
The Witch and The Prince

Running away from the palace, Princess Tata hide as she disguised herself into a maid, not wanting to marry her older brother as they were witches to keep their ancestral witches power purer. She fled to Acan kingdom and there the crown prince fell in love with her and married her not believing she was truly a witch. But then his people rejected her and her daughter grew up to face the same fate as hers, as her people wanted her to fulfill an ancestral prophesy of birthing a demigod to restore peace to all the lands.

GoodnessChiamaka · History
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17 Chs


Princess Tata Edwards went to the second building that stood mighty and closer to the first as instructed to her by Lady Lucy as the two buildings were almost identical and she wondered why the royal family would build such similar buildings, probably to confuse criminals that might want to attack the royal family, she thought.

The guard standing at the entrance door stared at her from head to toe as she approached, seeing she wasn't wearing any of their uniform, he wondered who allowed her into the palace and even made her way towards the royal mansion, as the two buildings were conjointly used by the royal family.

"Who are you and what do you want here?," The stationed guard questioned and she looked downward feeling nervous as she came and stood in front of the door.

"Am here to see the seamstress Lady Alora. Lady Lucy directed me here," Princess Tata replied, and he stared at her a little more before opening the door to allow her in.

As she stepped into the first floor she felt her energy drained and the maids that were mopping the tiled floor and the guards that were stationed around the corners of the large hall, paused and stared at her. Making her nervous and she straighting her back and went to the stairs going upstairs to the second floor, as she was so nervous to ask a maid for proper direction to the seamstress workroom. She went up the stairs and just as she got to the second floor, she saw the crown prince and two guards coming downstairs from the third floor. And as she was about to hide the crown prince immediately spotted her as he was coming downstairs having gone to the library room upstairs. He immediately questioned "Who's there!?," and Princess Tata ran out of the corridor to run downstairs, not expecting to meet with the crown prince there.

The guards stationed at the second floor immediately caught up with her and dragged her back to meet the prince as the crown prince stood on the second floor with two of his guards standing behind him and staring at her.

Prince Matthew Osas the crown Prince of Acan kingdom,was a 27years old man. He stood watching as his guards dragged her back to meet him. He was surprised to see a lady covered fully in black, dressed like an assassin by that hour of the night, he immediately questioned her as the guards stopped with her and stood in front of him.

"Who are you and what do you want here in this palace?," he asked as his eyes subtly narrowed at her.

Princess Tata Edwards looked downward feeling too nervous to reply and not able to meet up with the prince strong gaze on her. He questioned the guard holding her, "Who allowed her into this Palace?."

"I don't know my prince," The guard holding her replied.

"I see.." Prince Matthew Osas said as he took some steps closer to meet her, she shook and struggled to get away, seeing the prince was approaching her.


"Are you here to assassin me?," Prince Matthew Osas questioned and Princess Tata stiffened and shook her head.

"SPEAK!," Prince Matthew commanded and she shook again, as she was so scared to speak. She couldn't use her powers on him as she was scared the palace was already fortified against witches like her, as she felt slightly weak having stepped a foot into the palace hall downstairs. She had thought the Prince and the rest of the royal family were all in the other mansion, what was he doing here?, She thought and continued looking downward.

Seeing that the lady hasn't said anything Prince Matthew Osas commanded, "Remove her veil!," and Princess Tata shook her head vigorously, struggling to get away as she looked so different from them. She was a pure blooded witch and she had long golden colored hair, sharp golden colored eyes, long ears, a beautiful face endowed with naturally long eye lashes, pointed nose and full pink lips. She was a beauty goddess and it was the more reason her older brother wanted her more than her elder sister Princess Latifa even after her sister had given birth to two sons for him. She shook her head refusing for the guard to take off her veil but another guard came from behind and took off her veil revealing her face to them and their jaws dropped.

Prince Matthew Osas was taken aback by her beauty. He stared at her in shock as he hadn't seen such a magnificent beauty before, "Who are you!,?.." His word trails as he subconsciously asked her and his heart also skipped a beat seeing how beautiful and different she looked. Where's she from?, he wondered inwardly as he stared at her.

The guard holding her wasn't seeing her face, but he could see the horror written on the rest of the other two guards faces standing behind the prince and the maids that were also mopping the second floor stopped as the mopping stick dropped from their hands and they also stared at her in horror as their mouth fell agape.

"What is your name?," Prince Matthew Osas asked as he finally composed himself from the shock. He stared at the guard holding her.

"Let go of her," He told the guard holding her and went closer to them and dragged her by her left hand.

"Come with me," he said to Princess Tata and immediately dragged her by her left hand wanting to take her upstairs to the third floor, seeing how the maids and guards on the second floor were also staring at her. But his shadow guard immediately stopped him and came into his view seeing how the prince had grabbed the magnificent beauty by her hand and wanted to take her upstairs with him to the study room.

"But my prince, we don't know if she's an assassin sent to kill you now his majesty is no more, we cannot trust her," Simon said as he came and stood rightly in front of the prince stopping him from going up the stairs, as he was three years older than Prince Matthew and was 30yrs in age.

"Simon!," Prince Matthew said his name and stared at him, then he stared back at the beauty whom was struggling to break her hand free from his, thinking the prince wants to go and kill her or do something evil to her.

"I don't mean any harm, am actually here to work as a maid," Princess Tata Edwards said to them in her soft sweet delicate voice that seemed to stirred something in Prince Matthew's heart, as she struggled to break away from his holding.

Prince Matthew looked away from her still holding her hand and said to Simon,

"I don't think she means any harm, step away!." He ordered and Simon immediately stepped away from the stairs, obeying Prince Matthew's command even though he was internally afraid of the strange looking woman. He feared maybe she has even bewitched their prince that he wasn't scared of her.

Prince Matthew dragged her upstairs to follow him as they both went up to the third floor.

Reaching the study room he stopped and opened the study room door before dragging her in with him and closing the door behind him.

As he entered into the study room with her. He turned to stare at her and just then Simon came back knocking continuously hard on the study room door as he was so worried about the prince's safety.

"My prince, My prince!." Simon knocked as he was standing behind the door.

Prince Matthew Osas sighed and turned back to open the study door meeting Simon's intent gaze on him.

"My prince we cannot trust her or leave you alone with her," Simon said to him as he wanted to step into the study room to guard the prince. Prince Matthew Osas immediately stopped him crossing his hand over to the door handle and wedging Simon.

"Simon!, You can wait at the door, I will soon be out," Prince Matthew Osas said to Simon, giving him assurance that he was safe and then he finally closed the door on Simon, leaving Simon and his personal assistant Timothy whom later came to meet Simon at the door. They both stood worriedly at the door, hoping the lady wouldn't kill their crown prince.