
Success (2)

Editor: DarkGem /VirtualFrappe

Angele took a dark red herb from the crate. He initially sniffed it before he put some of its leaves inside his mouth. After several seconds, Angele threw away the herb without saying a word and took out a mud-like material from the other crate.

Angele tasted it, only to throw the whole piece away afterward. He kept repeating this procedure until he finally found something of use to him.

Angele looked surprised but was also happy. He was currently holding an egg-sized yellow ball full of holes, scrutinizing it with his eyes.

“I hope this one works.” Angele stared at this yellow ball.

He placed it inside a large beaker by the right side of the desk and grabbed a small glass bottle filled with some white, slimy liquid. He then poured some of the liquid into the large beaker.