
The Witches Of Avalon

Adams_SDA · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Fear filled the atmosphere, the subjects all bow their face, none of them dare raise their heads up to look at what transpired. The King looks furious while backing his throne. Still in his furiousness, he smiles wickedly thinking all through what he would do to his subject kneeling at the center of the throne room.

"You know..." The King said slowly turning his back away from the throne and facing it this time. "Her father gave me that. I was never known to be of a lineage of this throne, her falling in love with me was a blessing..." he paused for a while "…and you dare take that blessing away"

"Forgive me your highness, I tried my very best to see into a fast recovery for her highness but .."

"But she died. My wife died...in your hands" He said and slowly walked to the throne. His every steps he took, echoed to the throne room.

"Your highness, believe me, I tried my best to see you her healings. I gave in my very best your highness"

"But she still drops dead...that would be the very ordeal of the day. What have I done to you to deserve this Galahad?"

"Your highness, you've done nothing to deserve this from me and to add, I did not take the Queen's life."

"I placed her in your care, I trusted this so called Magic, but where did it lead me? WHERE GALAHAD? You couldn't even be sure of your self, of your power"

"Your Highness, My Lord, there are trial and errors sometimes. Things don't just work out in some way"

"Trials and Errors huh?" The king chuckled, and with the aids of his hands to cover them."You know what hurts me the most Galahad, " He stood up again walking down from the throne and standing feets away from it. "Is that your Errors had to take away someone's life and not just a peasant life but the life of a royal, the life of my WIFE Galahad...my wife"

"I did my best"

"Your best wasn't enough Galahad. You still killed her"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did. She was under your care"

"And I did my very best"

"No you didn't,you killed my wife,you killed Cera"

"No your highness, I did my best. It happened that your wife is cursed"

"Cursed!?" He exclamations was with anger. "You stand here before me, telling it to my face, at this chamber, the king's chamber, that my wife is cursed? You disgust me Galahad, you and your power disgust me. I gave you a roof to live in, a place for you and your son but you repay me back with death.....you and your disdainful magic"

"You got it wrong Your highness, Magic is everything... everything works around magic. We happen to live in a world of magic....magic is life, we are magic and magic, is us"

"Your gibberish speech on magic won't save you from what you just did. Morpheus" The King called on his adviser who stood upright with a very long golden staff which at the top was an sculptured little Eagle head. He was there all the time.

"Your Highness"

"It's been hold Morpheus, that whosoever kills in Avalon, must also be killed. What do we do to this murderer here?"

"My Lord....."

"Hold on Morpheus, before I hear from your side, let me hear from Galahad. Galahad, I am giving you your very last chance to decide your verdict. Choose what your verdict would be"

Galahad looked bewildered. He wasn't sure of what to say after hearing that from the King. He didn't kill her, No he didn't.

The king waited for an answer but didn't get one. He exhaled sharply before uttering any words."So be it. Morpheus?"

"Your Highness"

"What are the verdicts of this very crime?"

"Anyone who kills My Lord, must be done the same."

"So be it. Do you understand Galahad?" He said walking forward again and stopped at his shoulders. "Have any last words?"

"I didn't kill her. I didn't kill Cera"

"SILENCE!" Morpheus fired immediately. "How dare you call Her Highness by her name. Your ego has gotten the best of you even at the point of your death. Men like you deserve to die ferociously"

"Just know this Azym, you'll live to witness this again" Galahad said in an husky tone before bowing his heads.

The king walked forward and stopped right in a spot. Another second, he swerve his sword out of its patch and slay Galahad. Blood splashed all around the chamber as Galahad head rolled down from his body to the floor.

"Your Highness?"

"Clean that up. I hate the sight of blood" he said and left the chamber.