
The Wire Generation

This is a story about a lesbian girl named Luckynzee “Lucky” Sanchez, who had no care in life til she moved to Los Angeles, California all the way from Brooklyn, New York. Lucky as she likes to be called wants nothing more then to fit in and have a good life in LA but fitting in so bad can sometimes put you in situations you wished you never dealt with. When Lucky meets the neighborhood boys and the female neighbor Kaylah, she soon see’s she has a lot to deal with. Read along to go on a journey with Lucky as her life changes forever.

berkleyluckia · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Dirty little secrets

I headed back home not being in the mood for my dad or Trays ass harassing me but when I got in they weren't home. I guessed they were probably out looking for me once again. I shook my head thinking of how crazy they been hovering over me as I spotted a note on the counter.

(Sweetie, if you're reading this please stay home tonight please, we went to the store, will talk later about everything. Love Dad.)

I sighed at the thought of what he wanted from me and why was he so angry. I wasn't sure if it was my last day of period pissing me off or the fact that Mikes been treating me like I was 12. I tossed the note in the garbage than headed to the fridge to get a snack.

"Hmm what do I have a taste for?", I rubbed my chin glancing through the fridge that was pretty much empty except for the carton of milk, butter and some eggs.

No wonder they ass went shopping.

I slammed the door closed and as I stared at the wall, their was a knock on the front door. I headed to open it seeing Isaiah standing there.


He was silent.

"Dude its like 8pm, what are you doing here?".

He still said nothing so I opened the door widely in stepped closer to him, as I did I noticed that he has been crying.

"Hey...hey what's wrong?".

I kneeled down beside him and he shook his head covering his face.

"Ay lil dude you have to tell me what's wrong!".

He stood silent so I brought him inside so we can get away from the cold. He finally let his hands down and I turned on the living room light and was shocked to see he had a black eye and a bruised upper lip.

"Isaiah who did this!!?".

He cried harder staring at me. My blood boiled. Who would really put there hands on a little kid, yeah people do shit like this but that don't make it right.

"Isaiah!!?", I practically yelled at him grabbing his shoulders. He still stood silent.

"That's it!!...I'm calling James", I shouted pulling out my phone.

"No!!!", He took a hold of my arm shaking his head. Suddenly there was another knock on the door.

"Wait here!...ay who is it?".

"It's James!".

I let James in and he looked right pass me and focused behind me.

"What's all this?".

"Ay James I don't know, he showed up on my porch, I was just about to call you".

James nodded as Isaiah stood there scared.

"Come on Saiah! let's go!".

"But I want to stay--".

"I said let's go boy!!".

I quickly went into mom mold.

"James.. hold up no need to yell at him, its cool if he--".

"No!, he has homework to do".

I looked at Isaiah and then studied James demeanor.

"I do, see you around Lucky".

James grabbed Isaiah's arm in they walked out. I watched out the window to see if they were heading in his home direction and they were. Relieved that I was something seemed off but I knew that James would handle the situation just wish he took it easier on the kid.

I sighed staring into space for a bit then decided to call my girl. She didn't answer. As annoying as that was I shook it off and just headed to bed.


Meanwhile with James and Isaiah


"What did I tell you about stealing from me!!?".

James took the bat and hit Isaiah's mom smoove across the face, blood immediately squirted from her left eye and she fell fast to the ground. 

"Noo!!! don't!!!!".

Isaiah ran to help but Dennis held him back holding him tightly against his body.

"Lil man you know the consequences, reason your even with James because of your crack head parents!".

Dennis tossed Isaiah towards his mom. Than walked to the side and grabbed a hold of the father. He sat him by them and pulled Isaiah from his mother.

" Let that bitch go!!", James shouted as he struck Isaiah's arm with the bat.

"Oooouuuucchhh!!", Isaiah cried out releasing his mom.

"Now what you want me to do with these two James?", Dennis asked rubbing his heads together.

"I got this nigga, you do whatever you think they deserve, no one steals from me!".

Dennis nodded as James snatched up Isaiah.

"And Isaiah if you try to attempt to tell Lucky again, about ANYTHING this will happen to her too and I will shoot you in the head".

Isaiah stood petrified.

Dennis smiled as he repeatedly hit the mom and dad with the bat making blood and there bone began to show. As the screams turned silent he than took the gasoline and poured it onto there bodies from head to toe. He struck a match from his pocket and tossed it there way, walking out the door.

"Hahahaa now that's a fucking fire!", James cheered excitedly holding Isaiah tight as the three watch flames come through the windows.

"Let's get back to my spot before the cops show".

"And Isaiah, not a word you hear me?".

"Yes .. Yes James".


I couldn't really sleep. I tossed in turned than decided to check the time. 12pm.


I was beginning to sit up when I heard my dad in Tray making noise downstairs. I heard footsteps get closer to my room that's when I soon pretended to be asleep my door opened and my father yelled out to Tray that I was home. I rolled my eyes seeing that he still wanted 'to talk' with me. He disappeared out from my view and I just stared at my ceiling waiting for tomorrows big day.

In the morning, I got myself dressed into a black white beater, baggy sweat pants, and my favorite hoodie of course. I checked my appearance in the mirror before taking off down stairs. When I got there and walked into the kitchen, pops and Tray was having breakfast.

"Oh my! look how the dead has arisen".

Dad said taking a bite of his omelet as Tray laughed like his joke was really funny.

"Hardy har har dad you're so not funny".

I rolled my eyes as Tray continued to laugh at dads lame joke.

"But you did look dead and still do".

Tray teased me and as I was about to punch him, my dad interrupted me clearing his throat.

"So Luckynzee what are your plans for today?".

I stopped in my position of grabbing a toast from the plate. I hated my full name and dad always used it when he was serious or mad at me. I finally put the toast to my mouth and took two bites as my dad and Tray stared awaiting for me to answer.


They looked at each other than back at me.

"Lucky swallow your food first child!".

I laughed inside and swallowed up the toast in accompanied it with some orange juice.

"I'm going out is that a problem?".

I said folding my arms.


Dads face went from mines to look at Trays than back to me.

"I'm going out with Ja—".

"Oh hell no, nope nope nope!!".

I shot Tray a look as he stood up to his feet and than pops faced him too.

"What the hell is your problem?", I questioned him. Tray shook his head in looked at pops.

"Dad! Please tell her!".

My dad shifted in his seat.

"Calm down Tray I got it son!".

They were both looking my way now but was still in silence and I was getting super frustrated.

"Uh what's going on now?".

"Lucky, sit down honey".

"Nah dad I think I'll stand".

Dad let out a huge sigh in turned to Tray.

"Well tell her".

"Tell me what?!".

"James isn't who you think he is Lucky".

"Look, I know you don't always approve of the type of guys I hang with but...".

"Luckynzee that's just it James he....".

"No dad!! y'all really don't know him or them and your already trying to distance me from my friends!".

"No just him!", Tray said in the most angriest tone folding his arms.


That's when Tray frowned at me and pops face was more concerned.

"I asked you both a question, why!?".

As I waited for my dad to speak my phone vibrated, I took it out and saw a text from Isaiah saying he needs to talk to me, I texted him to meet me at his favorite place and by the time my dad got my attention again I didn't care about what they had to say to me, I didn't want to hear it so I quickly ran upstairs grabbed a gun in placed it on my side then ran back down. My dad was all in my face but I shut him out in ran out the door.

As I got outside I heard my dad's voice yelled my name and a bunch of other things but I was bot about to turn back. My dad in Tray both blew up my phone but I sent them to voicemail and sighed as I texted my dad telling him to quit worrying about me and than I turned off my phone in stuck it into my hoodie pocket. I headed to where Isaiah' was and waited, he arrived within 15 minutes of my waiting.

"Hey Isaiah what took you so long what's going on man?".

"I had to get away from James first", he replied looking panicked.

"Get away from James?... what you mean?".

"Lucky I need to talk to you its very important that you believe everything I say!".

"Isaiah what's this all about..?".

Isaiah face looked worried and confused I waited for him to speak but nothing came out.

"Isaiah look lil man come on! I don't got time to waste I gotta get back to my family to explain why I feel I have a great life in such great friends and all they want to do is ruin it!!"

By than Isaiah was backing up from me.

"Um Lucky ...uh are you okay?".

I shook my head. I forgot he's been there for a split second and I let out a laugh.

"Yeah uh .. look ignore that but back to you what is it you have to say?".

"Uh its James ...he—".

"Ayy there you are Saiah!".

I turned around to see James walking up to us.

"He's right here now".

I laughed out in hugged my main man. He stood there and stared from me than at Isaiah.

"Well this is the second time I caught you alone with Lucky Saiah, whats going on man?".

James stared at him with soo much focus. Isaiah put his head down than peaked up at me.

"Nothing James I just was hanging out".

"Ay James its cool what's the issue", I added.

"I'm pretty sure I was talking to him not you".

By that time my whole demeanor changed and Isaiah face told me something was truly up with James ass.

"I uh ...I should go, see you guys later".

As Isaiah began to walk off I tried to reach out for him but James insisted I let him get to him family then he headed over to some random chicks who suddenly showed up. Seeing that he was occupied, I had a chance and I ran in caught up to Isaiah, I grabbed his shoulder but doing so he got startled and screamed. I kneeled down to him showing him it was me and he stared at me with a worry yet scared look. He then quickly put his arms around me in embraced me with a tight hug.

"I'm so so sorry Lucky".

I pulled him away from me to look into his eyes. "Dude you have nothing to be sorry for".

"I shouldn't be talking to you".

"Look! forget what James said I'm sure he was joking".

"No, you don't understand.. It isn't what you think".

"Yeah okay buddy. Look if you still need me I'm here, you have my number but this time go head in run along your mom and dad is probably worried as James said".

"No they're not".

"And how would you know that?".

"Because there dead".

"Dead!!?...oh my god Isaiah!".

"Hey what's going on here!?"

James approached us coming in full speed and Isaiah shook his head in ran off fast.


I was about to catch up to him but James grabbed my arm laughing.

"Woah woah! Let him go, he is going to be just fine but what was that about?".

"His parents".

"What about them?".

"They are dead James!".

James faced frowned in I knew he was as shocked in mad as I was.

"Did he say what happen?!".

"Well no he was about to tell me".

James nodded his head and took out his cell phone. He texted someone than put it back into his pocket.

"Lucky there has been a change of plans, our bank job will be in 2hours alright, so go chill, I'll have a talk with Isaiah when I head back".

"Um alright but he ran off, he can't go home if his parents are gone, he's out there alone somewhere!".

"He'll show up to my spot or he'll maybe even come go to your house, you just get home!".

James joined the two ladies again and walked off. I sighed then my phone went off, it was Kaylah wanting to see me. I smiled as I texted her. I decided to stop at a store to grab a few goodies before heading to Kaylah's house since we had two hours to spare I needed my girl in a lot of ways and I was sure she needed me at the moment too.