
The Witches Of Devona

I ran as fast as I could. " you can't run away from me forever sweetheart, you are mine." He said, " what do you want from me?" I screamed at the top of my voice. I was frightened. "Isn't it obvious by now?" He asked but it was more of a statement. Suddenly, he was in front of me making me stop abruptly. He placed his hand on my face, and his fingers pierced into my skin, drawing out blood, I winced in pain. He brought his face close to mine. "You, I want you, Deva," Following that, he disappeared into thin air. My eyes flew open. My breathing was faster than usual. I had been dreaming. "It's him... Again" I whispered. "He's the one turning my dreams into nightmares." He's been doing this since the day I turned 15. I'm Deva Devona, a 20-year-old princess and the only daughter of Queen Devina. I grew up without the love of a mother. My Mother, Queen Devina, is a very powerful witch whose only worry is her kingdom. She's very powerful so she's feared by many including werewolves, vampires, and demons. Demons... Excluding the man who has been tormenting me in my dreams, even my mother fears him which means whoever he is, he's a mighty being. Little things I could gather of him told me he was indeed a very powerful person. The most powerful person in the world.

Angel_oz · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7


I walked into the dining room and spotted Lucifer and Hades, the rude guy, standing beside him while Lucifer stared at his food.

"Good morning, Your Highness, and to you, Hades," I greeted sarcastically, earning an angry groan from Hades as I took my seat.

"You do not sit until the Lord instructs you to," Hades bellowed.

"Hades," Lucifer warned, but I simply smiled at both of them and savored the delicious aroma of the ham on the platter before me as I began to eat, while Lucifer sipped from his coffee mug.

"I thought your mother always taught you not to be late for anything?" Lucifer questioned.

"Yes, she did. I was just too busy to listen to her nonsense," I replied, surprising even myself with the confidence in my tone.

"Lucifer," I called, and Hades looked even angrier than before. Lucifer glanced at me briefly before standing up.

"I know how to deal with her just right," Lucifer declared, and Hades nodded in satisfaction.


"She calls you by your name," Hades observed, bowing his head. It was forbidden for anyone to address him as Lucifer except for Devina and insignificant humans, but he remained unfazed.

"My lord, I think you're keeping her too quiet," Hades suggested.

"I know what I'm doing, Hades," Lucifer retorted.

"My lord," Hades persisted, bowing again. "Her grandmother came to visit."

"You do not tell me what I already know, Hades," Lucifer replied curtly.

"My apologies, my lord," Hades conceded.

Lucifer paced anxiously in his chamber, his mind consumed by thoughts of his father. As he called out to Father in his head, a figure materialized before him—a man with hair as white as his own, and silver eyes mirroring his gaze, albeit with age etched into their depths.

"Father," Lucifer murmured reverently. This man was his progenitor, the first Devil, sent down from heaven by the creator. Yet, there were untold secrets surrounding his lineage, mysteries that lingered in the shadows of Lucifer's mind.

"I need your advice, Father," Lucifer implored, his voice laden with desperation. But his father remained silent, his gaze piercing through Lucifer's soul with unwavering intensity.

"It has already been decreed, son. You cannot alter fate; the creator has inscribed your destiny, and you must confront it head-on," his father spoke in a solemn tone, his words resonating with finality. And with that, he vanished into the ether, leaving Lucifer grappling with the weight of his inheritance.

Lucifer was left reeling, his thoughts swirling in a tempest of doubt and fear. How could he hope to emerge victorious where his father had faltered? The daunting prospect of facing his adversaries loomed large, casting a shadow over his resolve. Perhaps, in the face of insurmountable odds, the most rational course of action lay in extinguishing the source of his turmoil—Devalina.


"That Hades is so annoying. Why does he have to comment on everything? He's just a servant," I complained to Lauren.

"He's a master," Lauren corrected gently.

"I don't care. He wants Lucifer to hate me more than he already does," I grumbled, noticing Lauren's chuckle.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked, slightly amused.

"No, just that you look pretty when you're annoyed," she admitted, bringing a smile to my face.

"About Hades... I still can't believe you like that jerk. Wow, that's really surprising," I remarked, prompting a nostalgic smile from Lauren.

"Since I was 15," she confessed.

"Nine years! That's a long time. So, he never noticed you?" I inquired sympathetically.

"No," she replied sadly.

"Don't worry. He's going to notice you today," I assured her, unveiling my plan for a little makeover..

"How? My princess," she asked.

"What about a little makeover," I suggested, watching her eyes widen with surprise.

"It is inappropriate for a palace maid to wear makeup, only hookers and ladies are allowed," she said, her expression filled with terror.

"And it is not inappropriate for a princess to give an order for a palace maid to obey," I asserted firmly.

Thirty minutes later...

"You can look at yourself in the mirror now," I announced. Lauren gazed at her reflection, her eyes widening in amazement.

"Oh my goodness," she exclaimed, admiring her transformed appearance.

"Thank you so much, my princess," she expressed her gratitude.

"You are welcome," I replied with a smile.

"So, my other plan is that you would follow me for lunch, and I guess Hades would be there to annoy me. You are going to be standing by my side today, and Hades's annoying self is going to be with Lucifer. He won't take his eyes off you," I explained, noticing her smile in response.


Lauren walked behind me with her head bowed to the floor. As we entered the dining room, I observed Hades standing beside Lucifer, who was seated and staring at his food as usual.

"Always late," Hades murmured.

"Good day, my lord and master Hades,"

Lauren greeted respectfully, but both Lucifer and Hades ignored her. I took a seat with Lauren standing beside me, and we began to eat. I noticed Hades's attention was fixed on me rather than Lauren.

"Lucifer," I called, but he continued eating without acknowledging me.

"Always deaf," I remarked, and Lucifer stopped eating immediately..

"Now what do you want, little witch?" he asked irritably.

"Can you please tell Hades to stop staring at me? What does he want?" I inquired, but Lucifer remained focused on his meal.

"What is she doing here?" Hades interjected, referring to Lauren, who appeared visibly frightened.

"What are you doing here?" I countered.

"Are you so blind that you can't see that I'm with the lord?" Hades retorted, annoyance evident in his tone.

"And are you so blind that you can't see that she is with me?" I retorted.

"I just feel like killing you," Hades threatened.

"Hades," Lucifer intervened, prompting Hades to quickly bow his head.

"You wouldn't want me to repeat myself," Lucifer warned, causing Hades to glare angrily at me before turning his attention to Lauren.

"My lord, the maid is wearing makeup," Hades informed Lucifer, who glanced at Lauren, her head bowed to avoid meeting his gaze.

"I did it. I just wanted to use her for something," I confessed to Lucifer, who then turned his gaze to Hades.

"Take her to the dorms. Make sure that thing is cleaned," Lucifer instructed, and I smiled in satisfaction. Lauren looked at me, and I nodded to reassure her.

Now it's just me and Lucifer.

Meanwhile, as Lauren and Hades walked back to the dining room, Hades halted and glanced at her for a moment.

"So, you've just become a slut," Hades remarked, causing Lauren to look at him, deeply hurt by his words.

"The last time I checked, you were just a normal palace maid," he added callously, prompting Lauren to wipe away her makeup with water.

As they resumed their journey to the dining room, Lauren reached for the door handle, but Hades stopped her, holding her hand and drawing her closer to himself.

"You didn't catch my attention, let alone my love," he declared coldly.

To be continued...