
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Bad News

Only a day has passed since the topic about Flourel has circulated throughout the Kingdom and as expected my sister is not doing well as soon as the words about the Second Child of God has reached her.

Although I promised not to peek into her Book of life story.... I still looked at it anyway because it feels like she's acting different lately and I can't help but satisfy my curiosity in knowing what she's actually feeling by taking a slight peek.

To my surprise though, Amelia is actually more upset about the rumor that Flourel and I were probably exchanged at birth and that I'm just some random commoner who took Flourel's place as the second child of the Azraels.

It seemed like the thought of being a fake Saintess never occur to her. Moreover, the only thing that I can see in the book about her feelings was relief. It's as if her shackles has been lifted finally.

Well I'm glad that she's doing fine regardless of the sudden appearance of Flourel. Anyways it really is a problem that my sister will be called fake at this rate. Apparently, not all people knew that a Saintess has two powers which were Healing and Nature.

Since healing has been the most known power of the Saintess, my sister who only has the power of Nature will definitely be labeled as fake. Of course I know that it doesn't matter whether she's the Saintess or not since she's also the daughter of an aristocrat, but I'm still afraid that she will meet with some difficulties in the future because of it.


After a long day of writing Harodin's novel I accidentally fall asleep like a normal human being and one bad news has appeared before me after it.

"Where's my Book of Life?" I mumbled as I looked around my room.

The Book of Life is like a power that belongs to me, I can summon and hide it whenever I wanted to because I own it, but I guess that's just a baseless thought.

After a whole search on my entire room a maid suddenly appeared while carrying the book of life for me. She fell on her knees and beg for mercy because apparently she went inside my room to check if I've eaten my food and as she saw the book with unique writings on them she got curious and wanted to look more.

By mistake she then caused the ink that was placed near the edge of the table to spill onto the book and in a panic she grabbed the book and went outside to try and fix her mess but she was not successful.

And so we came to this situation where she's begging for mercy from me.

I held my head as I knitted my brows in anger. It's been a long time since I told everyone not to come and go to my room unless I said so, but because of the incident where I usually forget to eat my meals things has finally come to this.

What's shocking is that anyone can easily steal my book if I summoned it to the world and if it's held by another person I won't be able to bring it back no matter how much I call out to it.

I guess I found a weakness to myself, I wonder if ever all the books that I have were stolen I would become a normal human being? Or do I only lose my powers as a witch but I would still have the body of immortality?

I don't even want to find that out.

I sighed as I dismissed the maid who's sweating and tearing up from fear. I picked up the book that was smudge in ink and to my surprise it glowed and slowly erased the spilled ink of its existence.

"Hoh" I mused and called back the book of life to I don't know where. The Book of Life then disappeared from my hands and after it's gone I held out a relieve sigh.

That was the first time that I ever felt fear in my entire life. Nothing has ever scared me because I'm immortal and no matter how many injuries I take they would heal instantly.

The book of life has been a part of my life since the day I was born, I never let anyone see it nor touch it so I never thought that a possibility of losing it can actually come true.

I should be careful from now on....

Ah, right maybe it's time that I check the other books as well. I've been obsessed with reading that I couldn't be bothered about the rest of my power.

I summoned the Book of Spells and opened it. Compared to the Book of Life that was filled with all the people's names in alphabetical order when you open it, the Book of Spells was completely empty.

And just like what I realized, the Book of Spells was thinner than the Book of Life. Below the page there's numbers on it and when I looked at the last number, it was a hundred.

Somehow though I knew what I have to do right away after examining the book. As if my knowledge as a witch are slowly appearing. Well it won't be good if the Gods gave me power but not the ability to use it.

The Book of Spells is basically magic that I can use as a witch, and I can create any spells that I want though only at the limit of one hundred. Spells that are written in this book can even bend logic and reality.

I can create spells out of nowhere and the world will casually accept it as a natural phenomena. I need to be very thoughtful in making spells so for now I'll seal it up.

Next I summoned the Book of Curses and because of the Book of Spells I expected that I could create my own Cursed spells as well but when I opened it there's already cursed spells that are written on them. What a pity.

Both Books about Spells and Curses can only be activated if I held the books though so I can't actually say a spell out loud and expect a result when I'm not even holding the book. It is really built as something that can easily be activated by other people and not just me.

I have to be careful not to lose my books then...

Last I summoned the Book of Art. The Book of Art was just like the Book of Spells, it has a limited number of a hundred pages and anything I drew on it will come true.

I can even change the nature if I simply drew a black flower that uniquely grows in the mountains and the world will slowly produce that black flower somehow in the mountains. It's not limited to plants because I can also create animals and objects.

The animals will be called magic beasts though or a familiar that only the witches could tame. Again I have to carefully think about things before painting on them.

I unsummoned the Book and lay down on the bed, it really makes me wonder just how powerful the other Progenitors.

When I grow older I would love to meet the Progenitor of the Dragons and the Progenitor of the Elves.