
The search for Yen

Some time later...

Geralt and Vesemir pulled on their horses reigns. Stopping , the sun blinding them as it shone on their faces, blocking their vision of the path before them, they could barely make out the outline of the trees. "We going?" Vesemir asked as he looked to Geralt.

The Witcher narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded once before kicking his horse with his heels, not hard, just a tap to nudge Roach into a canter. "Help me! Help!" They heard from a distance, the two of them came off the path to see a broken cart, the goods inside still there, there were at least two dear bodies as far as Geralt could see, laying in the pale sand, given with how much blood coated the earth around them, and a pool of blood just in front of the wooden wagon, the horse, Geralt assumed, he doubted the man was pulling it along himself. But that wasn't the issue, there was a creature on top of the wagon, a big black figure against the sun, it's beak and claws ripping into the dead horse. Geralt rounded the corner, blood coating the animals legs, the floor around it. The creature reared back it's head and screeched, blood flying from its beak and into the air. Geralt growled and smacked Roach's rear making her run off with a neigh, Vesemir already pulling out his sword. Geralt ran towards the giant winged creature, pulling out his sword quickly after a few seconds and went to strike, going to cut at its head, it flew up before he could, the sword instead briefly cutting the creatures belly, a loud screech leaving the creature as he did. Blood poured from the wound as it flew higher and higher, it's giant wings flapping in the wind, it dived, another screech leaving it as it moved towards Vesemir and Geralt, they stood their, legs arms width apart and their swords drawn waiting for the next attack. Geralt dived to the side, landing on one knee, sword beside him, he looked up panting hearing vesemir groan in pain and the older man briefly knocked off his feet.

Geralt watched as the monster soared high into the sky, widened its wings and came back around in a circle, aiming right for them again. Geralt had had enough. He stood up and swung his sword, trying to attack the beast again, he missed. The blade merely cutting through thin air, the monster went to the horse instead, gripping it's talons deep into the horses side before flapping its wings and and dragging the horse with it as it flew away, blood still dripping from the wound Geralt had managed to inflict earlier. Geralt lowered his guard and sheathed his sword before turning to look at Vesemir who was on the on his knees, his right hand clutched over his left shoulder, he pulled his hand away briefly, red blood coating the palm of his gloved hand and up the lengths of his bare fingers, the blood coating the leather of his shoulder guards. He waved his hand in dismissal and turned away from Geralt.

"Ha- has it gone?" A shaky voice came from where they stood making Geralt look to the side. Geralt raised his head. "yeah. Come out!" He said, the shadows created by the leaves against the sun dancing across his face. He watched the man crawl out from under the wagon, he wire a dirty white tunic and a brown overcoat of sorts, dark trousers too. He had a mop of dark hair on his head, followed by a heard and a moustache too. He stepped back into the wooden wagon upon Geralt approaching, the man panting. "God's, that was close! I was sure I'd end up like my mare." The man let our a relieved sigh. "Provided you got lucky" Vesemir said now joining Geralt as he rolled his right shoulder. "Your horse died quickly. But Griffin's like to toy with their prey. Eat it, alive, piece by piece." He said, much to the man's horror, he nodded though, seemingly understanding. "You'd...you'd like a reward, I suppose?"

"You don't owe us anything. You were in need, we helped." Geralt said to the man, getting a side glance from Vesemir. The man stared at him. "And they call witchers heartless. Say they won't lift a finger without pay." The man said shaking his head. "They also say mice are born of rotting straw" Geralt said causing the man with freckles to nod again, he turned around and bent down. "Back to the trail?" Geralt asked Vesemir looking at him. "Like I said - leads to the main road and ends there. Muddled." Vesemir told Geralt. "You seek someone?" The man in front of them asked, standing up from his position.

Geralt turned to look at him. "Yes, a woman, medium height, long, black hair. Seen anyone like that?" He questioned. The man sounded sad, his voice deeper than before. "No. But...there's an inn here in White Orchard. Sole one around. Gets its share of travelers, perhaps you'll learn something there." The man informed. Geralt raised his eyebrows and cocked his head a little, shrugging his shoulders, he might as well as check it out. "Besides, the innkeep's my cousin. Tell her Bram sent you, she'll treat you like family." He said to Geralt who seemed to be weighing up his options. "Not a bad idea. Especially since that wound needs cleaning." He said. The two Witchers turning to face one another. "Bah, beast barely grazed me. But sure...could use a good rye. Nice and cool, you know, straight from a cellar?" Geralt nodded with a smirk, amused at the old man's humour. "Let's go"

Geralt and Vesemir quickly left the man to his own devices, mounting each of their horses. Vesemir setting off first before Geralt following behind on Roach. "So...a Griffin this close to the village? Strange." Geralt said as the trotted along the path. "My thoughts exactly. In a forest or the mountains, sure, but here? And near the main road?" The old man responded. They crossed a bridge, more hidden. More like a raised surface above a stretch of water hidden by shrubbery and muddy paths and a village in the distance, with one singular building before it as though it were some kind of watchtower. "Maybe it's the war. Corpses everywhere, the stench of blood, burnt flesh...drives monsters crazy sometimes." Geralt said only listening to Vesemirs answer. "men too"

"We need to watch ourselves in White Orchard. And we should leave as soon as we learn anything." They pulled up into the village, they started to slow down their horses. Walking now. It looked poor, almost reeked of poverty, the women outside cleaning their clothes by hand in a wooden tub while their children played in the middle of the roads, where the odd few goose seemed it appropriate to walk. The both took a right turn, pulling up to a small wooden stable outside a tavern, the both dismounted, left their horses and made their way inside.

Geralt and Vesemir walked in to see the woman carrying a tray with three drinks on over to a table, as she did, one man bumped into her causing the mugs to clink together, well, he was either drunk or just inconsiderate. Her smile fell a little but she didn't drop the drinks. She glared at the man as he walked off and brought the drinks to the table. A group of four men, one stood out in a shiny silver helmet and better dressed than the others, in some sort of uniform. The others, with a simple linen cap on and rugged plain shirts of greens and browns that barely fit them, and one sported enough tattoos along his arms that he needn't wear sleeves. She placed them on the table, next to the other empty mugs before going to walk off, she was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist, tugging her back a little. "What?" She answered in a short tone. He looked at her, removed his hand from her and pointed to the shield that hung on the wall. "Take that down before there's trouble" he said. The man with the green shirt on clapped the somewhat of a soldier on the shoulder, drunk. "That is a coat of arms - the Temerian Lilies! They've a right to hang there!" He argued back. The man in the blue cloth and brown leather armour pushed the man's shoulder off, his silver helmet shining in the light. "This ain't Temeria no more, old man. It's Nilfgaard now." He didn't sound too pleased about it, nor did the man in green who shook his head and let out a disapproving sigh. He clenched his jaw still slowly shaking his head before sleeping both hands down on the table and standing up, drawing attention to himself. "My arse, it is!' he complained. He put a hand on his head and lowered himself back down after the sudden outburst, the finely dressed man now drinking another of the fresh drinks.

Geralt and Vesemir strode in to see a woman with grey hair, tied back in a ponytail taking down a shield off the wall, she gazed at it longingly, turning only as she heard the door open, she looked rather young still. The loud creaking door brought the attention of the four men sat at the table, at least the soldier. "Wha? Witchers...?" The man with tattoos and dark hair pulled back, turned around to look too as the two new men walked past their table. "I'll not drink with Weevil-arsed freaks." He grunted causing Geralt to stop just as he reached his side, looking at the man over his shoulder.

He walked on, not saying a word, walking towards the woman. "Beg your pardon for those thugs." The woman apologised. Vesemir shrugged and shook his head. "No need. We're used to it." Geralt stepped up beside him, looking back behind him. "Folk're jumpy 'round here. Armies just passed through, now a Griffin's prowlin' about..." The woman informed them, Geralt drew his attention away from the men who were whispering behind him. "Mhm. Already had the pleasure." Geralt threw his arms out a little. "Ran into your kinsman, Bram." She let out a little sigh. "Bram? How is he?" She questioned looking at Geralt. "Alive. Sends his regards" Vesemir filled in. The woman looked to them both. "Master Witchers...food and drink on the house. What can I get you?" She asked, her expression softening.

Geralt looked at her, wary of wafting his leather gloves to close to the lit candles on the low counter that separated him and Vesemir from her, though it wouldn't do much since it reached up to the witchers knees. "Show me what you got behind the counter" Geralt agreed. Geralt didn't have much at the moment. 250 crown, and it wouldn't go amiss to see if he could sell anything. He browsed few a few things she had to offer, a Decoy Gwent card, faction neutral and the card type special. With this card you could swap with a card on the battlefield to return it to your hand, or perhaps the Foltest Gwent card would be better, if he ever played Gwent. Faction was the Northern Realms, could clear any weather effects (resulting from Biting frost, Torrential rain or impenetrable fog cards) in play. She had bread which was nice to see, was good for his health and hunger along the roads, baked potato was better, cost more, a lot more. Geralt decided to go nearly half on the bread, buying 5 out if the 9 she offered, surrendering 45 crown to the woman. He continued to browse her wares, coming across Mandrake Cordial, used in Alchemy, eyes quickly scanning over the other Gwent card, Blue Stripes command. Close combat, unit card strength was 4. Tight bond was the special ability. You could place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both cards. But he didn't need that, and the woman didn't own much behind the counter, deciding to leave the baked potatoes he made the bread his only purchase before turning back to the woman.

"Looking for a woman. Raven-haired, Violet eyes. Dresses in black and white. Riding in from Willoughby." He shifted from foot to foot a little, Vesemir watching him. "And, uh, strange as it sounds - lilac and gooseberries, might've smelled that." He told the woman behind the counter. "I've not seen nor smelt such a lady. Believe I'd remember"she looked down, dropped her shoulders a little, sad she couldn't seem to help. "Yeah. Especially hard to forget this one." Vesemir said almost teasingly, turning to face Geralt. Geralt looked at him back and shook his head, the corner of his lips turned into a smile, slightly amused. "entry of travelers about, though, folk from all over. Might be worth your while to ask after her." The woman pressed on. "Thanks. For everything." Geralt said in his deep voice, she nodded at him and turned around with Vesemir, looking at the so called travelers. "Master Witchers, would you be of a mind to kill the Griffin? Beast's a scourge on our land. Only killed livestock at first, but it's got a taste for human flesh of late. We're afeared to set foot outdoors." She said, her voice lowering a little. Geralt turned his body to hers. "If someone'll pay us, won't say no" he turned back around, ignoring the side look from Vesemir he was getting, slightly shaking his head.