
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasy
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35 Chs


I stayed up all night reading the book of both Flourel and Amelia.

Amelia seemed to be doing well after reaching the home of Earl Minerva. She even have a small tea time with one of her friends named Teresa Minerva.

As for Amelia, for the past week since she exhausted her healing powers, she has been having some difficulty in breathing that a very short walk can be very exhausting for her.

And on the day that Amelia left was when Flourel fainted for unknown reason in the West border.

Amelia must have sensed that something wrong is going on with Flourel that's why she's in a hurry to get there to meet with Flourel.

As for me, well I just feel like I'm much stronger than them so I'm willing to help. That's why I'm going there as well.

I might be worried for Amelia... Who knows, but in the end I'm just following my gut feeling like a caring younger sister would be.

Or perhaps there must be something in the labyrinth that will surprise me that's why I'm more compelled to go on this journey.

Hmmm... I can't tell.

Seeing the dark blue sky starting to light up, I shot up and went out of my room to start my journey again.

Seeing me leaving the the inn, the innkeeper stopped me in a hurry to give my breakfast first.

Even though I'm not hungry, I still ate the food she gave me so that I can finally leave in peace without her stopping me.

After saying my goodbye to the innkeeper I then headed to the stable to fetch my horse.

The guy from yesterday greeted me and showed the horse to me. He even put a saddle to it himself.

Surpsised by his thoughtful help, I tried to compose myself from feeling touched and immediately grabbed for 5 gold coins from my ring.

I think that's how much a saddle can cost. I also grabbed the bag of food and water that he packed for the horse before I jumped up unto the horse's back.

"Thank you for the saddle and this bag" I said and pulled the reigns to ride the horse.

Like yesterday the horse ran throughout the rough terrain non stop so that we'll reach the next place before sun down.

When the horse started to get noticeably weary, we would then stop for a little bit so the horse could rest.

I made it drink the water that the guy from before gave me and if the horse wanted to I would also feed it with vegetables for snacks.

It didn't take long for us to reach another town before the sun down, and contrary to the expected destination that we'll reach... we actually arrived to a place located beyond the nearest town.

That means we skipped one town and reach to a place that is much closer to where my sister is now.

Compared to the first time I entered a town, the guards in this place did not let me in immediately.

Because first of all I looked suspicious while wearing a half-mask and is travelling by myself.

I'm not someone who's important in their eyes because I'm wearing a much simple dress.

"Show me your identity card, Miss" one of the guards said and reached out his hand.

I didn't have any identity card on me so I only shook my head to them.

The guard frowned at my answer and looked at me in bewilderment.

"Then state why you're here for" he said while preparing his hand on his blade.

"I'm here to stay for the night. I'll leave early in the morning tomorrow and will not cause trouble so you don't have to worry at all" I said nonchalantly.

The guard contemplated on what to do with me. He then looked up in the sky seeing that it's getting dark so he reluctantly nodded.

"But just in case you will be staying in a prison. You said you only need a place to stay right?" the guard said with a serious face.

Thinking that it's not actually a bad idea, I then nodded and followed him quietly.

"Can you also take care of my horse? I have money with me to pay you for it" I said.

The guard then looked back at me while looking like he's deeply thinking again.

He looked at my horse that looked really pitiful right now, so unconciously he clicked his tongue.

"Did you travel with that horse the whole time? Since when did you start?" he asked.

"In the morning, exactly 5 am" I said.

The guard who heard me hardened his face at my answer then he knitted his brows as if he's trying to contain his anger.

Then he sighed heavily while looking down then looked back at me with a calmer look on his face.

"Miss, horses are not tools that you can use recklessly. They are alive that needed rest and meal so that they can run properly. Looking at how you ride him all day, it must have been your first time travelling by a horse, I won't pry on where you're going to with that horse but I recommend that you should consider that it's a living being like you" the guard said.

Not knowing how to answer him I simply stayed quiet and nodded my head.

"I'll keep that in mind" I said.

Then I remembered the fee for taking care of the horse so I immediately took out some money from the ring.

The guard who's in front of me of course saw that the ring has spatial magic, so he looked at it in surprise then looked back at me as well.

"You, can I ask for your name?" the guard asked with a nervous look on his face.

He must have thought that I'm not an ordinary person because of the spatial ring.

Thinking that there's no harm in revealing my identity to him, I then looked at him and told my name Remil Azrael.

There was a moment of silence for awhile but after things finally sinked in, the guard immediately bowed his head to me.

"I greet the Young Miss!" he shouted tensely.

I nodded lightly at his greeting then shoved the money to him.

"Treat the horse well and take the money" I said and not letting him deny the money for courtesy

"We'll do so, Lady!" he added then called one of the guards to take care of the horse for me.

"Lady, I ask for forgiveness for thinking of putting you to prison. Will you allow me to lead you to a much comfortable room, Lady?" the knight said feeling tense and embarrassed.

"Okay" I said and nodded my head.

Feeling relieve, the guard then sent me to a spacious room. It's not glamorous or an expensive looking place but it does look better than the room from the inn before.

Satisfied with the room, I then urged the guard to go back and do his duty while I stayed in the room comfortably.

But instead of going back to do his duty, it seems like he went to the kitchen area first and ordered someone to bring me food.

I had no choice but to eat the food they brought me before I could sleep.

It also seemed like the journey took a toll on my mental well-being that it's probably more ideal to sleep right now.

Although I don't need to sleep, for some reason I have the natural ability to make myself fall asleep when I wanted to.

Though there are times when I couldn't control myself and wake up later than expected.

When I was a child I slept for five whole days without any sign of waking up. My family became worried that they sent a bunch of doctors for me, but all the doctors said was that I'm healthy and is only sleeping.

My parents was skeptical at first and thought that the doctors were lying so when I woke up feeling fine as if waking up from a one hour nap, everyone finally believed their words.

Although they all seemed baffled how it was possible for me to sleep that long without any body complications.

As I grew older and considered sleeping as part of my routine I was now able to sleep for 7-8 hours and woke up after it. Just like any normal people does.


Morning came and I was woken up by the same person who brought me meal last night. This time he brought me a washing basin and a towel to wash my face and a breakfast as well.

I can't believed I'll be served properly like this even if I'm not at home.

Seeing that I'm done eating, the guy then cleaned up the place before bowing to me and leaving the room quietly.

*knock* *knock*

Not long after the man left, a knock was heaard from the door.

"Come in" I said and the door opened revealing the guard that I met last night.

The guard stepped inside the room and bowed his head to me.

"Lady, may I dare ask a question?" the guard ask so I nodded.

He already asked something but anyways...

"What is it?" I told him.

"Is there a reason why you said you're leaving so early in the morning?" the knight asked.

I don't know what he's thinking at all so I simply answered him back.

"I'm following my sister. She ran away from the mansion to go to the west border" I said.

The guard looked shocked at the sudden important news that I dropped. He know that the sister that I'm talking about is the Saintess Amelia.

"I understand.... But I don't think that's possible for now, Lady" the guard said in a grim look.

"Why is that?" I asked urging him to explain himself.

"Actually the horse you arrived with seemed to have fallen ill. I don't think you'll be able to ride it for awhile until it's healed, lady" the guard said while bowing.

I sighed in guilt as I thought about how I recklessly rode it yesterday without thinking about it's well-being.

I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to leave it here, after all it is a horse that belongs to our family.

"How long will it take for the horse to heal?" I asked.

"It might take a whole week, lady" the guard said looking like he's murdered someone and is now guilty of a crime.

"Then I'll wait" I simply said and resigned myself.

I can't just leave the horse here as if abandoning it when I'm the one that forcibly brought it with me.

"We'll do our best to accomodate you, Lady" he added with cold sweat on his head.

But I shook my head thinking that I shouldn't burden them any longer.

"I'll just rent an inn nearby. I know all of you are busy and I don't want to bother you during my stay here" I said and shook my head sideways.

"An since I'm staying here for a week, I might as well enjoy the bustling town here" I said and stood up.

Knowing that my tone is full of sincerity the guard complied and nodded his head.

"Then I'll escort you out, Lady" he said and reached out his hand for me.

Of course I took up his offer and let him guide me outside of the building where soldiers who watches over the walls and gates are residing in.