
The Wind’s Wanderer

In a land named Alta lives a boy named Hyouka, in this land to be strong means everything to your value. The greatest honor among men and women alike was to work as samurai, to serve under the greatest of people. However to be a samurai one had to be strong, and the requirements are quite brutal as Alta is a small civilization, their samurai required to be equal to 100 of their enemies at least. Hyouka being born skinny and frail still wants nothing more but to be samurai, the strongest of them to spite his father who was once a great samurai, however his father hates him for his inability to keep up due to his small and frail state of being. Without magic Hyouka has no way of working as a sorcerer either, and with only the ability to understand and see the spirits of the elements, or spirits of evil which is shared among all the people of Alta. Hyouka has a strong connection with the winds for some odd reason, rather the winds like him. And with little to his advantage just how can Hyouka manage to become the greatest samurai of all time?

aTeamAndaDream · Fantasy
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7 Chs

An empty canvas

I now had been walking home, I left the old dirt paths as I now walked through the city. I could hear my wooden clogs patter upon the old stone streets. I looked to the night sky in wonder as it had such beauty to it, I looked to the stars wondering if maybe I did have a long road of me. My eyes had the reflection of stars within them, I look to the sky and the only thing I could say was

"Mother can you see me right now?" As I continued my slow and tired march forward. I finally reached my house eventually, I opened the door carefully as I saw my father sound asleep upon the wooden stairs, in his hand had been a canteen. Within this canteen can be only what I could describe as the devil's juice, my father smelled of it as I quietly moved past him, being careful to not make a single noise as I entered my bedroom. Just what has our family become? We're too busy on honor I feel we forget the things that matter, but I can't think of what those things are. I began to think of the girl in the winds, as I thought of this I noticed that a calm wind had been circling my room once again, the spirits flowing along with it.

I couldn't sleep as I opened my window fully, it was hard for me to open the thick wooden window with my small arms. As it opened I looked off to the horizon, looking to the valley below as the mountains all stood in silence, the spirits had all been calm at this time as I saw them all lying around. I looked to the horizon once more as the skies awakened, the sun arising as the calm purple hazy blanket of slumber upon the world and its skies was ripped away with a fast yet gentle tug. I watched as the empty blue canvas the skies truly were became colored with colors of pinks, reds, and oranges alike. The spirits of the winds arose as I saw the air's flows, as I watched this I couldn't help but feel nostalgic, I remembered memories I'd never of had. I saw experiences I may never have in my life, but most of all as I looked back to those mountains I didn't just see mountains, I saw a world of people, a world filled with wisdom and demons. I saw a world in which I'd like to make a different in.

My father entered my room as he gave me a mischievous grin, "So you're awake after all then, boy!" He exclaimed as he stepped into my room.

I turned the window as I clenched my left fist upon the window sill. "Yes." I responded with a distant and calm voice.

My father frowned a bit as he then said to me, "The skies do bring quite the promise, you want to know something boy?"

"Hm?" I asked, a bit interested.

"The skies are just teasing us always, even the greatest of men can never hope to reach those skies, you know?"

I looked back to the skies as I understood what he had been saying, I felt the winds go through my hair and clothing as my teal kimono fluttered with the winds, the winds made such beauty out of the things that usually didn't show. They opened us up to a new world.

"Why don't we skip the training today?" My father said with a serious yet seemingly reluctant and saddened voice.

"What?" I said with a surprise, even as a calm natured kid I had still been a kid in reality.

"Well I just figured we could go out today, for training but not with the sword." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

I smiled slightly, "I'd love to." I responded with a more happy but still distant voice.

"Great, well get ready then because I won't be making it easy on you even if it is just visual training." My father said as he left room. I was the left in wonder to as what could have possibly made my usually mean and roughened old man this way today.