
The Library

When she walked into the library Isabella was surprised to see that Potter was already sitting at a table, book open, quill and ink at hand. He was scribbling on a paper beside his book though.

"Finally you're here, Bella." He remarked as she sat down next to him. He hid the paper under his book, Isabella wanted to ask what it was but she decided against it.

"It's 'Isabella' to you, Potter. I'm surprised you're already here. Also, quiet down will you? We're in a Library."

"You may think I'm irresponsible, but I can be punctual." Potter retorted. Whatever that paper was, he really must have not wanted Isabella to see it because he hid it in his pocket. He really was terrible at being inconspicuous.

"Ok, first off, I don't think you're irresponsible, I know you are. And you're late to every class, so I wouldn't say punctual." She said. Her tone was a bit teasing.

"I suppose you're right..." he said very quietly.

"I'm always right, Potter. Now let's get started on these notes." Potter groaned when she said that. "We wouldn't be here if you had done these in class, so don't start complaining." She slapped his shoulder lightly with a book.

"Ow. What am I, your personal punching bag?"

"No... but good idea. Come on, start reading and taking notes! Write down at least two important things from each paragraph. Easy enough, right?" He rolled his eyes at her, but grudgingly started to read.

Isabella opened her book, it was one from her personal library. She had gotten it at a muggle bookstore. It was very interesting to see how muggles perceived magic. Most of it was completely unrealistic, but nonetheless the book managed to keep her hooked.

"Bellaaaa" Nick whispered after around forty minutes. "I'm done."

She put her book down (gosh darn Potter. She had just gotten to chapter 55, the interesting part. He really did know how to ruin a moment). And it looked like he wasn't going to stop calling her bella.

"Alright then, let me see." She took the notebook from him.

He seemed to do just as she asked. He took out the important bits and stitched it together. Overall not terrible. It was enough to get him through a test.

"Good job... I'm impressed Potter. Why couldn't you do this in class?"

"I don't know... didn't feel like it I guess..? I would've done it tomorrow, but I guess Binns has had enough of my procrastination in the past two years."

"Any teacher would be fed up by it."

"My assignments aren't usually late... they're just done the night before or day that they're due..."

"Uhuh. Well, since you're done I guess you can leave. Unless you're going to look at books with me." She was sure he was going to refuse, that was the only reason she suggested it. She started to walk towards the bookshelves. But just imagine her surprise when she heard his response.

"Sure" He put his books and notes in his bag, and got up to follow her. Nick knew she wasn't expecting him to say yes. He was planning on checking out a book anyways.

Isabella continued to browse the shelves, ignoring Potter who trailed behind her. He occasionally took out a book to look at it, but he never strayed too far from her.

Isabella glanced at him every now and then, each time stunned to see him holding a book and actually reading it. Who knew slacker Potter would actually like to read?

She was just about to reach for a book that was on a high shelf, before realizing that she was too short too reach it. She was about to take out her wand to levitate it down but Potter stopped her. He was just tall enough to reach it. He leaned over close to her to reach for it.

"This one?" He asked as he handed it to her with care.

"Yes, thank you." She didn't move, and neither did he.

Potter leaned in closer to her to read the book she held. She could feel his breath on her face.

"Looks interesting." He said. "You gonna get it?"

"I think so..." she kept her voice steady and calm.

Potter was surprised she hadn't slapped him away or anything. She kept her composure. Not showing any sign of discomfort. He was so close to her, that her hair brushed his cheek.

"Alright well, I should head back to common room..."

"Yeah me too..."

Nick straightened himself and walked with Isabella to check out the books. He had grabbed a book earlier.

They parted ways at the library exit. She had already started to walk away when he called-

"See ya tomorrow Bella!"

"Au revoir, Potter." She replied, not once looking back.

Back at the Ravenclaw common room, Isabella sat down at one of the armchairs and opened her book to read.

Perhaps now she could finish Chapter 55 in peace.

"How'd it go?" Mira approached her and asked.

"It went well." She simply replied.

"Good." She didn't ask anything else so Isabella went back to her book.