
The Wolf’s Chosen

In a town like Trinity Hills where all we have is an old-fashioned school, humble residents, and a boring church, what is the worst that could happen? However, when they least saw it coming, the people in this sleepy town were about to awaken to their past and bring to life their long-buried history with the world of the supernatural. Lisa Mendel's ordinary high school life is transformed into a never-ending adventure when the strange Jason Ander shows up in town with his queer family. As everyone tries to keep the secrets of the night in the dark, a love story between Lisa – a human, and Jason – a beast, slowly unfolds. Meanwhile, a pack of wolves is after the supposed personality called "The Chosen." On the other end, another lone predator roams the night, seeking something more than just power. Even as this bloody war unfolds among the shapeshifters, a band of huntsmen is ready to cleanse the land and eliminate them forever. In the middle of all these disasters, lies a tender love story. It's an irresistible tale of fate and how the lives of ordinary people and extraordinary beings will twist in a war of love, anger, revenge, and an unquenchable thirst for power.

Ojuolape_Maryam · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter two


As the bell dinged, the students trooped out of their classes. Lisa and Connor came out just then with Lisa planting a brief kiss on his lips.

"Do you mind telling me where you were this morning?" Lisa enquired.

"I don't mind at all. We just have an announcement to watch, yeah? Irene invited us to the gathering where she'll be called the new leader of the cheerleading team?"

"Hopefully she is the new leader, not Alice." Becky cut in as she came out just then. "Let's go then."


Mettle paused like he had his mind on something else. "Give me a second. I'll catch up. You can go on ahead."

Connor didn't see that as a problem and he went on with Lisa and Becky. Mettle returned to the class and walked to where Cara sat with her legs crossed on the table.

"Hi… I'm Mettle. I didn't get to hear yours…"

Cara didn't even turn to see who spoke. 

"I could take you on a tour around the school. You might like it. I've done that for several other new students. It helps."

Cara stood just then, picked up her bag, and walked away like he didn't even exist, leaving only him in the class.

"I could use a tour."

Mettle jumped out of his skin as he turned to realize Jason was present as well.

"Oh… yeah…" He stammered. "I'm Mettle, by the way."

"I'm aware. Call me Jason."


"And the new cheerleader of Trident High…"

The students were all gathered on the basketball court in anticipation of the announcement. At the center of the court stood the announcer, while Alice and Irene – a charming young, warm-looking lady – stood on either side of the announcer, with a couple of supporters around them. Apparently, they had been the two campaignings.

"…is Irene Winsor!"

There was an eruption of joy from the crowd as they rushed to give Irene hugs and kisses. Alice, on the other hand, simply walked out of the court with her girls following suit to the unfathomable joy of Becky. As the celebration continued, Irene left the court quietly to make her way home. Entering into her car, she turned it on and tried to move. When it didn't budge, she got out and realized immediately that she had a flat.

"Congratulations on your win…"

Irene turned and stared at the unfamiliar face. "Hello… Do I know you?"

"Not now, soon…"

Irene chuckled, flattered by the young man.

"I could give you a ride." He signaled to the black Sedan he was just about to walk into. 

Irene smiled. "I don't even know your name; you realize?"

"I am Herod Ander. I'm a new student, coming for the first time today…" Irene appeared to be giving it a thought. "Come on, let me help you. Consider me the poor boy making new friends."

Irene laughed. "Okay…"

He opened up the door for her and got in after she did. Together, they drove down the school road, and only Connor – from a well-concealed angle – watched them leave.


"And here it is… Finally, of all, is the clinic." Mettle ended.

"Looks like a morgue…" Jason commented and got Mettle laughing as they drew closer to the little building. Jason stopped further away from the building as he looked around the compound while Mettle went to knock at the door. "Any occurrences in school? Something like some creepy history I should be aware of?"

"Trident Hills is a peaceful place…" Mettle began as he knocked at the building. "It…"

He was cut short as the door suddenly came open.

"Doctor…" Mettle was cut short as he gasped. "Dame?"

He could instantly tell that something was wrong. Dame was standing at the door to the clinic, looking as white and pale as a ghost. He was almost turning blue, like someone who was rotten.

"Mettle… Sorry, I thought it was someone else. I…" Dame suddenly froze as he set eyes on the person standing behind Mettle. "Fuck, what have you done?"

"Sorry?" Mettle turned to look at Jason. He stood like a robot, his jaws clenched, his eyes glowing… glowing… "Jason, are you okay?"

Mettle turned from reflexes to Dame again but he was gone!


He turned back to Jason. There was no one in the spot where he stood a second ago.

Lost, Mettle moved away from the building, calling out for Dame and Jason.


The priest sat alone at the confessional, waiting as the last person confessed his sins. When no one else had come in, he knew it was over for the night.

Father Roberto stood and made his way out of the little space. It was night already. He was tired and the only thing on his mind was to have some rest. As he made his way through to the altar, he stopped suddenly, sighting someone in the shadow.

"Hello?" Roberto's voice echoed through the empty building. He was a young man in his late thirties. He was still loud and clear. The lady in the shadows stepped out now. She was much older and the veil over her head and arms showed she was a nun. Roberto heaved a sigh. "Sister Adrian and her love for the shadows."

"They are here, Father…"

Roberto froze, his humor suddenly gone as he stared at her for a while. "How could you be sure?"

"There were five of them – four after one. It was a hunt."

Roberto was nodding now. "Good." He sighed and made his way through to the sacristy.

"Let them come!"