

The following few days were the most beautiful days of Jason's life. Ariella was now his woman. They were all lovey-dovey, oppressing people around them.

That particular morning, Ariella woke up feeling uneasy. It was a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

She tried to shake off the feelings, maybe she was just over thinking things, but it didn't work.

“Baby,” Jason stepped out from the bathroom and pecked her cheek, instantly Jason noticed her mood was off.

“Babe, are you okay? What's wrong?” Jason asked, gently taking her hand into his.

“I feel so uneasy like something bad is going to happen today. Are you going out today?”

“Yes Babe, I have an important meeting with my pack that I have to attend,” Jason answered truthfully.

“Jason?” Ariella called softly.

“Can you please not go? You can reschedule the meeting, you are the Alpha, right? No one is going to question your orders. Please!”