
Quidditch (3-Trying Out continued)

"Isabella!" Darcy waved her over. "Our B team Seeker is Bailey Connors. He's the one with the buzzcut hair, and the red ribbon on his broomstick?"

She nodded.

"He's pretty good, but if your Beauxbatons record holds true, you're better. Professor Bletchley showed it to me. Pretty amazing." She told her. Then to the whole team she said "Alright everyone! We're gonna have a short match! Mix the teams up!" Darcy's team was a Mix of team A and B, just like Adam's Team (Adam would be Captain after Darcy left the team, which is why he's the one leading the other team).

"Ready?" Professor Bletchley called. She was there to coach and referee.

"Ready!" They called back.

She blew the whistle and threw the quaffle in the air. Isabella took position in midfield. Bailey was on the opposite end.

James, well Jace, had possession of the ball. He was on Darcy's team. Jace swooped down, avoiding the other players, then he passed the to Darcy, who had to swerve to catch it. She went in for a goal, but Adam blocked it. He was a pretty good keeper. The game went on like this back and forth, both Keepers managed to keep most of the goals out but Darcy was able to sneak a few past Adam.

Isabella flew around the field a few times, keenly looking for the little golden ball. And doing her best to avoid the Bludgers that came her way.

Then she saw a glint of gold flying around near left field.

The snitch.

This was her chance.

Bailey hadn't noticed it yet. So she went to left field, discretely trying to get closer to it. But unfortunately She wasn't discrete enough because Adam noticed. He signaled Bailey. Almost immediately, Bailey zoomed towards her.

"Shoot." She muttered.

Isabella leaned forward, picking up speed on her broom.

"Cmon... cmon..." Bailey was right behind her.

The snitch was getting close to the walls and going lower down.

Isabella was so close to it.

Then Bailey cut her off by moving in front of her abruptly. She didn't let it faze her. Time to pull off a special move.

She held on steadily to her broom and dived, almost touching the ground, then she pulled back up quickly, causing her to be right under Bailey.

This caught him by surprise, he immediately pulled up, thinking that she would crash into him, which caused him to lose the snitch. The audience in the stands gasped in awe.

Isabella was still right behind the Snitch. She reached her hand out, the snitch was an inch away.

She boosted her self forwards a bit and then closed her fingers around the little golden ball before pulling up and to a stop.

The whistle blew.

She let out a deep breath. She did it... looks like she hadn't lost too much practice.

Professor Bletchley (well in this case 'Coach B') called them down to the ground.

"Good job, it only lasted around an hour and thirty minutes. Good game, you were 80 to 70 before Isabella caught the snitch for Darcy's Team. Isabella, I say we make you A team's Seeker."

"Agreed. You've got skill, Dumont." Darcy said.

"A great opponent. I think I underestimated you, Dumont." Bailey spoke up, grinning at her.

Isabella smiled at them.

"Welcome to the team, Isabella." Adam patted her on the back.

She might've just met some of these people, but she sure felt like she belonged here.

"Ok everyone, you all did good. Keep up practice. We can't let the Gryffindors take the Cup this year." Coach B turned to Isabella with a stern look on her face. "Perhaps now, we'll be able to take home the gold. Alright, enjoy the rest of your weekend. We'll get into some real practices next week." Coach B waved them off. They all went to the common room to change out. Isabella spent around half an hour in the bathrooms.

The others had gone off to who knows where.

"Hey, Isabella!" It was Jace. "You did really good out there. Haven't seen a dive like that in a while."

"Thanks. We learn a lot of those types of moves at Beauxbatons. We do spins and other stuff too. I think most of it's for show though."

"That's awesome." The way his grey eyes widened, he was clearly impressed. "So how you liking Hogwarts?"

"Oh it's great!"

They talked for a while, eventually venturing off into topics like the Quidditch World Cup, or favorite books. It didn't seem like long but in truth it was a bit over half an hour. It turned out they had more in common that they thought. The two of them were soon interrupted.

"Yo! Isabellaaaaa!!!" Mira ran up from behind. "Adam said you made the team! Congrats."

"Thanks Mira." Isabella replied, smiling brightly.

"I'll see you round, Isabella." Jace waved bye at her and turned to leave. It seemed that he was going out to the courtyard or just outside. Maybe Hogsmeade? Fourth years were allowed there whenever.

"Oh ok.... bye then!" Isabella waved back.

"Interesting...." Mira muttered.

"Huh?" Isabella was confused. 'What was interesting? Had she missed something?' She thought.

"Nothing, Nothin at all" Mira waved her off. 'James is usually the quiet type. Closed off and stuff. He seemed to have approached Isabella though... and he got along with her...' Mira pondered this.

She let it go though, and said to Isabella,

"Come on! We should go meet the others. They're at brunch." It was ten AM. Food was calling her. At the mention of food her stomach grumbled.

At the table, they all congratulated her. Jane said she had watched the practice, and praised her on her swift moves.

Adam dramatized the scene (when she caught the snitch) a little too much when he told it to Philip. Isabella had to jump in every now and then to make sure Adam didn't get too carried away telling the story.