
Chapter 14


Kids from the other neighborhood... Sounds interesting.

I walked downstairs into the lounge to see that Melanie was waiting there for me.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

*sigh* "We just have some visitors from the other neighborhood." she said can't as she made me sit in front of her and opened up my hair.

"Why am I getting involved though?" I asked trying to turn my head to face her but she just hit me once on the shoulder and continued brushing my hair.

"Because you're the leader." Melanie stated.

"What?! Since when was I the leader?!" I yelled trying to turn my head but she just hit me on the head and started braiding my hair.

"Since the last council meeting." she said.

"What council meeting?" I asked sitting still now in fear of being hit.

"The council meeting that was held yesterday." she stated as she finished tieing up my hair.

"Melanie." I said with a sigh.

"What?" she said finally letting me turn to face her.

"I wasn't there yesterday." I said hitting her on the head with a fist.

"Oh, well to summarize, as I have already told you, we had a vote for who the council leader/president should be, and everyone was included, not just the council. And in the result, you had won." Melanie rambled on and I had a strange feeling in my hand to hit her head again.

Who the fudge would vote for me? No one and I know that.

"This is only temporary, understood. We'll have a proper vote tomorrow." I said annoyedly.

"Ok, Ok." Melanie readily agreed as she led me back upstairs but this time we went in the opposite direction of the nursery.

They had probably set up the council room at the times when I was either resting or taking care of the babies.


Sighing I gave a small knock and then opened the door and went inside.

The room was wide with multiple cupboards. Each shelf was filled with books on any topic. The room was most likely a study before this. A big round table had been fitted inside with about eight chairs.

Marcus and Felix were sitting at one side of the table and on the other side, two recognizable figures were seated.

Henry Collins. 15. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.

Cassandra Davies. 15. Red hair. Black eyes.

I sat down next to Marcus and greeted them with a smile.

"Henry, Cassandra." I said as I bowed my head slightly.

"Avery." Cassandra said repeating the same motion. Henry just bowed his head.

"So, what are we here for exactly?" I asked glaring at the two silent idiots sitting next to me.

"You don't know what this is about?" Cassandra questioned raising a brow.

"Nope." I stated simply.

"But, you're the leader." Henry said with a small smirk.

"In all fairness, I was not present during the voting and was only told a few moments ago that I was the elected leader." I said sending another glare toward Marcus and Felix who visibly flinched.

"Well played," Henry said as he leaned back in his chair. "Cassandra, show her the document."

Cassandra handed me a folder and I opened it to take out a contract.

"What your holding is, well straight to the point, a contract. We are proposing to join the neighborhoods in an alliance till we have once more established a sound system." Cassandra spoke as I looked over the agreement.

I took a minute to take in every word and then took a pen and signed the agreement.


We exchanged pleasantries as they headed out and when they were gone I turned over to look at the three who I had seated.

"Now could I have an explanation as to why I had been elected, you know what I'll take that from the people that voted, tell me whose idea this was. " I said looking at them with a sharp look.

They all flinched and pointed at Marcus who was sitting in the middle.

"And why was I elected for even a choice?" I asked looking at the other two.

"We voted amongst the council first, and you had top votes and the rest went to Marcus." Melanie said.

"Were they supposed to choose between me and him?" I asked.

"No, everyone was supposed to choose amongst themselves." Felix said.

*sigh* "Fine then, we'll be holding another vote, and this time I will be watching." I said and walked out towards the nursery.


I sat in the council room again, this time everyone was present.

They had all been given a piece of paper and a permanent marker to make the decision final.

I had already submitted my vote; MARCUS.


As the last vote was finally added to the box. Melanie opened it up and started counting how many had voted who. She wrote the results down on a sheet of paper and handed it over to me.

There were only two names.

Marcus: 3

Avery: 5

I won again. *sigh*


The same process was done again. And when the votes came in the next morning, Melanie calculated them again.

There were twenty-two total votes. Not including the kids under eight.

The results showed...

Marcus: 6

Avery: 16

*sigh* I quit at this point.


I was sitting in my room, enjoying my book when there was a knock on the door and Melanie peeked in.

*sigh* "I'll be there in a minute." I said not looking up from my book.

"Lunch is in an hour. There's someone here to see you." she said and ran off.

I gave a hearty sigh and got up.

I washed my face and walked toward the council room.

Marcus was sitting there entertaining the guest.

I walked in and sat down next to him, only to be greeted with a great surprise.

Max stark. 15. Black hair. Blue eyes.

Veronica Bailey. 15. Navy blue hair. Grey eyes.

"Ah, hello." greeted Veronica with a hint of dislike in her voice while Max just stayed quiet.

"Yes, hello."