
The Witch And The Halfwit

When nineteen-year-old princess Ona is abducted on her way to her wedding, her betrothed, Didé scours all of Out-earth looking for her. Dragged to the highlands of Kebo that she knows about only from legends, Ona discovers that her captor is not only a hateable brute but part of an ancient clan of warriors, whose legendary exploits trace back to the Third Era -1300 years before Ona. Perhaps, he is not a hateable brute all the time. As she adapts to her new home, her initial animosity towards the warrior transforms into a fiery passion that puts her in a terrible position with her beloved betrothed. However, her romantic entanglements are the least of her concerns. An ancient darkness is growing, and Ona must find a way to stop it, or the world that she knows will be consumed by the Lightless Dark.

indig0jesse · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 9

The crackle of a nearby fire roused Ona. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw flames dancing and twisting in the small clearing before her. She blinked slowly, trying to remember how and why she felt so much pain.

Lifting her head slightly, she realized she was lying on a bed of fallen leaves and pine needles. Tall trees surrounded the secluded little glade, their branches filtering the dappled moonlight. Ona found herself in a part of the forest she couldn't recall reaching. Her memory faded at the riverbank where she was bleeding heavily.

Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed the arrowhead extracted and the wound expertly bandaged. Though the pain lingered, it wasn't as intense as before.

Who found her? Who tended to her wounds? Was it friend or foe?

A rustling sound drew her attention to the fire. That's when she noticed him - a young man crouched nearby, carefully turning a rabbit on a spit over the crackling flames. The flickering light played across his intent features as he tended to the roasting meal.

Perhaps she made a faint sound, as he abruptly glanced in her direction. His expression remained impassive. "Ah, you're awake. I was beginning to worry," he remarked with a gentle tone. "Don't exert yourself too soon. Your shoulder needs time to heal."

Her mouth felt dry and rough. Sensing her discomfort, the young man retrieved a water satchel and extended it to her. "Here, you should drink something first. You must be thirsty."

Grateful, she accepted the offering, her gaze fixed on him as she took deep gulps, the refreshing liquid easing her parched throat. So many questions raced through her mind, yet she opted to begin with the most urgent. "Who are you? And where am I?" she inquired in a hoarse voice.

The young man's affable smile didn't waver, but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he replied, "Well, now that's quite a tale." He turned the spit with a deft twist of his wrist, basting the slowly roasting rabbit. "But first, I must attend to our meal before it's rendered inedible."

She blinked at him owlishly, nonplussed by his elusive response. As he continued diligently seeing to the fire and spit, she felt her brow furrow. "I don't mean to be rude, but I would appreciate some actual answers."

Straightening up, the man brushed his hands on his deerskin breeches and gave her with a roguish grin. "Rude? Not at all, you've been nothing but a courteous guest so far." He made a sweeping gesture to encompass the forest around them. "Although, uninvited guests in these woods don't always receive such hospitable treatment."

She felt her jaw tighten in budding frustration. "Guest? I don't even know where 'these woods' are or how I came to be lying unconscious in them." She lifted her chin, trying to muster as much dignity as one could while prone and disheveled. "At the very least, I deserve to know the name of my unsolicited host."

Ona felt her frustration mounting as the young man deftly avoided revealing his name or explaining her situation. She drew herself up with as much regal poise as she could muster from her prone position.

"See here," she began in her most imperious tone. "I will not tolerate these evasions any longer. I demand to know who you are and how I came to be lying unconscious in these..." She paused, gesturing vaguely at their wooded surroundings.

The young man's eyes gleamed with amusement as he casually shrugged. "My identity is just a construct, a title randomly assigned. But if you insist on calling me something..." He paused, tapping his chin as if considering. "How about Nzonzo? Or perhaps Edika strikes your fancy more?"

Ona's brow furrowed as she tried to discern if he was mocking her. "Those are not your true names. Do not play games with me, sir. I insist upon knowing the reality of who you are."

The corner of his mouth quirked upwards. "Reality is merely a matter of perception, my lady. But very well..." He performed an excessively elaborate bow. "For now, you may refer to me as Tij."

"Tij?" She wrinkled her nose at the strange-sounding moniker. "That is an absurd name! Surely you jest."

"Do you prefer Willalamgo then?" He cocked his head inquisitively. "Or mayhaps Joffriki would better suit your sensibilities?"

Inhaling deeply, Ona willed herself to remain composed instead of screaming with vexation at his maddeningly irreverent demeanor. "Your chosen name is of little consequence at the moment. What I seek is an explanation for how I ended up in these woods."

Tij —or whatever his confounding name happened to be - rested his chin in his hand contemplatively. "How *did* you come to be here? An excellent question, albeit one with a rather curious answer..."

As he trailed off, peering at her with that inscrutable gaze, Ona wanted to stamp her foot in aggravation. "Well? I'm awaiting this curious answer!"

He raised his hands in a calming gesture. "Patience, my lady. However, I can't help but wonder..." His gaze swept over her disheveled state with a critical eye. "What led you to wander alone in the woods wearing such elegant attire? Surely, someone of your stature has no reason to—"

"That is none of your concern!" Ona cut him off sharply, her irritation mounting at his blatant scrutiny of her appearance and status. Tightening her torn tiger skin robe around her, she glared at the arrogant young man. "I demand those answers from you right now."

Holding up his hands in surrender, Tij chuckled softly. "Of course, of course. I'll explain everything...but first, I simply must tend to our meal before the feat at hand is utterly ruined."

With an infuriating wink, he turned back towards the fire and spit where the plump rabbit continued to slowly roast. Smoldering in silence, Ona had no choice but to wait as he saw to the flames and basted the cooking meat —as he emitted a soft, melodious whistle, which only exacerbated her fraying patience even more.

The maddening whistle persisted as Tij carefully tended the fire and basted the rabbit. Unable to fume in silence any longer, Ona inhaled deeply. "I suppose I should offer you my gratitude, despite your insufferable demeanor."

She lifted her chin in a regal manner, attempting to regain some sense of dignity. "Thank you for rendering me whatever aid was required after my..." She waved a hand airly. "My unfortunate incident in these woods."

Tij paused in turning the spit to flash her an amused look over his shoulder. "Why, you're most welcome, my lady. Although I must admit, you delivered those thanks in a rather roundabout manner." His gaze took on a impish glint. "One might almost think you were reluctant to express actual appreciation."

Stiffening slightly at his irreverent observation, Ona opened her mouth to offer a tartly-worded rejoinder. However, before she could speak, an unexpected sound rent the still forest air - the distant baying of dogs and the unmistakable crashing of heavy underbrush.

In a blink, Tij's entire demeanor shifted. The playful glint in his eyes was extinguished, replaced by an intensity that was almost alarming. In a single fluid motion, he leapt from his crouched position at the fire directly towards her prone form.

Ona sucked in a startled breath as his hand clamped firmly over her mouth while his body shielded hers. His face was mere inches from her own, his eyes boring into hers with a silent command to remain utterly silent and unmoving.

She caught the barest hint of an earthy, wild scent surrounding him - not unpleasant, but utterly unfamiliar. It made her nose twitch ever so slightly. Then, withdrawing his hand from her lips, Tij swiftly yet deftly reached over to smother the sputtering campfire. Wisps of smoke trailed upwards before dissipating in the still air.

Grasping her wrist, Tij began hauling her up into a half-seated position. Ona opened her mouth to protest, but his urgent, raspy whisper cut off her words. "Be silent! We must move quickly and quietly!"

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