
Chapter 18: Bit of Good, Bit of Bad


Alec makes a sound like he’s dying as his phone rings, the early morning light just peeking in through the tent. It’s barely 7am, I honestly have no idea who would be calling at this hour, and it’s ruining the afterglow. Last night was a flying success at getting out of my own head, sex a surprisingly good distraction, and waking up together this morning would’ve been the cherry on that stress-relief sundae.

“This better be good,” Alec says as he answers his phone, so classy.

“Good morning, Alec!” Jules’ voice is chipper and bright on the other side of the phone, loud enough that I can hear it even off speakerphone, “Is this a bad time?”

Somehow, Jules sounds like he knows exactly what happened last night.

“Waking up, but no. Just don’t expect any problem-solving or math this early.”