
Chapter 28: Unconventional Alpha


“Dinner! Stop goofing around!”

I hear Leena call from the kitchen window where she’s been helping Frank and a few other pack members with dinner. I feel a few sharp teeth still digging into my arm and look down at one of the toddlers, who’s literally latched onto me with half-shifted teeth. My heart aches a little when I think about it all too hard, memories of simpler times flooding back to me as I tickle the pup’s side to try and get them off.

“Oh no!” I say in jest when they don’t immediately let go, “I’m being attacked by a savage beast, what am I, an injured wolf, going to do? Who will come save me?”

And like clockwork, I hear the footsteps of a few other pups as they look to see what the commotion is all about.

“I’ll save you!”

“No, I’ll save you!”

And suddenly I’m in a pile of small bodies, trying my best to keep my hands and legs safe from flailing limbs. It’s not successful, but I only need to hiss once and the pups are immediately still, sensing my pain.