
The Witch Hats Quest for Curse Curing Magic: A Tale of Adventure

The soul of the Elemental Witch is trapped inside her witch hat, causing her to forget everything! After centuries of wandering as a soul-bound witch hat, a new person enters her life - an apprentice witch whose goal is to cure the curse plaguing her. They quickly become friends, but the apprentice falls unconscious due to the curse. Before losing consciousness, she boldly proclaims her last wish to the witch hat: "Use my body to find the magic that can cure the curse and have awesome and wild adventures!" The witch hat, finally able to leave the labyrinth, sets on a journey to find a cure for her friend's curse and embarks on a spectacular adventure.

Delsuin1 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Accepting The Contract

Chapter 5 Accepting The Contract The soul of the witch hat asked Kailey if she wished to accept the contract. Upon hearing this, Kailey questioned the soul on how to sign the contract. She asked if she needed to stab the soul of the hat with the contract, or if she needed to cut her finger and let the blood drip onto the hat's corporeal soul to accept the contract. "To accept the contract, you don't need to perform a physical ceremony like cutting yourself or stabbing me. Instead, we simply need to etch the contract into each other's souls. My soul has already been forcefully etched with a contracted, so it will be simple for you to do the same." Kailey was pondering over the souls words then asked, "How do I etch the contract into my soul? Will you be the one to do it for me?" "Yes, I will use the power of our souls to etch the Words of Possession contract into your soul, after which our souls will be linked together with the contract connecting the two of us." When Kailey agreed to the terms and conditions of the contract, she used the witch hat's help to etch it onto her soul. However, she was unaware of the conditions added by the witch hat during the etching process. One of these condition would later preserve Kailey's body if something disastrous happened. As the contract was being etched into Kailey's soul, she went through a short and excruciatingly painful process. During this time, she saw her entire life flashing before her eyes. She remembered the grueling training that she underwent to build up her stamina. She recalled how she learned to refine her magic energy to fortify and increase her strength. She also remembered her deceased father, mother, and brother, who loved her dearly. The witch hat witnessed everything that Kailey had gone through and felt the heartache that she had to endure. As a result, the witch hat made a vow to treat Kailey not as a test subject, but as a fellow being, not in body but in soul. As Kailey opened her eyes, she saw the soul of the witch hat had returned to its rightful place. The hat was attempting to get on Kailey's head, but it failed miserably, which made her laugh. However, suddenly, a piercing headache came over her, causing Kailey to black out once again, dreaming of a past not of her own.