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23 Chs


He laughed like a minack, breaking the silence...before looking at the door which was still wide opened.

Just keep running...like the prey you are.

Saying that the cut on his face closed, living no scratch.





I desperately ran through the hallway without looking back.

But just then I stopped....As I saw him leaning against one of the doors.

My blood ran cold...as he spoke.

Too slow.... "I could hear the coldness in his voice.

His footsteps echoed through the silence as he walked closer to me...while holding the knife.

The candles in the hall flicker.

It's been long since I've seen my own blood.. and I like it ; he brought the knife up to his mouth.....and lick the blood on it.

I took a step back, but that didn't stop him from cornering me.

Don't even try to run..!?

(My body trimble slightly, as I felt the cold medals of the chains wrapped around my legs, waist and hands)

The knife he was holding crawled up from the side of face down to my neck.

I felt breathless, as he lean close to my ear and whisper.

So naive....

Saying that he pulled me closer to him, he stared at me, his eyes full of greed.

You cause me pain...so..

Ahhhhh! ...

...This your punishment.

{The scene then change...}

A middle age woman with glasses, stood near the window as she quietly stared at the moon with her crimson eyes as cold as ice.

Carson broke the silence...

He looked at the woman then said, " I feel like I should not be hear, If there's nothing important to talk about..

Hearing him the lady slowly turned and coldly glared at Carson with a straight face," then you should have walked away earlier, Carson. "

Saying that the lady turned around, her crimson eyes still fixed at the bright moon.

" I Heard you got another blood slave? A human; dare nephew? "

Carson flinched, his fathom ember eyes turned sharp," if that's the reason you called me hear...then I'm afraid there's nothing to tell you...

Saying that he angrily stood up and walked up to the door, the door slowly opened as the maids standing outside bowed.

Just as he was about to live, the woman turned around and said coldly...

I'm warming you, that woman won't survive in this place just like the previous one...!

Just like Cardelia..!


Carson angrily used his fist to hit the wall, living a crack....he narrowing his eyes and glared at the woman.

Shut up...Natlie!

Why....? Those it hurt you when I mention her name....

Or... those it make you remember how you failed to protect her.

I warning you Carson don't take what you can't keep....

I... I don't need your stupid advice," he stuttered before walking out of the room.

The woman's black lips finally crept into a smile, as she quietly sip her coffee why closing her eyes.

Then she spoke," your brother don't take warning..does he.

She said as she slowly opened her eyes, staring at the red haired young man that walk in..

What brings you here...dany.