
Chapter 17: Summer Heat


It’s dark by the time we make it to the beach, not for lack of trying, but we kept getting distracted, needing to stop in a dark alley in town to get out some sexual frustration before being able to continue on. But we made it, barely; and as soon as the towel I’m throwing down hits the sand, Leena is on me, lips on mine and her small hands finding their way under my shirt that somehow stayed in place during the walk here.

“Come on, Alec. Don’t make me wait.” She hisses her impatience, pushing at me as her leg hooks behind my knees to bring me down to the sand in a quick swipe. If not for my reflexes we probably would’ve both ended up in a bruised heap on the blanket. But as it stands, it was just incredibly sexy, watching Leena finally give in to her body's pull and take what she wants. Like I’ve been encouraging her to do for weeks now.

“Not making you do anything,” I say, but it sounds weak even to my own ears, and she grins a knowing smile, like she knows she’s won.