
The Witcher: Flaming Rose

This story will tell you a story about a kid that got unlucky and lost everything. His naive dreams were broken and crushed into a speck of dust, leaving him lonely and helpless. Will he be able to survive in a world that holds many dangers in face of beasts or monsters? Yet he had to find that the biggest monsters out there are humans. But there are those that are guilty of this feat and he made this like goal, a goal to reach before his death. How will he manage to do that? Only time will tell. Update rate: 3-4 chapters a week. The story will start very dark, but it will be better with time. I don’t plan on making a lot of gore, but it will be there from time to time, however not as extreme as the first one. /// This book will be the first one for the series of 3. This is the start of the story of the MC. In this book, his story will be told of how he came to be a witcher. /// I don't own the rights for the Witcher Universe.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: Fateful meeting? Pt 2

Sub name: Dreams that don't come true


Instead of going back home or answering his sister, he pointed his small finger in the direction of the village entrance and said with his voice stuttering, "T-t-he-re!"

Elese looked in the direction where her brother was pointing his finger and saw three men on horses.

Each of them was dressed in beautiful armour and looked graceful and stately. From the side of their hip, a long sword was hanging down, they walked inside the village, looking around. None of their faces expressed anything close to the excitement. Instead, all it expressed was a grin of disgust.

They were knights. Those that young August always dreamed of becoming were graceful, proud, and most of all, they looked invincible, just like the young boy imagined them to be.

Having an impulse of inspiration, he ran towards them with a smile on his face. When he was close enough, he shouted while waving his hand at them, "You are so incredible! Once I will be like just like all of you!"

The knights didn't even bet an eye in the direction of the kid that was shouting and had a small casual conversation with each other "Do any of you know this uncouth brat?"

Another knight replied with a snort, "Don't know, don't care. I usually don't speak to beggars like this"

The third Knight released a dry chuckle asking, "Do any of you know where in the hell a tavern is located in these slums?"

"Do you want to have some fun tonight?" asked the first Knight, releasing a teasing smile.

"Ha, you bet!" replied the Knight and continued with a snort. "Girls here will give you their virginity for this noble look of ours, all you need to do is flood their minds with empty promises, and they will spread their legs for you right away."

"Hahaha", laughed all three knights when one of them asked, "So we can get a taste of fresh meat here?"

"Sure man, sure", replied others and directed their horses toward the tavern.

August was looking towards knights that didn't even bet an eye in his direction. His hands that were actively waving dropped, and a happy expression disappeared. With begging eyes, he was looking in their direction, finding no words in his mind to describe the feelings that he felt right now.

Elene walked close to her brother and, with her still puffed eyes, hugged him around the shoulder, supporting her brother. "Let's get back home, August"

He looked toward Elene with small tears forming on the sides of his eyes and said in a rush, "Maybe I should try once more? Maybe I should just shout louder? Or maybe I need to be a bit higher, so they can see me? Let me try again, and I'm sure they will notice me this time."

"August, let's go home", repeated Elene with a small sigh.

"No! Let me try again," said August, trying to run after knights that just passed by him.

But a firm grip on his sister's hand didn't let him go far. With angry eyes, he looked at her and said aloud, "LET ME TRY AGAIN."

"August", shouted Elene. With a frown, she said in a stern, commanding voice, "Listen to your older sister and let's go back home!"

However, he didn't want to listen to her anymore. With anger in his voice, he shouted, "You are only eight years older than me! LET GO OF ME!"

With all force he could gather, he hit her hand that was holding him, breaking the grip and rushed after the knights.

Elene's face changed, and she expressed shock at seeing her brother's behaviour with a small curse, "Delusional kid!" she turned around, going back home.

Walking inside the small hut, she slams the door behind, creating a loud bang sound.

Lera that heard that looked at the one slamming the door and saw her daughter. With a frown, she shouted, "Elene! What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, Elene walked past her mother and walked inside their room where they slept, she had a hard day today. At first, she was excited about today but later found herself disappointed. First, it was Erik and now August, both making her mood drop below the ground.

She slammed her head on the pillow and proceeded with silent cries and sobs that could be rarely heard.

Gathering herself together, she sat up and started to violate her pillow with her shaking fists, cursing with a whisper not to wake her father up. "Stupid, Erik! Stupid August! But Erik, he chooses this dirty Priscilla and not me! Stupid boys!"





Dropping back to the pillow, she hugged her knees and tried to calm down. But no matter how long passed, she was not able to fall asleep. While she was trying to sleep, August walked through the door, silently laying next to his sister.

Turning with his back towards her, he whispered, "Sorry."

Being on her emotions, she forcefully turned August around, making him face her. When she did that, it revealed a bruise on his face.

Covering her mouth with her hand, she said in shock, "What happened to you there?"

Avoiding eye contact, August said, "It's nothing."

No matter what she tried, he avoided having any contact with her eyes.

Hearing no response, she questioned, "Did this man do this to you?"

August, like a stubborn child, replied, "I said it's nothing."

Having her mood already ruined and now hearing her brother speak like that, Elene wasn't able to keep her tongue to herself and said, "August, stop being a delusional child! You will never be a knight! Get over this dream, or it will be worse."

This almost immediately broke August as well. With his eyes turning watery, he replied with anger, "Don't say that!"

Elese replied with frustration, "I just did. You will never be a knight!"

Pushing her with his small hands further away from himself, he said with anger, "Don't speak to me anymore! Hate you!" saying that he turned around, showing his back towards his sister.

While this was happening unnoticed by his small children, the father woke up and walked outside of the room to talk to his wife.

Sitting on the bench behind the table, Lera complained to her husband, "Those kids", she said with a sigh ", They definitely deserve horsewhip first thing in the morning to learn the lesson!"

Stend replied, rubbing his sleepy eyes, "Darling, they are young. Let them live through their struggles, and it is nothing like what they can face in the future, and it will serve the purpose."

Lera pouted. "You need to stop being so soft on them," she said with frustration. "They are your children, not your puppies!"

"Come down, sweetheart" replied Stend with a calming voice. "They will learn with time. No point in forcing them to do all the things."

"Aghhh, Stend! Sometimes I want to strangle you for your views," Said Lera standing up and walking outside to have a breath of fresh air.

Meanwhile, the kids were both angry at each other, but while one was crying into her pillow, silently sobbing, another was thinking that he did the right thing making his sister break into tears, convincing and pouting to himself about others not understanding him the way he wants them to.

All he was thinking about right now was that when he grows up, he won't be like those knights he saw. He will be better. He will protect those who require protection, save princesses, and kill beasts that lurk in the shadows.

Yet he still didn't know that those qualities were going to be put to the test rather soon than later, and he will have to make decisions that he might regret in the future.

But right now, he was fully convinced about being right and calmly closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep under the sounds of his sister crying.