
The Wizard World

Ye Song, who once lived in a technologically-advanced world, died and reincarnated into a noble teenager’s body in another world. A fantasy world filled with magic! A series of events filled with tragedy, action, etc. began to unfold one after the other when he fatefully encountered one of the most guarded secrets of this world, obtaining the legendary power of Wizards. Watch how he reaches unreachable heights as a powerful Wizard in this new world. ------ Release Rate: 7 Chapters/Week; One each day. P.S. This has become a serious problem so I have to put it in the synopsis: First, I would like to thank everyone who spends their time reading this book. Second, I just want to say that this is not a WMW (Warlock of the Magus World) copy. TWW finished two years before WMW started.

Get Lost · Fantasy
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646 Chs

Arrival (1)

Editor: DarkGem /VirtualFrappe

Clamors of Harpies blocked the sky and took the sunlight away from the deck. Some of them landed on the mast while making strange noises.


A strong sailor hurled his spear toward one of the Harpies and penetrated its chest. The Harpy’s body drew a curve in the air before it fell into the sea.

It seemed that the Harpies were enraged after one of them was killed. They finished dropping the stones and started attacking the sailors on the deck with their sharp claws.

The noises of Harpies’ wings mixed with the sailor’s battle cries fired up the battle. They engaged in close combat. The entire place was in complete chaos.

The Harpies left some deep scratches on the sailor’s shields, but several of them had already been slain by the experienced sailors.

Angele stood there and watched them fight quietly while Tymoral was already preparing his spell.