

A being beyond your comprehension experiences a the birth of universe and the sheer magnitude of the spectacle of it captivated him to explore,from universe to galaxy and to a planet to another. he shall go fourth searching for life, in lust for exploration till the very end he shall go fourth explorering depths and secrets that the world holds

Senash_Kaushalya · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Zeus, your highness!" An inferior god from the crowd shouted across the room. His expression vividly worried that the King of Olympus would reprimand him for his lack of decorum.

"Speak! And make it quick," Zeus said, indifferent for the opinion of a mere subject.

"What are we supposed to do with the mortals?"

"It's not a problem for me to resolve. Getting rid of them would be the only logical answer… Or using them for other purposes." The mighty god said with a lascivious intent in his voice. "Mere mortals are nothing compared to the power of us gods. They're our toys to play with."

"Didn't they come from paradise like we did?"

"Why are you so fond of these mortals? Are you perhaps infatuated with one of them?!" Zeus spoke loudly to muffle his bargain.

"No, my lord."

"Very well, the… Then let's handle this as your beloved mortals. Let's take a vote. Does anyone have objections if we annihilate the plague of mortals?"

The room fell pin drop silent.No one dared to raise a hand to vote. the approval of agreement never felt heavier in the atmosphere. Zeus, with one malicious objective, pushed forward to defent the mysterious being beyond grasp.

A crippled and deformed mortal from the treacherous wasteland made his way to the Royal Palace.

"Sire,My god."The mortal started to speak.

"Please spare me from my dispear.Me.. And my family has been starving for months."

"Please, I ask thou might...t-.to provide us with food."

The Mortal was terrified under the roof of the Palace.

The crowd broke into laughter seeing the pitiful scene.The mortal's picture of the might of gods shattered into bits of despair.

"How dare you!.Filith like you have no rights."

"You are below the hierarchy.you are lower than shit!"

The crowd crackled with laughter upon seeing the mortal.They started kicking around the mortal with no sign of remorse and emotion.The mortal bouncing every direction where the gods kick him to.the mortal was in a indefinable pain he started outwailing to let him loose.The mortal desprete for revenge.He stayed resilent.

"I bet your family is dead by now."

"we sent the 3 guards of Zeus to eliminate them."

The mortal's resolve wavered, a hesitation grabbed upon his heart and he raised his hand towards his waist where the god's blade had plunged deep. His fingers brushed against the cold steel his foe was about receive the product of fury

With a surge of primal fury fueled by pain , he caught the handle of the blade embedded in his body. Zeus eyes widened in disbelief as the mortal summoned the last reserves of his strength to his advantage.the god who was about to receive his sentence smirk faltered, replaced by shock as life drained from his immortal form,the blood splatted over the holy lands of patmos.The mortal took a step back, grasping his breath.

His vision started beign blurred by tears of agony and triumph.

"Noo!!.." Hydespes walied in agony. making sure everyone gets a glipes of his might, he unleashes his aura .letting it roam wild



Hydaspes, collaped to his knees beside Iris's lifeless form: "She was everything good in this world. How can she go on without her light?"

"She never harmed you."

"she was just passing by"hydaspes was spoiled with despair

"All gods...All of them.they nothing but filth including you"

"Kill me".the mortal screamed while tearing up "I've already lost everything.what else is there for me to loose "the mortal screamed with a demonic laugh.

As the words echoed through the holy lands, Zeus's rage screamed out. his eyes blazed like lightning as a deafening roar tore through the heavens a flicker of wisdom passes through Zeus, With effort,he calmed himself.before he could wreak havoc beyond measure

Suddenly the sword impaled on Zeus throne started flickering with darkness.

"Zeus I entrust this swords to you this is your ancestor's creation of dark.This is forbidden for using" Zeus was struck by a bone-chilling vision ,a dark, monstrous blur hinting at an unimaginable creature lurking in the shadows of the swords. The essence of this creature seemed to cast a aura of darkness over the castle, sending an scary shiver down Zeus. Not even Zeus himself, could escape the primal fear evoked by the mysterious depths of the universe. The air grew thick with an ominous aura .the air pregnant with the weight of impending doom, Zeus struggled to act not terrified.

"Kill,slaughter all.revenge,power,hold me!!"The howling whispers entered the forbidden ear of the mortal mind.his forehead started bleeding.The mortal screamed in agony but to no avail.no one can hear his lament for a redemption.

"Say the words..."The swords screamed in silence

The mortal hesitated to accept the devil but he uttered the words" I choose you "


It was walking towards me .An unseen force, the sword gave off a smirk, it hurtled towards the mortal,its trajectory aimed to me.its precision was aimed towards the outstretched hand of the mortal. The mortal, started laughing of witnessing the evil aura.

The sword came into contact with the mortal's hand, a dark wave shot through the castle ,killing a minority of gods, it contact sends tremors of fear flowing through the majority of gods.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!!" Zeus screamed in order to hold up a fair fight so the other gods won't be in harms way

With a feared gasp, the crowd scattered in panicked chaos, Each being, gripped by primal instinct,they fled into distance hoping to be saved. The darkness started unraveling above skies.meteorites hurtling through the stratosphere. Blakish green skies arises with the demon Azazel

In the wake of Azazel, whispers of terror lighted , rumors of the dark swords arose.

"What is your name mortal?!"Zeus demanded trying to small talk.

"Mortal?"the once a mortal's voice deepened into the abyss

"What do you mean?"

"Well My name is it you asked, was it"he said with a noticibale grin painted on his face