
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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Chapter 13: End of the Era

The year is 1170 Kaer Morhen is under the siege of angry peasants for a month, during that time there were a few more massive attacks that were initiated by the leaders that lead mobs all of the leaders that organized fanatics were members of the Order of White Rose.

Their higher-ups were the ones that stood behind the attack, they were the ones that released 'Monstrum or Description of Witcher' that resulted in the attack in the first place.

But why bother? The answer is simple, Witchers were superior to any armed man, they were true professionals in the arts of killing, not only monsters but people as well.

Witchers were too good for the job they were created, they were able to kill almost all of the most dangerous creatures resulting in a lack of those that they could slay.

This resulted in a lack of jobs and a decrease in popularity. They were forced to take the jobs such as assassination which scared a lot of influential people around the world.

They thought about ways to deal with Witchers, and they found it. They started propaganda that resulted in today's event.

During the last month of the siege, even more of the Witchers lost their lives in the battle. Someone might say, why not hide in the castle and wait until the attackers are gone, but it was their own decision that they took.

They chose to die on the battlefield as warriors, not like scared cats hiding away.

Right now they were holding a meeting with the rest that are still alive.

Among them were Hans and Vigravid, Vigravid asked Hans to walk to the side to discuss something.

When they were far enough to not be heard Vigravid inquired "You know, I was recently trying to find the number of supplies we had and I decided to check our library. But to my surprise I found entire sections of books missing there, do you know anything about that?"

Hans shrugged and replied holding an unfazed stone face "No idea".

Vigravid sighed and replied "Well, it doesn't matter now anyway, they will probably be burned by the time they return, so they better serve good someone that took them"

Hans chuckled "I'm sure they will"

Both of them returned to the table where the rest of the Witchers were discussing their situation. There was a total of 12 men here. The rest of them already participated in their last battle.

Despite a lot of attacks, they were able to push back and the casualties were coming close to 1000 on the side of Mobs. This was nothing but a dent in their numbers. Close to 5000 peasants arrived to proceed with the execution of unholy beings that poison their society and take money from honest men.

One of the Witchers directed his gaze at Vigravid asking "How is our situation on the supplies?"

Vigravid groaned "It's bad, we can live on wine that we have, but the supply of grains is very low, we can at best cook several small meals oh have a small feast one time. And don't even let me start with meat, there is only a slight fragrance left"

The atmosphere turned heavy since everyone understood they were running low on supplies and time they have left. If the supplies are no more, they will simply be out of energy to fight anyone bigger than a single man.

They were stuck between 2 options, holding their ground for as long as they could, or take their last fight dying in the bright flamers, bringing a lot of lives along.

Everyone already made their decisions, since the start of the siege.

Hans chuckled informing "Let's prepare the feast!"

The atmosphere became lighter and everyone went to prepare the things they need. Some went to cook and take barrels of alcohol, while others went to their armoury and laboratory to prepare all vital elixirs.

Several hours later tables were full of food and people were seated. Vigravid walked towards the centre of the hall and cleared his throat attracting the attention of everyone present.

There were no more mages that stayed alive, so all people present were Witchers, it allowed all of them to feel a bond of brotherhood with each other. There was not a single outsider present, they all went through the same hardship that united them.

They might not be brothers by blood, but they are brothers by nature.

Taking a glass full of wine in their hands' Witchers stood and looked towards Vigravid that started his speech.

"Brothers, I want to say a few words before we start."

His gaze went from one man to another before he continued "We all known each other for decades, we fought together, we struggled together, we shared the same burden and we will perish together.

Those stupid pigs, that stay in their castles stuffing their bellies, while we starve like rats in sewers decided that we are a treat to them. They set up, stupid and brainless peasants who believed in whatever a book says, whatever their kings told them.

So let's shine in our last battle." He took a deep breath and with a strong voice continued

"I want all of you to cheer up for the fallen ones, I want all of your glasses full of wine and high in the air. Let's cheer for the path we walked until now, for our wonderful adventure and for the glorious battle for our brightest moment in life.

Eat to your heart's content, tempering your will inasmuch as tomorrow we will show them, what demons are truly are"

The entire hall was enveloped in loud cheers from everyone present, as all of the Witchers with smiles on their faces cheered and banged their glasses together for the last in their long lives.


For the entire day, they kept on drinking and eating until they could not take more. The day was filled with a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles and a crazy amount of alcohol, but everything comes to an end someday.

Soon enough all of them were done and went to get their last sleep.


The next day all Witchers stood in front of the doors that locked them in the castle. All of them were fully armed, with anything they could carry. Swords, knives, bolts and bombs.

Hans walked out of one of the rooms having a big wooden box in his hands, he handled one vial of Wives' tears to every Witcher, which got rid of all alcohol effects.

After that, he started to give elixirs to every single one of them.

Blizzard potion, Full moon potion, Kiss potion, Marribor Forest potion and Petri's Philer.

All of them enhanced them to their absolute maximum, usually, they would avoid drinking a lot of elixirs at the same time, and their toxicity would slowly kill them, but did they care about such trivial things at the moment? No, they didn't.

It was their last fight, so why should they avoid turning into real beasts out there.

Vigravid looked at the people present and announced "Show them hell"

He took vials with different liquids and down them in one go.

All of their appearances started to change, their veins turned to dark blue and bulked out. With that, they opened the door and dashed at the enemy camp that expected no attack.


Like battle machines, Witchers run on an army of peasants that had little to no time to prepare for the upcoming attack.

When they reached the first victims, their blades run through humans like butter. Once again blood started to rain on the battlefield.

Witchers spread around the camp to avoid making any limits to each other, they were ready to go all out.

Waves of Fire

Screaming of agony.

Guts as a decoration of the place

All of that created a beautiful concerto of pure gore and bloodshed.

With every single second, more and more lives were taken by cold Swords that used to claim the lives of the monsters.

Thousands of mad peasants fought against a small group of 12 Witchers that created pure chaos in their lines.

The scenery turned into wholesale slaughter, truly spectacular. People were going crazy, not understanding what to do, where to go, their weapons served them bad.

The crowd started to turn mindless, in the fire of battle they were killing their kin without giving it a single thought.

Hans was going through tens of peasants that were trying to stab him everywhere they could aim, but their weapons were not fast enough.

Someone tries to sneak up behind him with their weapon ready, it was one of the knights that took care of the organization, but as soon as he was close enough shiny sword went right inside his eye socket, making it all the way out of the other side.

His hands lost strength and without even noticing he was dead, he was still put on the sword, as a small trail of blood mixed up with saliva dripped from his mouth.

With a quick sign, Aard Hans made a path for himself and sent a few peasants flying across the battlefield.

He pulled back his sword from the breathless body of the knight, which dropped to the ground like a sack of dirt, lifeless, but the fresh and hot blood was still pouring out of his body.

Hans showed a smirk towards his body and spit on his body saying "You deserve this"

He proceed with a fight claiming as many lives as he possibly could.

The battle continued

The smell on the battlefield was a mixture of everything, steaming human meat, the smell of organs along with shit and piss. Some of the fighters could not bear such a strong smell and were left immobilized without the strength to do anything other than vomit.

As Hans was moving back and forward creating squelch sounds, they were a result of the viscera and bowel all mixed up together in the combination of piss and blood.

This was a day when everyone felt how real hell felt. Clashes of swords, fire raging everywhere taking the lives of the ones that were not cautious enough. People with frozen expressions on their faces showed nothing but deep fear and horror.

With time passing, Witchers start to lose their momentum, they were getting more. and more tired by the overwhelming numbers that had to face. One by one, they started to give up, their bodies were no longer able to sustain the amount of stress they went through.

One by one, their numbers decreased.

Until only one was standing. It was Hans, he wasn't the strongest among them, but he had something else that gave him power.

He believed in August, for the first time in decades he felt very close to someone. A child that found him by accident, a child that in spite of being nothing, made him feel so different made him feel an entire palette of emotions.

And here he stood, protecting his home, but in reality, he was fighting for the young man that lit up a spark of hope inside his heart. Before he felt desperate, he knew that time when Witchers will perish is close.

But with time spent with August, he understood, he might bring a brighter future for their kin. For their brothers or soon to be brothers. He was sure, August will shine in the future.

Hans thought 'You will be the fire of the future August. So let my old flesh, burn brighter than anything right here and now. I wish you, luck kid'

At that moment August looked directly in direction of the battlefield, with a tear running down his cheek. It looked like he found some resolve, but it brought him a lot of pain as well.

With a body that was barely holding together, sustaining Hans's life.

*Deep Breath* He took a deep breath inhaling in as much oxygen as he could.

*Raaaaaa* With a deep roar coming from the bottom of his stomach he dashed to the middle where all the generals were, all people that organized the attack on them. The ones that were responsible for the siege.

Along the way, some of the peasants were stabbing him, but it didn't stop his wild impulse, without a stop, like a tidal wave he burst into their circle.

Biting his lips he looked directly into the eyes of those that selfishly hid behind their troops.

He said "You will not leave this place in one piece"

With a spark created from Igni, he lit up all the bombs he had on him and arrived as close to his targets as possible.

Time almost stopped

When the knights screamed, "Take him away from us!"

But it was too late.


A huge explosion shook the ground. A huge fireball formed in the middle of the lines and made peasants run in all directions in a panic that the apocalyptic had started.

Bits and pieces of human flesh and brain matter flew in different directions, landing everywhere they could. Some of the bits were landing right on the faces of still alive peasants making them terrified.

With a large and bright explosion. The raging fire swallowed up and nominated the End of The Era.

Later in history, this event will be named Sunset of Witchers.


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