
2nd wish : The Races, Traits and Skills I desire to be present when I receive the system

The so-called races are more forms like how a shapeshifter has forms then truly races. I'd like to think I'm still just human at the end of the day. I would like to clarify that I would find it unacceptable if my mind or personality would be changed in any way, shape or form that is not specifically mentioned down here. Meaning I don't want my mind to change to how elves operate or phoenixes think. I still just want my mind with the changes I've mentioned to be in control. Naturally that also means that I'm not oncluded in any sort of hierarchy where I should for example listen to a pack leader or rayal elf or worse, the phoenix force from the 'MCU'. I would like it if all things mentioned under skills and traits or other races where usable in any race forms (i mean obviously nimble fingers not in phoenix form, but you get it right ;) ) Please let me switch instantly between forms. Thank you Love you


No paperwork (skill):

Creates a copy of the user without personality, wishes or dreams that has all the users knowledge and excels at paperwork and homework and learning. It works in the same manner as the clones that naruto uses from the narutoverse. Clones do not have acces to the system and upon being dispelled by the main the information returns to the main's brain.

Environmental resistance (trait):

The owner of this trait can survive in different environments such as space, deserts, swamps, toxic air, polluted air, radiation and so on without consequences.

Social butterfly (trait):

This skill provides for a multitude of factors. First of all it provides a high emotional intelligence and capacity for empathy. It provides its user with heightened spontanëity when engaged in small talk and makes it so that facial expressions are second nature. They can be controlled of course, but it is easy to show emotions and intentions through facial expressions without a significant cost in mental energy as I am currently "suffering from" due to my autistic tendencies. It does so while minimally changing the personality of the user. Finally, this skill makes the user talented in coming up with nicknames that are relatively well received by others and funny. Can be funny when they want to.

Authority (trait):

The permession to do what they do without repercussions for certain authoroties such as gods of time from dragon ball super, death from harry potter, fate from harry potter, timekeepers and so on.

Puppy eyes (skill):

It is pretty self-explanetory.

Psychological immunity (trait):

Strong resistance towards psychological ilness such as PTSD, OCD, bipolarity, multiple personalities and apathy. Does not activate for loss, sadness.

Great narrator (skill):

The owner of this skill is very good at telling stories and building the mood.

Artistic mind (trait):

This trait provides a multitude of services. First of all it provides the user with the knowledge and experience of playing any type of guitar and piano. It gives the ability to read music as if second nature and the knowledge and muscle memory of how to play any song present in my spotify account playlists, albums or downloads and any classical music from the world I reside in as I am writing this on either instrument. It is provided together with all theory on music and how to create my own songs and lyrics. Secondly, it provides knowledge, muscle control and experience on vocal control, singing and breathing techniques together with a guarantee that the voice has excellent range and is sufficiently unique and objectively more beautiful compared to Ed Sheeran and Adele. Can giggle without sounding ridiculous. Thirdly, it makes singing and playing an intrument or singing and dancing much easier to do at the same time and provides experience. Fourth, it provides knowledge, experience and muscle memory on how to draw make beutiful drawings and different styles of dancing. The dancing aspect comes with an excellent sense of rythm. Fifth, the more one experiences different places, experiences and aspects of life, the more creativity one has.

Computer whiz (skill):

This skill provides the user all the knowledge it needs to be excellent at anything computer related on the same level as the main protagonist of the novel 'Quickly Wear the Face of The Devil'. This knowledge is permanent and well organised in my mind.

Uchiha language skill:

Can have entire conversations using the word 'hnn' or'Enn'.

Charisma and cuteness (trait):

The owner of this trait possesses an enjoyable voice and knows how to be charismatic. They are quite cute in their behavior, if not a bit catlike. Though dogs will still like me lots. For example they have a wide range of facial expressions. Some of those facial expressions are cute, such as pouting, smiling, daydreaming and thinking faces. They automatically eat in a manner that could be considered cute or pretty. Ears flush when 'emberassed'.

Balanced (trait):

This skill provides an excellent sense of balance.

Cultivation and magic (trait):

This skill provides the best body and talent for cultivation of body, soul, magic, ki, alchemy, arrays, potionmaking and understanding the dao. My magic should be capable of any and all magics in the omniverse. The foundations are extremely sturdy (but not in a disadvantageous way), there is no risk of mental demons and failing tribulations. Cultivation manuals that lead to the highest possible cultivation rank to exist are provided and synergetic to one another for magic, body, soul and ki. Each advancement in rank of either magic, body, soul or ki should provide a manual with amazing techniques. The owner of this trait enjoys cultivating and meditating. Can even use spells that are normally restricted to different specices, for example. dragon magics and so on. They have a much higher energy restoration value then most.

Son of the heavens (skill):

This skill can be activated and deactivated at will. It provides 3 different levels of luck. First, its user with extreme luck without side effects such as bad luck for those around and neither does it lead one into too dangerous situations like one with the so called "devil's luck' would. Secondly, the user becomes very lucky, but in a more subtle manner. Thridly, whenever the skill is deactivated, the user's luck is still well above average.

Free will (trait):

This trait provides a multitude of effects. First of all, and most importantly one cannot be enslaved by any. power. possible. This includes how the weapons in 'rising of the shield hero' is basically enslaving their users or any system that attempts to latch on to me that would force me into tasks. Secondly, it provides complete immunity to any powers seeking to affect my mind or personality, mind control, mind manitpulation, mind reading, hypnotism, excessive nightmares, dream invasion, mind break from torture, slave seal, truth serum, cursed seal, rape, drunk on power and body switching, no matter how subtle or how powerful. A couple of examples would be a succubus'/veela's charm, compulsion magic, the imperio curse, the ring of power from the LOTR-universes, a horcruxes' influence, my own powers and so on. Thirdly, contracts that use powers or vows that would bind my powers or lead to undesirable outcomes when broken have no effect over me. To provide an example from HP fanfictions: Engagement contracts, to 'swear on one's magic', unbreakable vow, magic involving stuff like 'I know your true name' and so on. There will however be no indication of these means not working in the eyes of other parties. Fourth, my mind, memories and thoughts cannot be read under any circumstance, no mater how powerful or how subtle. Be it the sorting hat from a 'Harry Potter-universe' or mind readers. They will simple find nothing there. Fifth, divination, prophecies or fate has no hold over me at all. They will simply ignore me. It is possible for the owner of this trait to change the fate of others without repercussions. Sixth, nobody can posses or take over this body from the owner. Seventh, the owner of this trait can in no way shape or form be forced to complete certain duties such as farrying souls (like some masters of death in harry potter fanfictions) or restricted by certain positions and responsibilities. Seventh. Invisible and untouchable by beings classified as omnipotent. Eight. The mind is protected from mental disorders such as shizophrenia, autism, claustrofobia, extremely heavy depression, PTSD, insanity and the other mental disorders that I personally deem unwelcome.

Partial metamorph (trait) combined with copy eye (skill):

The owner of this trait can change the length, style, texture and color of their hair to any color imaginable. They also possess a variety of beautiful types of eyes between which he can switch, some of which posses special abilities and need magic or ki to activate them. For example vibrant green eyes (like Harry Potter from the books), the six eyes from gojo saturu in a 'jujutsu-kaisen-universe', but without the limitation of only one pair being in existence, beautiful purple eyes which can detect magic or ki, beautiful red eyes, beautiful golden eyes which can see things very sharp and from far away, beuatiful blue eyes, beautiful brown or black eyes and a special version of the sharingan, eternal mangekyou sharingan and rinnegan in the sense that they are not cursed in any way or cause a loss of eyesight. Other types of occular powers can be copied upon encountering them. A fun side effect from the copy eye skill is that it can copy any eyes it sees and also can adapt so that it doesnt need cursed energy or another form of energy I don't posses. Aside from that it also projects emotion well enough if you understtand what I mean. I think I have a bit of an obsession with this since I saw Toby Maguire in the latest spiderman. Man that guy has beautiful eyes. It is also possible to mix different eyes and abilities, so it would look like I am using the six eyes, but in fact its the sharingan I'm using.

The soul rememebers (skill):

The owners soul cannot be damaged (unless necessary for cultivation) or sealed. All races, traits, memories and skills are always present in the soul and upon reincarnation or transmigration the body is changed to receive all original skills and cultivation rank again as well as their original muscle memory. The soul's memories cannot be wiped by anyone.

The user can enter digital worlds (such as the ones in quickly wear the face of the devil novel) without the possibility of being deleted nor having to leave a physical body behind. The user cannot be detected and thus attacked by the system.

Sould mate (trait):

The owner of this trait has a soul mate out there who will follow them to new dimensions and will always be male. They are instinctively drawn to one another. (Party system can only be done between soulmates, and the system is non-inheritable or can't be passed on at all).

The joy of learning and training (trait):

The owner of this trait likes learning new things and training regularly, but is not obsessed with it.

Lie Detection (skill):

Active skill that can be used only 10 conescutive minutes per day. Can perfectly distinguish between truths, half-truths and lies.

Telekenisis (skill):

The owner of this skill is blessed with powers twice the magnitude of tornado from 'a One Punch Man-universe' together with potential to grow more powerful and training methods to achieve that in their mind. What is important to note is that their control is flawless and this skill can be activated and deactivated at will.

Anti-scanning (skill):

This is a skill that automatically activates when others scan the host. Unless the host gives permission to whoever scans them to see the real parameters, the host is capable of manipulating what information the ones who scan them receive. For example, by the 'observe' skill one often encounters in manga.

Adaptability (trait):

The owner of this trait finds it easier to adapt to other worlds, environments, cultures and lifestyles.

Strength control (skill):

This skill provides an easier time adjusting to a change in strenth for the host.

Superior reflexes (trait):

The owner of this trait has superb reflexes in accordance to his physical strength. As his physical strenth and speed rises his reflexes rise in equal proportion to their increase if such a thing is neccesarry to be honest. I'm unsure how exactly rection speed works or continues working when one gets more powerful.

Ambidextrous (trait):

Pretty self-explanatory.

Determined (trait):

The owner of this trait finds it easier to endure hardships.

Good coordination (trait):

Pretty self-explanatory.

Improved learning (trait):

The owner of this trait has acces to a multitude of abilities. Firstly, a perfect photographic memory which can be activated and deactivated at will. Secondly, provides the option to improve my inteligence from 140 standard IQ to 300 IQ points on the IQ scale without backlash dn that can be turned off. (and most importantly abscent of any autistic tendencies), but it has to be reactivated if one wants to continue using it each time. This includes memory from before the first reincarnation, but only to the extent of anime, tv shows and books. The rest is not remembered crystal clear. Thirdly, I don't know how it would do this, but it ensures that the mind is well organised. Fourth the ability to instantly read and process a book simply by holding it for a second. This has to be consciously activated and has no disadvantages such as headaches. This trait comes with the 'thought acceleration skill' that can also be activated and deactivated at will. Another part of this skill that can be activated and deactivated at will is what I call my 'focus mode' where I'm capable of zoning out most other thoughts exept for what I'm doing for a very long time. I already have this, so it's more of an option to turn it off.

Information Erasure (skill):

When the owner of this skill wills it, it will be made as such that they are not linked to certain events or 'crimes'.

Cooking fanatic (trait):

The owner of this skill is naturally gifted at cooking and has plenty of experience, knowledge and muscle memory on how to cook truly tasty, but also healthy meals. They are as good as Yukihira Soma from the anime 'Food Wars'. This includes baking and making alcoholic drinks and how to operate a restaurant, a professional kitchen and how to cook good food whilst traveling in a medieval setting. The owner of this trait enjoys cooking a lot.

Stargazer (trait):

The owner of this trait enjoys watching the clouds or the stars a lot.

Sweet tooth (trait):

The owner of this trait enjoys eating sweet things and tomatoes. Thankfully this trait ensures that they never grow fat. His teeth cannot rot, get yellow or break. They are always in perfect condition.

Dongxuang sutra (trait):

The owner of this trait always smells nice in a subtle and natural manner.

Perfect seal (skill) :

The owner of this trait can seal their strength and unseal it instantly whenever they want and to whichever degree they want to. Sealing power will make training more effective. It is possible to seal memories temporarily (up to two decades), but only when reincarnated.

Age manipulation (skill) :

The owner of this skill can change their body's visual age anywhere between 4 and 70 years old (based on how 4 yo and 70 yo people look in my current world). For the record, there will be no "toothing" necessary again. This does not affect the mental and emotional age of the owner of this skill to change with it, though "puberty" has some slight effects from mostly sexual hormones. The physical attraction towards others however changes with age. Lets not forget I always want to be a gay homosexual in every life and every reaility. The yougest the age of a romantic interest is 12 years old all the way up to in the fifties depending on how they look. I'm not particularly physically attracted in under 16 year old boys when my own physical age is selected to be above 18. The physical age of the body does not affect the strength of the body at all.


Human race with a human form:

They look as good as venerable white, but without the extreme charm thing he has going on. They will look truly very good in basically any outfit, racial form or at any age. They are photogenetic. They possess slightly feminine/androgious features and will always be male and homosexual. Possesses no body hair except for their haircut, eyebrows, eyelashes and a very small bit of pubic hair above the penis (not on the balls or around the penis though). It can be grown on command but will not grow spontaneously. Eroginous zones are an attractive pink and they are always slim and sexy with no bulging muscles, but more subtle yet powerful muscles. They posses a thin waist and a not-too-large not-too-small, visually pleasing perky butt, cute back dimples with long sexy legs. They possess an symmetric eight-pack that is more visible when flexing, but subtle when not flexing. They can control their height as they please. Has the ability to switch between dimples and 'no dimples' at will. They posses higher sexual desires and really like sex. Their body is adapted so that sex feels better for both paticipants. The rectum is always clean and tight and receiving anal is more pleasurable, not much lube necessary, can 'take' any size of penis without damage, can cum more often and nipples are more sensitive for the owner of this trait. A certain member's length and girth can be controlled at will and has no veins and a cute pink tip. Not much shorter flacid and tight relatively small balsack. Can cum more and longer then normal and their cum tastes better, bit like vanilla. They are also very flexible. Sex feels more pleasureable for both participants and they get horny more often.

Royal High Elven race and elven form:

It is almost the same as the human form, but with elven ears like the elves from lord of the rings. Let is be said that the world tree has no influence with them or on them and vice versa. Due to being an elf they love nature (this will hold true no matter in which form).

Royal High Phoenix race and form:

It looks beautiful.

Demi-human race and form:

Looks almost the same as the human form with the exception of ears and tails. There are 4 variations I can access. The dog ears/dog tail, cat ears/cat tail, fox ears/9 fox tails and fox ears/1 fox tail. They can change in what I have taken to calling ananimagus form of certain animals (see below).

Archangel race and form:

Looks almost the same as the human form with the exception of 3 pairs of very white wings attached to the back. Feathers can be shot out as weapons. Cannot become a fallen angel. Projects a holy aura (can be controlled).



Nimble Fingers (skill):

The owner of this trait possesses a pair of visually beautiful hands with slender and nimble fingers.

Blending In (skill):

The owner of this skill can change their looks to more japanese, chinese and european.

Skin Manipulation (trait) :

The skin is naturally soft and pleasant to the touch. Can remove and add scars anywhere on the body. Can change the color of skin if needed. The skin is naturally a healthy pale-white color. The owner of this trait can manipulate how his uscles look (ttheir size) independently of their power.


Nature Aura (trait):

One can activate and deactivate this at will. It is an aura that has a calming effect on those around. It is not a mental attack however. It has most influence on certain creatures such as 1. the tailed beasts in 'narutoverses', the hulk in a 'MCU', goblins in 'potterverses', dragons, spirits from the avatar universe and the denizens of the tomb of nazarick as an extra so that I can visit that place one day. The most useful aspect is however the fact that it prevents those negative prejudice, racial or sexual, to be projected upon me by those that are slightly hung up on that. It doesn't have much influences on the very or extremely prejudiced however.

Magical Resistance (trait):

The owner of this trait has a higher resistance towards foreign magic. Not including spells cast by the owner of this trait themselves. Also has decent elemental resitance.

Phoenix Voice (skill):

This is a skill where the user can infuse the voice with the elements of a phoenix song which subtly causes happy memories to come to the front of the mind. This skill has to be activated to work and can be deactivated at will.

Universal Phoenixfire Teleportation (skill) :

Can teleport anywhere without restrictions; this form of teleportation cannot be blocked and one is not required to have visited the location already. It works heavily on intent and the system will support the use. Can also teleport through space and time to any universe/mutiverse in the omniverse. This includes any tv show or anime and manga or book universe. Upon thinking of the specifications of a particular universe or version of set universe the owner is informed of all options to choose from. I am mentioning this specifically, because the entire intention of these wishes is to travel the omniverse for adventure and fun and I obviously need a manner through which to do so. Phoenix teleportation can always be used regardless of the abscence of magic in the surroundings or ki.

Phoenix Animagus :

The owner of this trait can change into their phoenix form at will. They can also disguise themselves as an eagle should there be a need for discretion.

Phoenix Immortality/regeneration :

The owner of this trait can swiftly heal from any wound back to their top condition without issue (unless almost their entire being was destroyed). No damage done can destabilise their cultivation base or magical core/cultivation (II am not entirely sure how it will work, but surely you understand my intention). Upon true and complete death they can be perfectly reborn from the ashes 3 times each day. The regeneration can last for a very long time before it gets exhausted and can be controlled so as upon getting a papercut and other injuries of the sort whilst living among normal people I don't have to heal it as to not look suspicious. Can also heal limbs or reattach them.

Origin Fire (trait):

Phoenixes have insane affinity with fire. By absorbing different types of flames each of those flames can be controlled at will and added to the arsenal (including amatseru). Controlling flames is quite easy. Has acces to an extremely good flame for alchemical purposes.

Extreme Heat and cold resistance (trait):

This trait ensures extremely high resistance towards heat and cold. They do not prevent enjoyment from hot baths or iced drinks and help feel nice and hot during winter weather and cool and comfortable during summer weather.

Poison Immunity (trait):

Complete immunity towards any poisons, venoms, harmful potions or sleeping agents or drugs and so forth with the exception of alcohol and weed to a certain degree (they wear of slightly faster and can be flushed from the owners sytem at will. Sleeping will automatically cleanse the body of any aftereffects (including addiction)). Potions or pills that are beneficial will not be countered and harmfull residu is burned from the system.

Phoenix Healing Flames (skill):

Can use flames that instead of burning things heals them. Has variations to it that can even heal broken minds, curse wounds, scars and even cure vampirism or wherewolves.

Mythical Creature (trait):

Magic can be cast easily without a focus and no penalty in magic usage. It enables perfect wandless magic.


Eye of Judgement (skill):

The ability to judge the sin-percentage of anyone the same way the protagonist from 'grandpa universe' fanfiction can.

Survivability (trait):

The owner of this trait does not need to eat to survive and can breathe anywhere, even in the abscense of oxygen. Nevertheless they still often crave after tasty food. Hunger is only felt till a certain level.

Angels Age (trait):

is mentally less affected by the passage of time and has an easier time accepting death and destruction as parts of the circle of life. This persons mind never becomes like that of an old man living in the past. They are good at living in the moment. They cannot go insane.

Omni-Elemental Affinity (trait):

This allows the user to posses the highest affininty with all the elements and their other related forms.

Curse Immunity (trait):

Cannot be cursed in any way, shape or form (includes werewolf curse, family curses and the vampire curse, the unforgivable curses and any dark magic curses including blood and so on). Immune to curse wounds (they can be healed all the same).

Angel's soul (trait):

The soul has at all times all the memories the body has. They cannot be removed from it.

No Time (skill):

The owner of this trait cannot be trapped by any means related to time such as a time stop or time-loops; should any time travellers be attempting to bring him or his harm he will be notified the moment they travel trough time. Their past cannot be viewed through time magic nor can their future.

Holy Fire (skill):

The owner of this skill can use fire that can cleanse people or objects from curses or mind manipulations and burns extra painful for demons. It can cure the effects of the cruciatus curse. The owner of the skill has perfect control over what it must burn. Anything that is not that target simply does not burn or feel heat or pain.

Myhtical Being (trait):

Mythical being must stay mythical. The owner of this trait cannot have their dna examined or tests cannot be taken without their explicit and full conscent. Otherwise nothing extraordinary can be found from it. They are immunte to diseases (and cavities) and don't spread them either. Unless the owner of this trait fully approves it will be impossible to study their dna or use their dna in rituals, potions, alchemy or experiments. They can read, write and speak any language in existence. They know techniques to prevent pregnancy in another should it be necessary. Can survive in space.


Sixth Sense (trait):

The owner of this trait has a keen sense of danger and will not be caught off guard. even while sleeping.

Perfect Sleep (skill):

The owner of this trait always wakes up perfectly awake and relatively energetic. They can perfectly choose for how long they sleep (and will always be well rested, whether he sleeps for 20 minutes or 12 hours). Has the ability to sleep anywhere and at will, even while standing up. Can choose for the option of dreamless sleep, no need for a potion there.

Predator Stealth (trait):

Cannot be found by omniscient beings (will be ignored) nor similar viewing methods. For example the use of the time stone (from MCU), the methods of character Whis in 'dragon ball-universe' and artifacts or spells like for example the third hokage and his viewing ball.

True smell (trait):

The owner of this trait can smell a persons very nature (like kindness, if they are a good or bad person, bad intentions, regret, emotions and so on) on top of an amazing sense of smell. This can be turned off and on when not in demi-human form.

Hibernation (trait) :

The owner of this trait can hibernate for a long time. This is mostly used to dull sadness after loss, depression and other negative emotions throughts. They become invulnerable during this sleep.

Lion/Cat Animgaus (skill):

Can change into a white lion with wings that can be subtracted and into a white or black cat to blend in.

Fox Animagus (skill):

Can transform into a cute fox.

Winged Wolf Animagus (skill):

The owner of this trait can become a winged wolf at will. They can hide their wings and also disguise themselves as an ordinary dog for when there are prying eyes.


Green Touch (trait):

The owner of this trait is instinctively good with plants and greatly enjoys tending to them and being around nature.

Lightweight (trait):

No matter how powerful, an elf is always light on his feet and weighs under 50 kgs. This doesnt affect fighting strength somehow?

True Longetivity (trait):

The owner of this trait possesses eternal youth and will never die from age.

True Plant Control (skill) :

The owner of this trait can influence nature to grow and thrive anywhere; if he so wishes plants wil bloom at his every step.