
Chapter 16: The Games We Play


“Alright,” Alec says, musing to himself, “Got a new phone, stocked up on supplies, and on our way to cure your homesickness. Productive day, if I do say so myself.”

It’s a murky dusk outside, the sun setting on the horizon casting deep shadows, leaving another hour of light before it’s too dark to see by. But Jules was right, it’s much cooler now, the sea breeze tempering the heat of the asphalt; and as we round the corner and the basketball court comes into view, I figure that making a fool of myself wouldn’t exactly be anything new when it comes to Alec.

“I don’t think basketball is the cure for homesickness,” I say with a smile, knowing it will provoke a comment.

“And that is where you are wrong, dearest Leena,” He turns to face me, backpedaling, before he continues, “Basketball is the cure for many things. You just haven’t experienced its healing capabilities yet.”

“Alec. I feel like I’ve said this before, but you say the most random stuff sometimes.”