
The Winter kingdom

The Starks of the North have a long history filled with great Kings, wars of conquests to unite the North, and battles to defend it. They are the Kings of Winter and they can do so much more for the North that will change Westerose. It leads into an AU (not a major change) just a different history of the North leading to a stronger North in the end. Upload schedule: Every week in a chunk of 3 or more chapters, normally on the weekend. My Free Patreon where you can look at all of my work for free it is just for if you like my work and want to support me: patreon.com/AlexKnight709

Alex_knight · Book&Literature
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85 Chs

Chapter 60

Version 2.0

"Good morning, Alys, Benjen," Brandon said as he moved to sit down at the dining table.

"Good morning." They respond as Benjen helps Alys's suit down, as her pregnancy affects her more as the days go by.

"Eat up Alys," Brandon says passing the porridge bowl to her.

"Gods you are excited for your niece or nephew aren't you."

"Of course, our family is going to get bigger what is there not to love," Brandon says a large smile on his face.

"Let the man be excited for our kids Alys," Benjen says.

"Oh, I know," Alys says. "I just like to tease him a bit."

The food was plentiful and rich, a testament to the bountiful harvest that graced the fields. The longest summer ever experienced by the people had yielded a cornucopia of crops, filling both the food stores and the bellies of the inhabitants of the kingdom.

The stone hall, they filled, was lit up by torches and small open windows. A massive wooden table, meticulously carved and polished, took centre stage. The finely crafted chairs, matching the table with finely calved motifs, provided comfortable seating for those assembled.

Ornate depictions of wolves adorned the ends of armrests, table legs, and various other elements, along with the stark house symbols on the backrests. All the crafted items were gifts from villages and craftsmen alike.

The ambient light, softened by flickering torches placed strategically around the hall, danced on the polished surfaces, casting a warm and inviting glow.

"Even though the morning has just started Brandon, you look tired, not much sleep," Benjen asked.

"I sleep fine just later than I was wanting. Ned Greenwood tells me that the Fisher King and the Ryder King are nearly at open war with one another. And from the south, my men tell me that there are more skirmishes between the Amber and Marsh Kings." Brandon sighed.

"You can't control the minds of King Brandon," Alys said. "And don't start on about uniting the north, you have said it so many times and it is getting annoying."

"We shall see," Brandon said which caused Alys to give him a death stare.

"Now what I want to know Brandon," Alys said a very leaches grin spreading over her face. "My mother's meeting group have told me of little tales of you seeing a woman."

"I have been seeing someone but that is not any of your concern." He says not wanting Alys to get any more ammunition for her amusement.

"Now, now Brandon. Mommy just wants to know who she is. What does she do? What's her name."

"Gods ever since you became pregnant you have become so noisy."

"I have to keep myself entertained. So, Brandon are you going to tell me or am I going to have to find out for myself."

"Good luck, because you are not getting anything from me to irritate me," Brandon says as he gets up having finished his food.

"Oh, how fun," Alys says whilst Brandon walks to his usual morning routine.

Leaving the dining room, Brandon ascends to the roof of the keep. As he steps onto the rooftop, a panorama unfolds before him as the remade village of Winterfell, now a thriving expanded village.

The vast fields, stretching out in a patchwork of green and gold, showcase the abundance of crops that have flourished under the extended summer sun. Wheat sways gently in the breeze, along with bere and oats, meticulously tended to by diligent farmers, stand tall and robust. The air is filled with the rich earthy scent of fertile soil recently tilled by oxen-driven plough.

Amidst the planes, animals graze contentedly, their numbers indicative of the growing prosperity. Cattle roam freely, and chickens peck at the ground, their clucking adding a melodic undertone to the scene. Sheep and goats filled the planes with floating clouds. The once-snow-covered landscape now predominantly boasts vibrant fields, with not a lick of snow in sight.

The villagers moved about their tasks with purpose, the joyous laughter of children playing echoing through the air as they all played around in massive groups. Families stroll through the fields, enjoying the bountiful harvest and the sense of peace that now graces Winterfell.

Brandon's gaze extends partially away from the village over to the expansive fields that now constitute his family assets. His family's original holdings have flourished into vast, productive stretches of land, and the once modest fields are now meticulously cultivated expanses.

The Stark banner sways gently in the breeze on the farmhouses. The fields now expanded and efficiently managed, yield a bounty that sustains the castle, his house, and his men. A cadre of workers toils under the sun, diligently tending to the crops that sway in unison with the wind.

Eventually, Brandon leaves his castle, Brandon ambles through the lively courtyard, the sunbathes the village in a warm glow, casting long shadows on the cobblestone courtyard of his castle.

Approaching the residences adjacent to the castle, Brandon is met with the sight of impressive houses that serve his closest friends. Edric and Lyanna reside in a capacious dwelling where the echoes of weapons clashing ring out from the backyard. They took their duties seriously training Brandon's men or those who chose to not work the field and instead come to train and sell their services of battle for food.

Not far away, Jon and Jocelyn have crafted their spacious abode, a blend of familial warmth and business acumen. Having taken Jon's family inn and expanded it, they now offer a haven to travellers and locals alike. The inn buzzes with activity, serving as both a residence for the couple and a welcoming establishment for those passing through Winterfell.

As Brandon enters the home of Edric and Lyanna, he hears the giggling of kids as Edric, and Lyanna play with their child with another on its way. Jon and Jocelyn are also playing with him, as they anticipate the arrival of their child.

"Brandon, finally," Jon says. "Look at what little Ben has found."

"Uncle Bran, Uncle Bran. Look what I found." Squeeks out Ben as his tiny feet patter up to Brandon holding a massive leaf, a massive grin showing off his small teeth beamed up at him.

With bright red hair, a hue reminiscent of the fiery embers of a hearth, Ben's locks capture the essence of Edric's hair. His spirited demeanour matches the vigour of his crimson tresses, completely different from his father's mild deminer. The centre of attention suits him well as his infectious boy's laughter fills the air, as his parents watch as he enthusiastically chats about finding the leaf from the grove.

As the joyous chatter continued it was sadly broken by a figure clad in the work of the field. Benjen, eagerly bounces into the room, quickly drawing Brandon's attention.


They walk into the private office, surrounded by the dim glow of candles and the comforting embrace of the stone walls, where inside sits a humble figure, waiting patiently.

"Brandon, this is Harlan. I think you will be interested in what he has to say." Benjen says.

"My King," Harlan says.

He holds his dirt riddles hands in front of him holding his hat. His skin bears a slight bronze tone as he keeps his head down in front of his king.

Harlan's hair, a striking shade of chestnut brown, falls in unruly waves around his face, as it sways in the light wind. However, he has a distinctive streak of white that courses through the otherwise brown strands, catching the candlelight in a glow.

"Please let us be seated. Benjen says you have something interesting to say." Brandon says as he walks around the sola and sits behind his intricately calved desk.

"Yes, my king. What I have discovered are new crops for you, my king," he says, bringing some crops out from a small pouch he has. On the table, he places plants that look very similar to wheat, oats, bere, and such.

Knowing Benjen would not bring something useless; Brandon stays silent.

"You know crops, my king, so you know that these plants—" Harlan hesitates, glancing at the table, "—you also know that, for example, with wheat, for every crop, you can gain around a pinch of seeds for every individual seed when grown. What I bring you is a plant that can bring you a small handful."

"You bring crops that can produce more food for every seed, then," Brandon says, looking at all of the plants before him.

"Yes, my king. And they can get even better."

"Please explain to me," Brandon asks.

"During the starving time of the Long Night, I became obsessed with crops. I did anything I could to try and feed my family. I spent a long time moving with my family, trying to get any scraps from the land we could. I spent a lot of time seeing all the crops that people tried to grow. Over time, I always noticed that the same plant would grow differently in different areas."

"And you checked the land, I assume," Brandon asked.

"Yes, my king. As seasoned farmers like my family, it is easy for us to understand the land. Most of the time, the land was the same, and yet different plants seemed to grow better than others. I became obsessed with these plants, seeing them as a chance for our family to get food, so I always collected different seeds of every type that I saw. My family managed to survive the Long Night due to this, but I kept up my practice—my baby girl would not go through the same as me."

As Harlan explains, Brandon picks up and inspects the other plants, seeing that many of the other crops also have more seeds than the typical plant of the North.

"As this long summer has continued, I have kept growing these plants, which is when I discovered that, just like humans and animals, these plants can be bred together. Despite some of these plants being the same plant, some did better than others. I spent a long time growing these plants, eventually finding that just like I found superior plants, I can make superior plants by combining two plants."

"Harlon, this is incredible. If what you have said is true, and you can get this to work, you will change the entirety of this kingdom and probably the North. This will be an incredible boon to the north."

"Thank you, my King."

"Harlon, I want you to work together with Benjen. You together will explore the limits of what you can do with this. I can see a problem with this that you need more variety of crops, but I shall deal with that. You just grow the best crops you can. If you truly do what you say, then you will be rewarded and go down in history."

"I shall do my best, my King."