
The Winterspell

A world that once flaunted luxurious tropical beaches, and beautiful plains, stunning rainforests, traits that would make a paradise were shattered. The Winterspell. The source of the “Eternal Winter”, as they call it. For centuries, great heroes have ventured deep into the unknown to find the Winterspell, and break its incantation, and restore the world back to its former self. With snow falling daily, and the world being trapped under a blanket of eternal fog, a group of new warriors sets out under the full moon. Their goal is simple. Find the Winterspell and destroy it.

Eeoko_Champs · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The First Day

The Winterspell called to us. The champions trekked into the quarters amidst the foggy night, arm in arm. Despite knowing the danger, they remained determined. A piercing, frigid, desolate wasteland awaited them, where even hardened soldiers would falter. The ecstatic Atticus decreed his request for him and his companions to leave the safety of their warm, secure kingdom for a life of adventure and danger. In speaking with the clerk, she sighed and shook her head. She opened a dark-stained drawer, obtaining a stamp and slamming it firmly onto the documents in front of her. "Young ones, I know not to commend your bravery or bawl at your foolishness. I will nevertheless grant your request. Go forth and explore the frozen territories of our world. May you come back in one piece."

They all cheered and smiled in each other's directions, knowing that their entire life, being sheltered by their parents, they could finally have some fun. Walking out of the quarters was a joyous occasion for them, of course it was. The clutches of childhood were far behind them. They were now fully fledged adults, ready to tackle the challenges of the wilderness, and perhaps make some memories along the way. Walking through the outskirts of their cavern-based kingdom, they saw the gate. A marvel of engineering, twelve massive pillars of solid granite forming a wall with gaps in between. Those gaps, filled by ice forming from the outside, sealing the gate closed. Walking up to the gate, a guard approached them. A simple guard, with fur boots and leather pants. On top, lightly armored, a thin iron chestplate and steel helmet with a spear in his hand. "Hey! You kids are gonna have to show me evidence you can leave the kingdom if you're heading towards the gate." Pulling out the stamp from his pocket, Atticus handed it over to the guard. Inspecting it for a quick moment, the guard cleared his throat and yelled over to three burly men, standing in front of an obsidian level. "Pour it!" he shouted. In an instant, they pulled the lever down. The group could hear the sounds of a molten liquid flowing all around them, and the lava poured into channels embedded deep within the gate, lighting it up in a mesmerizing pattern. "It's.. beautiful."

As the lava melted the ice, the pillars broke apart and separated, and cranes lifted each one up slowly. The cold abyss outside was now visible, and a gust of wind rushed into the kingdom, slapping the teens in the face with freezing air. The guard, shivering a bit, looked at them. "Alright, be safe out there." he said, with a sly smile. As soon as they had left the gate behind, they heard twelve loud slams, as the pillars slammed back into position. As fast as the ice melted, it regrew, solidifying the gate, and locking the pillars together once more. Atticus looked at his friends. "Well, we're outside now.. what we've always wanted." Peering through the fog, they noticed a beautiful aurorae above them, giving them light. "Woah.." Isabell said. She reached her palm out to the heavens, but then closed it into a fist and brought it back, realizing they were far out of her reach. Irapol was more concerned at how cold it was. "Damn it. Why is it so freezing out here?." Atticus' gaze met his, and he gave a swift response. "Because of the Winterspell." Retorting, Irapol shouted "Of course I knew that!" Isabell chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Let's press onwards, it's super pretty here! Ice crystals galore!" Atticus nodded, and turned his head forward to face the ever-expansive dark abyss in front of them. Tall spruce trees dotted the landscape around them, all of them covered in snow. They'd packed enough supplies for a month, before they'd have to begin surviving off the land. Atticus spoke softly to his friends. "I don't think there'll be anything very dangerous out there. This landscape looks too calm and quiet for any beasts to be around."

Walking through the soft powdered snow that engulfed their boots each step, Isabell ran forward and spun around. "I love it out here! Why did people ever stop living out here?!" She said enthusiastically. Running and looking at a tree, she examined it closely. "It's.. so pretty." Atticus, not knowing what is useful, just picked up random materials that he found. "I'll start gathering wood for our first fire." Picking up twigs, sticks, and using his old rusty sword to carve up fallen logs for wood, he heard Isabell in the distance. "Aww! Puppy! You're so adorable!" She was staring at a dog, it seemed. One with white fur, sitting down, looking at her. Atticus didn't care, but then, squinting, he noticed. "ISABELL!" Running as fast as he could towards her and getting his sword out, blue mana formed around the "dog", and ice spikes shot directly up Isabell. Atticus grabbed her and pushed her away. Now, both of them on the ground, the dog stopped sitting down, and barked. A Snow Hound. It began running directly at the two of them, still on the ground. Irapol, noticing the situation, quickly grabbed his hatched and dashed for the hound. Swinging it, he aimed for the neck. But..

"DAMN IT! I MISSED!" Instead, his uncoordinated swing led to him being pushed into the ground by his own force. Atticus stood up and used his sword to block the dog's incoming bite. He predicted the attack, as the dog clamped its jaws on the sword's blade. Irapor got up as fast as he could, and getting to his friends as fast as he could, he slammed his hatchet into the hound's neck. It squirmed and squealed, then fell onto the ground and silently passed away. Irapol fell onto the ground. All three of them panting from the fight that just happened, Irapol's face began to show anger. He directed it at Isabell. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you trying to get killed or some shit, you idiot?!" She looked down, then back up at him. "No.. I thought it was friendly is all.." Irapol slammed his fist into the snow under him. "So, you thought a creature in these damn woods was going to be all buddy buddy with you?! Are you a moron? You almost died!" Atticus, looking at Isabell, then at Irapol, chimed into the situation. "She couldn't have known." Irapol looked at Atticus "Well damn, then I thought she'd be smarter than that! If she's going to risk our lives during this journey, we might as well just abandon her!" Isabell stood up and screamed at Irapol "Did you think I wanted your help?! No. I never asked for it. I never needed it! So stop pinning fate on me, you sick bastard!". The first night was disastrous. Getting up, and going onwards, the pair of Isabell and Irapol continued to argue. It was only until they settled in a blue ice cavern, around a blue fire set ablaze by Atticus, did they realize both of their faults. The talk was started by Irapol. "Hey.. Isabell, you know.. I didn't mean what I said.. I was just stupid and angry." Isabell looked at him and gave her usual cheerful smile. "I know, we both did and said things we shouldn't have, but it's in the past now, let's focus on this moment!" Atticus grinned, and looking at them both, then the flame burning before them, he said. "Yeah, like.. breakfast!" Having been venturing all night, the trio grew an appetite. They had gotten some warm fur from that fight which they put in their storage packs. Eating dinner, Atticus sighed and looked at the shining blue ice crystals above him. "What a crazy first night."