
The Witches Of Devona

I ran as fast as I could. " you can't run away from me forever sweetheart, you are mine." He said, " what do you want from me?" I screamed at the top of my voice. I was frightened. "Isn't it obvious by now?" He asked but it was more of a statement. Suddenly, he was in front of me making me stop abruptly. He placed his hand on my face, and his fingers pierced into my skin, drawing out blood, I winced in pain. He brought his face close to mine. "You, I want you, Deva," Following that, he disappeared into thin air. My eyes flew open. My breathing was faster than usual. I had been dreaming. "It's him... Again" I whispered. "He's the one turning my dreams into nightmares." He's been doing this since the day I turned 15. I'm Deva Devona, a 20-year-old princess and the only daughter of Queen Devina. I grew up without the love of a mother. My Mother, Queen Devina, is a very powerful witch whose only worry is her kingdom. She's very powerful so she's feared by many including werewolves, vampires, and demons. Demons... Excluding the man who has been tormenting me in my dreams, even my mother fears him which means whoever he is, he's a mighty being. Little things I could gather of him told me he was indeed a very powerful person. The most powerful person in the world.

Angel_oz · Fantasy
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9 Chs

chapter 2

I've grown closer to Marvan; he treats me like royalty, and with each passing day, I find myself falling deeper for him. Tomorrow marks our wedding day, a moment I've eagerly awaited, longing to be by his side every step of the way. I can't help but apologize for my swift affection, but in his presence, it feels natural, like destiny unfolding before me. As I lay eyes on the exquisite blue gown awaiting me, anticipation bubbles within, mingled with nerves and excitement.

"Why the radiant smile?" Dariana's voice breaks through my reverie, her own grin infectious.

"Perhaps it's the promise of a fairy tale ending," Paula interjects playfully.

"You're both off the mark," I reply softly, their puzzled expressions prompting a chuckle. While Paula tends to my hair, Dariana rises with news that ignites a spark of joy within me.

"I have news, Princess Deva," she announces with a gleam in her eye.

"What is it?" I inquire eagerly, a surge of anticipation coursing through me.

"I'm pregnant," she reveals, her hand instinctively resting on her stomach.

"Truly?" I gasp, unable to contain my excitement. "When did you find out?"

"Just yesterday," she replies, her smile radiant with happiness.

"Jarax was overjoyed when I told him," she adds, referencing her husband, who serves as a palace guard alongside Paula's own spouse. A pang of sympathy washes over me as I observe Paula's wistful expression, silently acknowledging her longing.

"Congratulations, Dariana. And Paula, your turn will come soon enough," I offer, seeking to assuage her melancholy. "He'll return to you before you know it," I assure her, prompting a grateful smile and nod in response.

"What if I were to persuade Grandmother to hire your husband as a palace guard?" I suggest to Paula, her eyes alight with hope at the notion.

"That would be a dream come true, Princess," she exclaims gratefully, bowing her head in gratitude.

"Do you think he would accept?" I query, eager to ensure his happiness.

"Absolutely. He's always harbored a deep desire to serve here," Paula confirms, her smile mirroring my own as we share a moment of levity.

"So, what's the deal with you and Marvan? Does he like you?" Dariana's curious inquiry drew my attention, prompting a moment of reflection on our budding relationship.

"Hmm, I'm not entirely sure, but I think he does," I admitted, mentally retracing each interaction we'd shared.

"Has he kissed you yet?" Dariana pressed further, her playful grin reflecting her mischief.

I glanced at her and then shyly looked away, a soft smile tugging at my lips. "Not yet, but tomorrow," I confessed, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect.

Paula chimed in with her own curiosity, "So, are you planning to... you know, get intimate with him tomorrow?"

The thought made me blush, but I couldn't help but smile at the anticipation. "Only if he asks for it," I replied, my heart fluttering at the idea.

Paula offered some insight, "Well, it might be a bit uncomfortable at first, especially since he's a vampire. They're not known for taking things slow and easy."

Dariana countered with a more optimistic view, "But hey, you never know. He might surprise you and be gentle."

As the conversation veered into awkward territory, I couldn't help but interject, "Alright, let's change the subject. Can we stop talking about my soon-to-be husband now?"

Paula teased, "Someone's getting jealous," prompting laughter from all of us. Their lighthearted banter never failed to lift my spirits, reminding me of the bond we shared and how much they meant to me.


Nerves and excitement mingled as I stepped into the grand ballroom with my mother and grandmother by my side. My eyes immediately sought out Marvan, who exuded charm and grace as he engaged in conversation with another guest. When his gaze met mine, a warm smile graced his lips, setting my heart aflutter.

Approaching me with all the poise of a prince, Marvan extended his hand, and I accepted it eagerly, feeling a surge of joy as he pressed a gentle kiss to my knuckles.

"May I have this dance, Princess?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

With a nod and a smile, I acquiesced, allowing him to lead me to the center of the room. As we swayed to the soft strains of music, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, enveloped in his strong embrace.

"You look absolutely stunning today," Marvan remarked, his words sending a blush to my cheeks.

"And you look dashing," I replied, unable to contain my admiration.

"I can't wait to marry you," he confessed, his gaze filled with adoration.

The words hung in the air, laden with emotion, and before I could respond, darkness descended, shattering the idyllic moment. Thunder roared, and a deep, ominous voice reverberated through the room, sending shivers down my spine.

"What's happening?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear as I clung to Marvan, seeking solace in his arms.

"Don't worry, my love. Just stay close to me," he reassured me, his arms encircling me protectively.

But before we could comprehend the source of the disturbance, a figure emerged, cloaked in darkness and seated upon the throne. The sight sent a chill down my spine, and I watched in horror as my mother and grandmother bowed before him, fear etched upon their faces.

"Lucifer," my mother whispered, her voice laden with dread.

The veiled figure revealed himself, his otherworldly beauty captivating all who beheld him. Silver eyes gleamed with malice, and a cruel smirk twisted his lips as he surveyed the room.

"The devil," someone murmured, and the truth sent a ripple of fear through the crowd.

As Marvan urged me to flee the chaos unfolding in the ballroom, I hesitated, torn between my duty to my family and the overwhelming sense of danger that permeated the air. His urgency was palpable, his words a stark reminder of the gravity of our situation.

"No, my grandmother and mother are here, I can't leave them," I protested, my heart heavy with concern for their safety.

"Can't you see who is sitting on the throne? He is the devil," Marvan implored, his voice laced with urgency as he took hold of my hands, his touch a reassuring anchor amidst the turmoil.

Reluctantly, I acquiesced, allowing Marvan to guide me to the safety of my mother's chamber. As we sought refuge within its walls, Marvan's embrace offered fleeting solace, his love a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume us.

But our respite was short-lived as Lucifer, the embodiment of malevolence, materialized before us once more. His presence was suffocating, his aura radiating with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"Stay away from us," Marvan asserted, his voice tinged with defiance as he faced the devil head-on, his gaze unwavering despite the palpable fear that gripped us all.

Lucifer's laughter reverberated through the chamber, a chilling reminder of his power and cruelty. "Do I have to stress myself all the time?" he mocked, his words dripping with contempt as he advanced menacingly.

"He is the devil, Marvan. You can't fight him," I interjected, my voice trembling with fear as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of our predicament.

Marvan's response was measured yet resolute. "I don't want to fight him, only distract him," he declared, his eyes ablaze with determination as he sought to shield me from harm.

But Lucifer's laughter only grew louder, mocking our feeble attempts at resistance. "Distract me? That is impossible," he sneered, his gaze piercing through the veil of our defiance with unnerving precision.

Marvan's grip tightened around me, his fingers like steel bands as they enclosed my trembling form. "You won't take her anywhere while I'm here," his voice resonated with an unmistakable edge of possessiveness.

His rival, undeterred, stepped closer, a smirk playing on his lips. "What do you mean, when I already had her in my arms," he retorted, his words carried on a strong breeze that seemed to draw me closer to him against my will. The contrast between their touches was stark; Marvan's grasp was protective yet suffocating, while the newcomer's touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine.

As the tension escalated, I found myself caught between these two opposing forces. Lucifer's strong hands held me tightly, pressing me against his solid frame, offering warmth but also a sense of imprisonment. I couldn't deny the strange allure of his presence, even as I recognized the danger he represented. "What is wrong with me?" I wondered, feeling ensnared in the devil's embrace.

Just then, Marvan issued a menacing threat, his voice laced with fury. "Get away from her or else."

But the arrival of the grandmother shifted the dynamics once more. "Or else what?" she challenged, her entrance injecting a new layer of complexity into the confrontation.

Her unexpected support for the devil took me by surprise, and I exchanged a bewildered glance with my mother, who rushed into the room in a desperate attempt to intervene.

"Lucifer, please give her back. Take me instead," my mother pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

To my horror, Lucifer's response was laced with contempt. "To do what? Use you as a s*x doll? You are nothing but an old witch who cares little for her own daughter. She is mine now."

The mention of such degradation caused Marvan to murmur a retort, his words dripping with disdain. "S*x doll," he muttered under his breath, loud enough for everyone present to hear.

My grandmother's reaction was swift and venomous. "Shut up, little vampire," she spat, her animosity towards Marvan palpable.

But Lucifer remained unfazed, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "You didn't love her when I gave you the chance to," he stated coldly, his words hanging heavily in the air.

To be continued...