
The Witch's Apprentice

Celesta Arcenite dedicated her entire life to being a skilled chef. However, with the loss both of her parents, Celesta lost her desire to cook. Now, Celesta wants to learn magic. She is determined to become a proper with despite the challanges. That is the reason why she seek magic guidance from Lumina Ambrosia, also know as the witch of destruction. One of the most dangerous person in the entire world.

SakuSaku · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The forest is so dense that sunlight barely penetrates because of how the trees cover the sky. Even during the day, it's difficult to see the ground.

"Just curious. Why are you not bringing your big hat?" asked Argus, while trying to look at the sky through a small hole.

Celes usually wears something simple to make it easier for her to move around the house.

In a forest, she wears different clothes. She wore a black robe with a white ribbon at the neck. Through the front, Argus can see the white dress Celes wore. Another thing is her black boot. Everything is to keep the bugs away.

All that's left is the hat and she will look like a proper witch like in the book, Argus thought.

"Have you ever seen people wearing hats while farming?"

They've been walking in the woods for hours. There is time before the sun reaches its peak.

"Of course. I mean, I am one of them."

Argus would aid his father on the farm from the morning until the afternoon. He was lucky that he had a reason to escape from responsibilities today.

"And why is that?"

"Because it's hot!"

"If you already knew, then stop asking! I only wear a hat on hot days. There is no path in the forest, it would be hard to use that here."

Celes walked without looking at Argus, who was a few meters behind. Tree roots were sticking out of the ground. The surface was sometimes soft and hard. A lot of bugs crawling around. If she wasn't careful, she will fall.

They are searching for cooking ingredients.

She brought a basket full of various items. Mushrooms, leaves, plants, seeds, herbs, fruits, whatever the girl thinks can be useful, she will put into the basket. It will be used or not, that's a matter of later.

"So, you are a chef?"

"You're the type who can't stop talking, aren't you?" Her legs came to a halt.

Since Argus agreed to assist her in doing her errands, Celes tried her best to answer everything. However, the question somehow reaches no end.

"Don't you think it's better if we just keep talking like this?"

Celes approached Argus. "Here, bring this!" She swapped the baskets. "You are here to help me, and yet you put nothing into the basket."

"I have no idea what you need. Usually, I go to the forest to hunt a bird, rabbit, or something."

Celes sighed. Argus had lived here for a long time, so she figured at least he would know which plants could be eaten or not.

"Yes, I am a chef. I also have a restaurant in the capital. What about it?" The girl started walking again.

Argus remembered they had mentioned something about eating at her place. He wants to make sure he heard it correctly.

"That's very impressive."

They were most likely the same age. Argus was trapped in a small place with his responsibility to help his father. Celes on the other hand became a chef and managed a restaurant.

"Impressive? Why?"

Again, Celes stopped walking. Her shoulders dropped as if the basket were heavy. Even though Argus could only see the girl's back, he could tell something was bothering her just by listening to her voice.

"If owning your own restaurant isn't impressive, then I don't know what is."

Celes raised her gaze to the sky. Sunlight touched her face through some hole between leaves and dazzled her eyes.

"Impressive, huh?" There was a moment before she lowered her head. "Argus, you misunderstood something about me."

Argus was silent, not understanding. Maybe the achievements in the capital are different from those in the village.

"While it's true, the restaurant is mine. I am not the one who built it. All of them belong to my parents. My parents are both chefs. As their only child, I have no other choice but to learn how to cook. There's nothing impressive about it."

Argus was only listening. If the restaurant right now belongs to her, then her parents might not be there anymore.

He is aware of everything. get up in the morning and assist his father on the farm. After his father passed away, it was his turn to do everything. He doesn't enjoy doing any of that. It doesn't excite him at all. After all, that's what it means to be an adult.

"I envy you, Celes." His mouth moved by itself.

"Is there anything about me that makes you envy me?"

"Being able to cook isn't as bad as being a farmer. You quit being a chef, and now you're doing whatever you wanted. Being able to decide your future. How can I not be envious of you?"

Argus couldn't help himself. His destiny has been decided. Stuck in a tiny place like this. All the responsibilities he bears because of the expectations of his parents.

He despises everything.

"Then why don't you just make your future?"

"Not everyone has the same chance as you."

He can't just leave this place and go wherever he wants. There's a rule he needs to follow in order to continue living.

"I agree with you. I have seen many people risking their job, family, home, and more to achieve their ambitions. As a result, they lost everything. If you remain here to be a farmer, your life is more secure. That's what you mean, right?"

"If you understand then—"

"Again, you misunderstood," cut Celes quickly. "I… never quit."

"If you cannot learn magic, then you can just go back to your home. You can continue to cook. If I go outside and fail, I might not return to my home again. That's the difference between us. "

That's why, by staying in a remote place, he secures his life. However, he also can't achieve his dream. If he can't achieve it in the first place, then what's the point of having a dream?

"Then let me ask you this! Have you ever tried to go outside? Have you ever asked the chief to go out?"

"That is…"

"Giving up is okay, Argus. But if you never try, then you have no right to be envious of me. I can go home if I fail. I might still cook. But, it doesn't mean I sacrificed nothing pursuing this path. How could you be jealous of me when you know nothing about me, Argus?"

There's no point in arguing. What Celes spoke isn't wrong after all. But he can't just shut up and stay silent.

Argus clenched his fists. He doesn't understand what happens, but he is just mad. Rage slowly appears in his heart.

"That's true. We just met. I know nothing about you. I don't know what sacrifice you made to achieve your dream. However, I know about myself. I know that If I try to get out of here, it's not just about losing my home, or future. I also might lose my life."

Without experience, knowledge, skills, or anything. It is the truth.

It's not that he doesn't want to. He simply just can't, because he will die. As a normal person, it's normal to be scared to death.

"I... see."

Argus just realized it. It's not about his future or his home in the end. He was mad because he was just afraid of death.

Everyone has the chance to pursue their path and dream. However, not everyone has the strength to bear the risk, and losing your life is the worst.

"You know Celes. You're very strong."


"I guess I am just surprised that no one in the village is as strong as you."

After that, they went back to gathering ingredients without saying anything.

Argus sat down on the red carpet politely. A few meters in front of him is an old woman full of wrinkles, who is sitting on the same carpet.

"Argus, why do you come here?" Her voice trembled slightly.

The woman who spoke is the village chief and the oldest person living there. No one knows how old she is. Since the chief built the village, she could be over ninety.

"Celes wanted to cook something. She wanted to borrow cooking utensils that were stored in the main warehouse."

It might be a good idea for Argus to borrow things from the chief since he is a local. It's kind of rude though since it was Celes who needs it.

"Celes? Do you mean the girl who just come a few days ago? Why didn't she come here herself?"

She takes the cup filled with tea and drinks it slowly. After she is done, Argus speaks.

"Eh, that is…" Argus was confused. "She told me she needs to prepare something else. That's why I am here on her behalf."

"You seem very close to her."

The chief puts the cup on the floor. She then poured some more from the teapot.

The room looks clean and empty. Apart from the paintings hanging on the wall, nothing else catches the eye. They usually use the room for discussion or meetings.

"Uh, not really. My mother asked me to deliver food to her, so we kinda talk a bit. I wouldn't say I was close to her. However, out of all people, I probably interacted with her the most."

Argus spoke casually. He was careful not to utter any harsh words. It had been a long time since he had spoken to the chief.

"I remember. She told me she came here to make fertilizer. How is she doing right now?"

"She seems serious about it. However, I am not sure about that."

The trouble with her experiment is, she needs to wait for the plants to grow to know the results. If that's true, then Celes probably will stay for months.

"I see." The chief is silent, taking a few breaths before she finally speaks again. "Argus, you said cooking utensils. What is it do you need?"

"Oh, yeah. She gave me the list." Argus showed the small paper.

"Is that it? Or is there anything else?"

Is there anything else? Argus thinks for a second until a bad memory pop out from nowhere.

"Ooh, I just remembered. Yesterday, someone from outside visited Celes. It seems she is Celes' teacher. She is the reason Celes wants to cook right now. She is kind of scary."

Celes no doubt had already met with the chief.

How about Lumina? Argus felt compelled to tell about what happened yesterday.

"Is she in the village?"

"I have never seen her in the forest since she disappeared. I don't know if she stays or not."

Everything about Lumina is strange. The distance to the nearest town still takes a few days if you walk. Staying around the village would be the best way for her to return.

"Hmm…" Her facial expression changed. She looks troubled.

"Is anything wrong?"

"What is her name?"

"If I am not wrong. Her name is Lumina."

The chief didn't show any reaction. She just took another sip and speak calmly.

"I see." Now, her face looks calm again. "Argus, you have my permission to enter the main warehouse. Go ask Herman to assist you to find what you need."

After saying thank you, Argus immediately left.