
Potion Laboratory

Translator: Lonelytree

On the twenty-second floor, Dave found the familiar path and walked to the door of Izu's laboratory.

The door was ajar, but Dave didn't open it.

Instead, he knocked on the door and said respectfully, "May I ask if Lord Bobvia is here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wood grains on the originally smooth door suddenly began to bulge outward, and a terrifying human face slowly appeared.

The human face seemed to be smiling, but if one looked closely, it looked more like a crying mask.

It opened its mouth and spoke in human language.

"Oh, it's Dave.

"Why are you here so early today?"

Dave was used to this scene. He explained, "I plan to do my own experiment today. I've talked to Mrs. Izu, and she agreed."

Its face twisted, and its nose stuck out like rubber, sniffing Dave.

The tip of its nose twitched as if it was savoring the aftertaste for a moment before it said, "Yes, you don't smell like you're lying.

"Come in."

Its face shrank back, and the door slowly opened as if someone had pushed it.

David breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the lab.

The laboratory wasn't small. It could even be considered spacious.

There were six experiment tables neatly placed inside, and there were also scattered cabinets around them, which were filled with all kinds of experimental equipment.

Although it was called a laboratory, it was actually the potion workshop of Mrs. Izu and her apprentices.

Dave saw the apprentices slacking off or making potions every day.

Dave was always envious when he saw expensive potions being successfully made.

The equipment was covered with a white cloth to prevent the experimental equipment from being contaminated by dust.

Dave's job in the lab was to clean and tidy the lab every day, as well as the preliminary processing and storage of some raw materials.

In other words, he was a handyman.

Because of this, he only needed to work for about two hours a day and barely had enough time to go back and do his own things, such as practicing spells.

David was eager to test the experiment equipment, but he was not in a hurry to verify what he had learned recently.

Instead, he first opened the cabinet and took out a few common extracts from it to check.

Then, he opened the next cabinet to see if there were any problems with the materials inside.

If they were missing or damaged, he would list them on the list and hand them over to Hall, who was in charge of these things, before he left every day.

Then, it was the next cabinet…The drawer…Experimental equipment.

The tedious work was dull and boring.

Dave didn't feel bored inspecting the common items in the potion lab.

Ever since he started working here, he had hoped to have his own potion laboratory.

Although with his current financial strength, he was still far from this wish.

However, every time he checked these things, Dave always had the illusion that this laboratory belonged to him.

To put it simply, it was a pleasure.

Of course, Dave didn't forget to check the two cabinets in the innermost part of the room.

It was an experiment table that was much bigger than the others.

This was Mrs. Izu's exclusive table. No one was allowed to go near it, not even the other apprentices.

One of the system tasks requested Dave to open a cabinet there. As long as Dave was not out of his mind, he would not do such a thing.

He reached out to the last cabinet in front of him. Dave remembered that it contained a material called hemp leaf.

After burning, it will release a kind of smoke with a slightly weaker hallucinatory effect, which can be used to make a variety of potions.

Unexpectedly, as the cabinet door opened, something curled up rolled out.

Dave was startled and took a few steps back subconsciously. He had already prepared his most familiar spell, Acid Splash.

But he took a closer look and realized it was a person.

He was wearing an apprentice's uniform similar to Dave's, with a few hemp leaves draped over his body.

However, the badge on his chest indicated his identity, a Level 1 Acolyte.

Dave relaxed a little. He recognized the man's face.

Glenn Chester.

A level 1 acolyte.

Unlike level 3 acolytes like Dave, level 2 and level 1 acolytes had the qualifications to become formal disciples.

After becoming a formal disciple, one would be able to receive the Mages' care in the future, receive specialized guidance, and even receive assistance such as Magic Stones loans.

Glenn was one of Mrs. Izu's apprentices.

Dave's impression of him was that he was a mischievous student who was always laughing.

However, he must be very talented. He was only a few years older than Dave, and he was already a level-1 apprentice. He was also quite skilled in potionology. Dave had seen that the potions he made were much more difficult than the other apprentices in the laboratory.

He seemed to be asleep at the moment. His breathing was very even, and he did not look like he was in trouble.

Dave hesitated for a moment but still shook him.

If he continued to lie here, it would undoubtedly affect his work.

After shaking a few times, he finally woke up.

"Ah, David."

Glenn opened his eyes drowsily and recognized him.

He looked around and scratched his head.

"Burp…I'm sorry, I slept here because I wasn't feeling well yesterday. I've caused you trouble, haven't I?"

"No, you haven't."

Dave shook his head.

Dave was a little shocked, but it was not to the extent of causing trouble.

Glenn nodded, got up from the ground, and patted the dust off his body.

He took out a Magic Stone from his pocket and threw it to Dave.

"Here, take it as an apology."

Ignoring the surprise on Dave's face. He reached out and took out a purple potion.

He opened the bottle cap with one hand and directly put the potion to his lips, gulping it down.

Dave's eyelids twitched.

This was a magic potion!

Although he didn't know the specific quality of the potion, even the lowest-level acolyte potion would cost more than one magic stone.

Did he drink it so casually?

However, this was not the only thing that shocked him.

Glenn suddenly covered his mouth not long after he drank the potion.

"I... I..."

His eyes widened as he knelt on the ground and struggled.

A hand involuntarily reached into his mouth and kept pinching his throat.

Finally, he vomited.

The purple liquid that he had just drunk was spat out on the ground along with a few pieces of things.

There was also a strong sour smell.

Dave frowned. He was the cleaner. Why did Glenn make himself vomit?

He would have to mop the floor again later…

However, for the sake of that magic stone, he could still endure this level of work.

However, when Dave glanced at the pieces on the ground, he suddenly shivered.

He recognized what those pieces were!

They were segments of a finger!

A human finger!