" Weiss looked at the girl with confusion.

Weiss:"do you not have anyone to eat with?" She shyly shook her head. "Okay. Then sure."

As this was happening Blake observed with immense confusion.

'why would a schnee help a faunus? Yesterday, she was... unusually kind to Ruby. Now this. What had happened to her?' The faunus girl looked curiously at the schnee who was happily chatting with velvet.

"that was really cool weiss!" Ruby made her opinion of what just happened cleared than glass.

"thank you Ruby." Yang watched the two happily get along but a question came to mind.

Yang:"how come you helped her? Not being rude here but you're not the most charitable person." She had a contemplative look on her face.

"hans spoke to me yesterday after my... outburst. He made me consider a lot of things about the way I act. That's why." Ruby gave a slight look of jealousy to weiss that didn't go unnoticed by yang.

"a little jealous are we, rubes?" She immediately went bright red.

"what?! No! I..." she went silent and covered her face in embarrassment.

"ah yes, Ruby, we need to talk sometime. In private."

Ruby:"I... agree. We do need to talk."


Hans and kommandant stood opposite each other in the forest where hans awoke.

He held out his hand and kommandant handed his greatsword to him. The tall man swung it easily with one hand before placing his other hand on the blade and swinging towards a particularly thick tree.

He cut clean through it.

He tossed the sword to his knight, then reached into his pocket and put the gloves he bought earlier on.

Kommandant clearly understood what his liege wanted and leapt towards his liege with his sword raised high. The knight of darkness swung down at the werewolf who blocked it with the back of his gloves.

He grunted from the force but pushed him back.

'as I suspected. My touch seems to alter whatever I pick up. Strengthen it.' He held out his hand and received kommandants sword once more.

'this sword hasn't changed however. Maybe my touch is not strong enough.' His hands glowed with a white aura then the sword turned to a bright white. 'My aura can strengthen this ability. I think... I'll name this ability... besitz.'

The captain put both hands on the sword and swung it, causing a small lightning storm from the swing.

'It... can imbue effects? Wait... I shot straight through that woman on the bullhead. Her aura did nothing to stop it.' The curious man threw the sword back to kommandant.

He swiftly drew his right pistol and fired at a tree.

The bullet pierced straight through it

He pulled out his left luger and fired at a separate tree which shattered a layer of bark along with leaving a crater in the tree.

'so my suspicions were correct. My right mauser pierces and my left one shatters. Pierce and shatter. I wonder what my gloves can do.'


I was now stood outside the dorm of team RWBY. I knocked on the door and received several yells of 'come in'.

I opened the door and they were all doing various things. Ruby was reading some comics, weiss was on her scroll, blake was reading a book, yang was playing games on her scroll.

"oh... hey hans. Did you need something?" The youngest asked me.

"a... scroll." All four of them looked at me strangely.

"oh yeah! The amnesia!" I frowned, internally of course.

'I really don't like lying to such innocent people.'

"I can take you to get one. Though, we could just order you one."

"I'd prefer to go get one now if you don't mind." She put her scroll into her pocket and stood up.

"right then. Shall we go?" Ruby clearly wanted to come along but couldn't muster the courage to ask.

"hey Ruby, why don't you go with them? Y'know, to get to know weiss." Her eyes lit up and she mouthed a 'thank you' to yang.

"that's a great idea! I'm coming with!" The girl burst into rose petals and appeared beside the two of us.

"that... May be an actual good idea."


In an undisclosed location, was an upset girl with hair the same colour as a certain type of ice cream.

'I'm so sad! He was so handsome and i could relate to him somewhat! Even if it was only that we both don't speak!' A knock was heard at the door to her room.

"I'm coming in!" Roman walked in and looked to see her splayed out on the bed with a frown on her face. "Oh, what's wrong neo? You're usually quite jolly."

"I'm just disappointed. I met a handsome guy who didn't talk and instead wrote with a notepad. He was really tall and he had never tried ice cream before! Can you believe that!? Anyways, I liked talking to him, so I gave him my number... but he hasn't responded." Roman was not a very romantic person, but he could tell that this may end well for his adoptive daughter.

"what did he look like?"

"he was really tall! Probably about a full 2ft taller than me! He had white hair and red eyes. He had this big coat on with two pistols that has really long barrels attached to it." Roman smiled externally but internally he was incredibly panicked.

'Well shit. It just had to be the guy who stopped me so easily. At least if they do end up together... he'll be able to protect her.' He looked at his adopted daughter. "Well, he sounds like an interesting guy."

"I know! That's why I'm like... this." She gestured to herself and the splayed state she was in.

'I just hope they don't meet during our criminal jobs.'


We were stood in a local scroll shop and the three of us were viewing various scrolls.

I honestly had no clue what I was looking for.

"I don't know anything about scrolls, so can one of you pick?"

"very well. Shall we Ruby?" The heiress couldn't hide the look of excitement held in her eyes.

"yeah! Let's go!" I watched the two of them run off like giddy children.

"you don't deserve to live... murderer... After all you've done..." I felt a weight on my shoulders.

I looked to see... lina.

"hello big brother! Tell me, how did it feel to murder mommy and daddy? Was it good? To hear daddy plead for you to not kill mommy?" She popped her head in front of me with a childlike smile.


We both had chosen a scroll that was just white in colour because we didn't particularly know what colours he liked.

But as we're returning from our search we noticed hans was staring at something and his eyes were panicked. The mans whole body has gone rigid and he was breathing heavily.

"hans? Are you... alright?" He flinched and looked towards us, I could easily tell that he was calmer now. "We, uh, found a scroll for you."

"thank you." His handwriting was always unusually neat but this time, it was a bit messy. Then I noticed

His hand was shaking.

"hans are you okay? Your hands are shaking."

He started writing again, hands still shaky. Ruby looked worried, its understandable. We'd never seen him in such a state.

"I'm fine." His hands remained shaky and I was concerned for his health.

"okay... here's your scroll."


"are you going to fail them? Like you did to me?" My breath hitched in my throat.

'what... is happening? I've had auditory hallucinations before... but never visual ones! Especially... of lina...'

"hans? You spaced out. Is something wrong?" I tried my hardest to steady my breathing as best I could.

"I'm... fine..." I'm positive that they could tell that I was lying through my teeth.

"okay... Moving on, let's go back so that I can show you how to use your scroll."

"can I help?" Weiss glanced at her leader in contemplation.

Weiss:"sure Ruby."


I stood here, within my Kings shadow, I watched as he struggled with an issue that I could not see.

What was I to do?

How could I aid my liege? and most importantly

What was wrong with him?

I watched as he panicked, as he despaired but then... he grew confused.

I must learn more, to help my liege!

For I am his one and only knight!


I headed to the library at my return to beacon and noticed the boy from team JNPR called lie ren. I looked around and saw a blank piece of paper next to the boy with a pen.

Using that, I quickly wrote about what happened to my king. The boy read thoroughly over it before coming to a conclusion.

"I believe from what you're telling me, is that Mr günsche has a mental health problem."

And off I went to find a book relating to that subject.
