
Mastering Wizardry

I took my earnings and headed to the lord's manner and asked if I could visit his library and ended up paying a couple gold for the privilege though under supervision. I found a couple of books on magical theory that I hadn't read before so I read them and added notes to my own journal of the parts that I found of interest even a few diagrams and charts that were interesting if not specifically helpful. After spending six hours in the library I had exhausted my time allotted for the day and would have to come back again tomorrow and pay again though my first delve into the lord's library proved only slightly fruitful I figured I'd take extra care of finding any books I'd missed the previous day.

The first few days in the city my gold dwindling quickly I was forced to seek some kind of employment or be totally broke and not have the funds to eat and meanwhile my clothes were increasingly becoming dirty. In the end I spent 3 days in the lord's library and found 4 books that were useful though all but the last contained only magic theory the last was a introduction to lesser magic and from it I learned a couple interesting but weak spells that added some new damage options to my knowledge base acid and force. Once I had confirmed that I'd read everything of use in the lord's library I decided to join the adventurers guild to earn some coin and give me some practical combat experience.

Joining the adventurers guild is a simple thing simply pay a fee to apply and demonstrate your skill level and proficiency and regardless of how well you do you will only get a copper tag however if you do to poorly then your application is refused and you cannot apply for a year. I passed my application test with flying colors and quickly gathered up my tag which is a 4 by 9 cm plate on a necklace intended to be worn around the neck with the metal denoting your rank and the inscription marked your application number class type magic/cleric/melee/ranged name age and missions successfully finished which was enchanted into the metal and updated every time a mission was completed.

The rankings ascended by skill and difficulty and the normal path ended up being 10-12 copper rank missions to get to tin 20-30 tin rank missions to get to bronze and so on each rank increased the rewards and quests available copper is the lowest level and the missions typically were beyond easy often deliver a letter to x person across town or kill a spider or rat in my house tin missions moved up slightly and you got missions like wipe out the rats nest or destroy a hornets nest etc each level getting harder and more dangerous from there. The guild ranks were copper, tin, bronze, iron, steel, cobalt, silver, gold, mithril, adamantine, and diamond with the guild master being a separate rank though to be grand master you would also have to be a diamond rank warrior and each quest is given a point value with the lowest being 1 and the highest typically rewarded for epic quests completed on a level with saving civilization and kingdoms.

My first few quests were beyond simple and I completed 12 of them the first day and actually ranked up on my 10th quest so I started in on the first of the killing questions the hardest I found was killing a lone goblin that had gotten trapped in a basement. My second day as an adventurer was fairly boring and I managed to completely 10 quests with no issues other than having to chase down a goblin in a basement and that was because he was a sneaky brat. So far I'd made a entire 40 coppers doing missions and become a tin rank adventurer not bad nor great but I kept at it my supply of coins dwindling slowly as lodgings ate into them and food all of which cost about a silver a day I certainly wasn't making a profit yet but I figured if I kept at it I'd manage to earn some proper income soon.

My third day I earned my bronze plate after finishing my 18th tin rank mission and managed to start in on my bronze missions about noon finishing 5 before the day was done and then I got my most lucrative mission yet a escort mission into the woods to collect alchemy reagents and herbs I even picked up a little herb lore while guarding the alchemist. During the mission I even found a couple wild boars and collected everything of value I could from them which boosted my daily profits to two silver coins meaning I'd finally brought home more than my expenses. I was in a good mood so I took the next day off to try to find more books to study and ended up finding a odds and ends store with a good supply of books and other interesting things though I set aside a couple gold for expenses I splurged the remainder on the first book that caught my eye a large book on monster and beast lore and just to buy it took all but a couple silver coins out of the entirety of my funds even breaking into my set aside coins I just had to have it this world would not let me remain ignorant and alive.