
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

roro1 · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Hunt

With the Pichu nestled on his shoulder, its tiny form radiating warmth and camaraderie, Ray took one last look at the forest behind him. The vibrant colors, the whispering leaves, and the otherworldly creatures would forever remain etched in his memory. He had encountered a world of magic beyond his wildest dreams, and he had formed a bond with a creature that seemed to transcend the boundaries of his reality.

As the gate's energy pulsed around him, Ray stepped forward, the sensation of shifting dimensions enveloping him once more. He felt the connection to the Pichu, the shared experiences and unspoken understanding between them, as he crossed the threshold between worlds.

When he emerged on the other side, he found himself back at Kaer Morhen, the ancient gate now closed behind him. The transition was bittersweet, the echoes of the forest world still lingering in his senses. He looked at the Pichu on his shoulder, its eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and excitement.

With a heavy heart, Ray knew that he had to keep the gate and its power a secret. The potential consequences of such a discovery falling into the wrong hands were too great to ignore. He couldn't risk disrupting the delicate balance between worlds, nor could he allow the gate to become a tool of manipulation or chaos.

Tucking the knowledge of the gate deep within himself, Ray returned to his training alongside his fellow Witchers. He continued to hone his skills, both as a Witcher and as a guardian of the secrets he now held. The Pichu remained his steadfast companion, a reminder of the enchanting world he had glimpsed and the choices he had made.

Ray returned to the heart of Kaer Morhen, where his fellow Witchers awaited his return. Lambert raised an eyebrow as he approached, noticing the Pichu on Ray's shoulder.

"Well, well, looks like you've acquired a new companion," Lambert remarked with a smirk.

Ray smiled, a mixture of fondness and seriousness in his expression. "Yes, this little one and I have been through quite the adventure."

Eskel joined the conversation, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "Where did you find such a creature? I don't recall any creature like it in the bestiary."

Ray's gaze turned thoughtful as he replied, "I found it injured in a forest during one of my explorations. It seemed to have been transported here by a flying predator."

Vesemir, the oldest and wisest of the Witchers, approached with a thoughtful expression. " An intriguing discovery indeed."

Ray's heart raced slightly, unsure of how his companions would react. He had learned to trust them over the years, but the gate's power was something he couldn't afford to reveal.

Lambert chuckled, ruffling Ray's hair playfully. "Well, if it's friends you're making out there, just make sure they don't slow you down during a fight."

Ray grinned, appreciating the jest. "Don't worry, Lambert. I'll make sure my new friend holds its own."

As they exchanged banter and laughter, Ray felt a sense of gratitude for the camaraderie he had found among the Witchers.

Time flowed on, and Ray found himself facing a new quest—one that would test his skills and courage. The challenge to bait a Forktail had been given, and he embarked on the mission with a sense of determination. The memory of the forest world, the Pichu, and the bond they had formed fueled his resolve.

Following the trail of footprints, Ray moved with the grace of a seasoned hunter. His Witcher Sense guided him, leading him through rocky terrain and thick underbrush. The scent of adventure hung in the air, intertwined with the mysteries of the forest.

As he followed the trail, Ray's thoughts wandered to the Pichu, the memory of their encounter warming his heart. He had faced danger before, battled monsters and explored other worlds, but the connection he had formed with the Pichu felt uniquely profound. It reminded him that even in the midst of the unknown, friendship and unity could be found.

Inside the cave, darkness enveloped Ray, the air thick with tension and anticipation. The narrow passageway opened into a larger chamber, its walls glistening with moisture. The echoes of dripping water reverberated, a haunting melody that set the stage for the impending battle. Shadows danced along the cavern walls, hinting at the creature's presence.

And then, with a bone-chilling roar that reverberated through the depths, the Forktail emerged from the shadows. Its wings unfurled with a dramatic sweep, and its eyes locked onto Ray with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. The monster's scales glinted in the faint light, each one a testament to its formidable strength.

Ray's heart raced, his muscles tensing in readiness. His fingers tightened around the hilt of his silver sword, his other hand instinctively reaching for his pouch of alchemical concoctions. The Pichu perched on his shoulder, its tiny form radiating a mixture of curiosity and determination. With a silent exchange of understanding, they braced themselves for the onslaught.

The Forktail lunged forward with astonishing speed, its claws slashing through the air like daggers. Ray's reflexes kicked in, his body moving with a grace honed through years of training. He sidestepped the attack, his silver sword flashing in a deadly arc. The blade bit into the creature's scales, drawing a line of crimson across its hide.

The Forktail roared in pain, its response swift and brutal. It whipped its tail around with a force that could shatter stone, but Ray had anticipated the move. He ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the strike, and immediately sprang back to his feet. The Pichu, ever watchful, let out a crackling surge of electricity, striking the Forktail's exposed flank.

The monster recoiled, its wings flapping in agitation. The battle had escalated, a dance of blades and lightning against a backdrop of darkness. Ray's movements were a symphony of calculated strikes and agile dodges, each action a step toward victory. He positioned himself strategically, his sword singing through the air with precision.

The Forktail's attacks became more frenzied, a testament to its mounting desperation. It spat venomous projectiles that hissed through the air, but Ray deflected them with his sword, each impact sending sparks flying. With a fierce yell, he lunged forward, his sword driving deep into the creature's shoulder.

The Forktail's roar of agony filled the cave, reverberating off the walls in a cacophony of sound. Its strength wavered, its movements growing sluggish. Ray seized the opportunity, his strikes relentless and unyielding. The Pichu's electric pulses continued to pepper the creature, its energy crackling like a storm.

In a final surge of strength, the Forktail attempted to take flight, its wings beating with a resounding thud. But Ray was ready. With a powerful leap, he soared through the air, his sword raised high. The blade met the creature's throat, its scales parting like a deadly curtain. The Forktail's wings faltered, and it crashed to the ground with a deafening crash.

Silence descended upon the cave, broken only by the labored breaths of the fallen monster. Ray stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his chest heaving, his sword stained with the creature's blood. The Pichu on his shoulder crackled with residual energy, its tiny form a testament to its unwavering support.

As the echoes of the fight faded, Ray's gaze shifted to the Pichu. He offered the creature a nod of gratitude, acknowledging the pivotal role it had played. The bond they had formed was cemented in the crucible of combat, a testament to their unity against the odds.

With a deep breath, Ray retrieved a vial from his pouch, carefully collecting a sample of the Forktail's venom. He knew that his alchemical skills would allow him to harness the creature's essence for his Witcher craft. The Pichu let out a trill of approval, as it was still excited from it's first victory,

With the fallen Forktail before him, its scales glinting ominously in the daylight, Ray's thoughts turned to the ancient gate and the unique power it held. He had learned over time that the gate could be used to exchange items and abilities from other worlds, and the creature's carcass presented a perfect opportunity.

Ray's fingers brushed against the hilt of his silver sword as he contemplated the possibilities. He could sense the Pichu's curiosity and anticipation, its tiny form brimming with energy. With a decisive nod, Ray crouched beside the Forktail's massive form, his hands resting on its scaly hide.

"Alright, buddy," he murmured to the Pichu, his voice tinged with excitement. "Let's see what we can exchange this time."

The gate shimmered like a beacon in the distance, its ancient symbols aglow with dormant power. With a firm resolve, Ray focused his thoughts on the exchange, channeling his magic toward the creature's lifeless form. He could feel the energy pulsating within him, the connection between himself, the gate, and the myriad worlds beyond.

As he channeled his magic, the carcass began to shimmer with a faint, ethereal light. It was as if the very essence of the monster was being absorbed, transformed into a currency of possibilities. Ray felt a surge of power, a sensation that transcended the limits of his physical form.

With a final burst of energy, the carcass vanished in a flash of light, leaving behind only the echo of its presence. Ray turned his gaze toward the gate, its symbols now ablaze with vibrant energy. It was time to make his selection, to choose an ability that would become a part of him.

With a deep breath, Ray extended his hand toward the gate, his fingers brushing against the engravings that danced with magical energy. In the realm beyond, he visualized his desire, his intent to exchange the monster's essence for a new ability. He felt a pull, a sensation of being drawn into the depths of the gate's power.

And then, as if the very fabric of reality had shifted, an image flashed before Ray's mind. He saw the world of "Wanted," a movie he had watched in his previous life. He saw bullets curving through the air, defying physics, and time seemingly slowing down to accommodate the impossible shots.

A sense of exhilaration washed over Ray as he realized the ability he was about to gain. Bullet time—the power to speedup his heartbeat and improve his reflexes even more. It was a skill that promised precision and mastery over combat. With a surge of excitement, he made his choice, his heart pounding in anticipation.

As the exchange completed, a rush of energy coursed through Ray's veins. He could feel the newfound ability settling within him, intertwining with his Witcher magic. The world seemed to shift ever so slightly, as if acknowledging the power that now resided within him.

Ray turned away from the gate, his golden eyes filled with determination. He looked at the Pichu on his shoulder, the creature that had become his steadfast companion through this journey of discovery. With a grin, he patted the Pichu gently.

"Looks like we've got a new trick up our sleeves, buddy."

The Pichu chirped in response, its tiny form radiating excitement. Ray knew that the bullet time ability would complement his Witcher skills, enhancing his combat prowess in ways he had never imagined.

New ability and use of the gate!! I didn't want to give him an OP power espacially because he is already a witcher in the next chapter he will finally go out into the witcher world

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