
3rd Wish : For a very specific personal dimension

It should be pretty large and accessible by me from anywhere and accesible to those I want to. Nobody else. I can restrict others from entering certain areas or acces to the library.

It is very large and has large amounts of cultivation resources that would be beneficial according to my cultivation manuals, plenty of all potions ingredients, plenty of all array-making ingredients, unlimited food ingredients, plenty of all alchemy ingredients and materials already processed and ready to be used and under stasis and the best flame possible for alchemy.. Of course all this should be well organised and not to mention a sizeable amount of gold and other percious metals and diamonds.

Has the necessary energy for any form of cultivation I will use. For example, if i need denser ki or magic to cultivate, It will provide as such. When there is no energy in the atmosphere I can use my personal dimension instead to fill my energy reserves.

It has a training building (preferably near indistructible) with holographic teachers for any arts, magics, techniques, knowledge or combat style possible i want to learn. There should be targets capable of sparring and training me, but no possibility or thoughts of betrayal or going rogue and additionally training tools like weights with no limits.

It should posses a treasury that doubles as an inventory to use. Weapons can be stored here and used the same manner as unlimited blade works skill from gilgamesh and after a while they will return to the storage.

And lastly a library full of cultivation techniques, combat styles, all magics everywhere written down in books well organised, alchemy manuals, array manuals, potion instruction books and so on (even merlin's knowledge from a 'potterverse'. No cursed books among them either. It should also have a robotic librarian that only activates on command with a search function that will efficitently organise books and retrieve them for me. Again, I dont want any change of it going rogue.