
The Will to Wield the Sword

Follow "Wielding the Will of the Sword" as it embarks on a thrilling journey through mundane reality to reveal a hidden world of mystery. The story centers around Su Yang, an ordinary young man until a mysterious event changes his fate. The story begins on an uneventful day when Su Yang realizes that he possesses an unusual power - wielding a sword. Initially, he just swings his sword randomly, but each swing brings a little change. 100 times, he feels the initial touch of sword intent; 1000 times, he advances to the third level of sword intent; 10000 times, his sword intent touches the peak and reaches [Sword Intent lv10]. All of this changed his life and even triggered the strange event of crossing over. Su Yang found himself crossing over into a world full of fantasy. His Sword Intent was no longer simply practiced, but brought about effects beyond imagination. He opened his [Wild Supreme Sword Body] and became a genius of the sword. The sword intent combined with his Sword Spirit Root, giving him a unique power. However, in this new world, Su Yang also faced unprecedented challenges. He had to learn to control his power and face powerful enemies and dangerous adventures. He gradually realizes that Sword Intent is not just a power, but also a wisdom and responsibility. Su Yang must find his place in this world of magic and adventure, and solve the mysteries of the past and future. Wielding the Will of the Sword is a blend of fantasy, adventure, and coming-of-age story. Su Yang's journey will take you through mysterious worlds, revealing hidden powers and twists of fate. His determination and courage will lead him to uncharted territories and become a legendary being.

Genyu_Rambler · Fantasy
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The Examination Begins [Request for Catch-up Readings]

Su Yang returned to the restaurant after completing the registration.

After taking a short rest, Su Yang went out and wandered around in Tianfeng County.

Tianfeng County was very large and there were many busy streets.

Su Yang just wandered around the streets, feeling this rare moment of relaxation.

Ever since he came to this world, Su Yang hadn't relaxed much.

Studying his talent, familiarizing himself with the world, and swinging his sword day after day .....

It seemed like deep down, this was the first time he had ever relaxed.

Since he had come to this lively place, he had to stroll around.

One must know that right now, he had tens of thousands of taels of silver bills in his hand, and this money was something useless if it wasn't converted into cultivation resources.

Currently, what he needed more was medicinal bath formulas, spiritual substances that could be absorbed from outside the body, and the like.

Ping Shan City didn't have any, this Tianfeng County was so prosperous that it might have them.

The Spirit Body Pill Bath Formula was gradually losing its usefulness, and he also needed a brand new Pill Bath Formula to replace it.

Su Yang strolled from afternoon to night.

He had also done some research on the cuisine of this era.

It had to be said that in this handmade era, bad craftsmanship couldn't catch fire, and the food that could be famous in this era was all true food.

The feeling of eating from the street to the end of the street was one word: cool!

Of course, he didn't forget about business.

He had already browsed through all kinds of merchant buildings, even the highest level merchant in Tianfeng County, Tianbao Pavilion, he had gone to browse through.

There were no medicinal bath formulas or spiritual objects that he needed.

The medicinal bath formula was not absent.

It was only that Su Yang's requirements were not there.

According to Su Yang's requirements, it was the kind that could directly strengthen the body without paying any price.

However, the medicinal bath formulas in this world were basically secret formulas that complemented the body quenching technique.

For example, the skin quenching medicinal bath formula, you have to practice the Iron Skin Technique, actively wear out your skin while practicing, and after a day of practicing and getting bruises all over your body, then enter into the skin quenching medicinal bath to be effective.

Direct immersion would not be effective.

The Heavenly Treasure Pavilion had many body refining techniques, as well as medicinal bath formulas to go along with them.

But the point is... Su Yang had that time to refine his body, so he might as well swing his sword two more times.

He needed a strong body mainly to be able to swing more swords every day.

The priority of the two couldn't be reversed.

So after strolling around for a while, he hadn't even harvested any of the medicinal bath formulas that he could use.

In that case, the Spiritual Body Pill Bath Formula that Zhang Zhiwu had given him was somewhat precious.

Returning to the restaurant, he habitually scanned around the guest hall and didn't find the old man that he bumped into today.

Su Yang didn't care and went back to rest, waiting for tomorrow's examination.


The second day

Su Yang came to the Inspection Division according to the prescribed time.

Today was different from yesterday.

There were many extra people in the Inspection Division.

The big names of Tianfeng County were basically present.

The commander of the Zhenwu Division, the governor of Tianfeng County, and the commander of the Wind Wolf Army. ....

The Wind Wolf Army, the Tianfeng County garrison, was stationed on the side of Tianfeng County.

Su Yang advanced according to the instructions, paying attention as he came, he still didn't see Han Qiu.

This made Su Yang a little surprised.

Wasn't Han Qiu also here to participate in the Inspection Envoy Examination?

Shaking his head, Su Yang didn't think much about it, he might have gone in a long time ago, or he might not have come yet.

In total, there were two venues.

A four-way inspection ambassador examination field.

A Supervisory Inspection Envoy Examination Ground.

"Hmm?" Su Yang looked at the two examination grounds and blinked.

"So... The Chief Inspector Envoy doesn't need to take an examination?"

Suddenly, Su Yang thought of something.

Right, the status of Chief Inspection Envoy was comparable to the Tianfeng County Zhenwu Division Commander, Governor, and Wind Wolf Army Commander.

The realm is of the third rank, and the official position is of the fourth rank.

Even if there is a test, it is not the turn of these people in Tianfeng County to test.

Must be above the assessment after the transfer down to take office.

So even if he had third rank strength, it was impossible for him to want to be the Chief Inspector directly.

"Well... It's me who thought too much."

Shaking his head, Su Yang walked into the Four Directions Inspection Envoy Examination Field.

There were already five people inside, and when he entered, he was also greeted with an eye scan.

The Four Directions Inspection Envoys only needed four people, now that there were already more than four people here, then they were all in competition.

As the crowd looked at him, Su Yang was also looking at the crowd.

Of the five people, four of them were around forty years old, and from that it was clear that wanting to cultivate to the fourth rank was not a simple matter.

However, there was also one person who was similar in age to him, about twenty.

The examination hadn't started yet, Su Yang came in and also found a spot to stand and wait.

Over the next few minutes, a few more people came one after another.

Bringing the examination room to eight people.

Of the three that came later, there were two middle-aged and one young generation.

The later young man gave Su Yang a very wild and arrogant feeling.

Obviously did not open his mouth, but he brought his own arrogant aura, seemingly did not put the crowd in his eyes at all, and the position of the Four Directions Inspection Envoy could be obtained with a probe.

In this regard, Su Yang did not have any special feeling, just secretly thought.

This is the king of the air?

A total of eight people, and there is no Han Qiu.

It seems to have gone to the inspection center.

As the stipulated time arrived, the Wind Wolf Army Commander Ma Wu, who was waiting in front with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

"Time's up."

The small soldiers guarding the door immediately closed the gate.

Ma Wu swept a circle, a third-grade aura imposing a circle.

"Very well, there are two steps in the Four Directions Inspection Envoy Examination."

"The first step is to verify if you have fourth grade strength."

"I have a piece of purple gold stone here, non-fourth grade can't leave a mark, each person needs to try on it, and only those who leave a mark can proceed to the next step."

Ma Wu pointed at a one meter sized purple-gold stone on the ground and spoke.

"The first one, Ye Jiang."

The young man who was in the room at the very beginning stood out and stretched, "Ha~ Then I'll be the first to give you guys a sample."

Ye Jiang came before the purple-gold color with a relaxed face.

The crowd looked at it.

They only saw Ye Jiang gathering Qi and waving it, Qi energy popped out from his body and hit the purple-gold color with a bang.

A trace the size of a fingernail cap then appeared on the purple-gold color.

It was impossible to tell without a closer look.

The crowd was stunned, wasn't this comparable to the power of a Fourth Grade?

They were all Fourth Grade, and most of them were veterans, how could they not see the depth.

It was only Su Yang who felt that whether this purple-gold color was too hard, and that he would have to push harder later.

"Cut ...." The arrogant youth directly uttered a sigh.

"Cut what, Commander Ma, you just said no." Ye Jiang swept a glance at the other party and opened his mouth without caring.

"Count." Ma Wu's face darkened.

Ye Jiang proudly returned to his position.

"Next, Fang Yi."

"Next, Zhou Bo."

"Next, Yan Dagger."

"Next, Wei Chuan."

"Next, Ding Ziwu."

There were five people in a row, all of them passed the test and all of them left relatively obvious traces on top of the purple golden stone.

In the end, the arrogant youth and Su Yang were left.

"Next, Sun Tianpeng."

This person gave Ye Jiang a provocative look, then stepped forward and punched the place where Ye Jiang had just left a mark, hard.

So much for getting off again.


Just Ye Jiang lightly two words let Sun Tianpeng some fried hair, if not Ma Wu in, estimated that these two guys want to have a live match.

From the looks of it now, these two guys should know each other.

The people here also know these two guys.

Otherwise it wouldn't be a commonplace scene.

"Next, Su Yang."

Finally, Su Yang was left.

The crowd all cast curious gazes, they were curious about Su Yang's strength and identity.

Those who had reached this strength at this age basically had their backs to a big power, and it was only right that the name of a genius would have spread long ago.

But they had no impression of Su Yang at all.

Su Yang had already arrived in front of the purple golden stone.

He thought about it, a casual strike should be enough.

It wasn't like it was the General Inspection Division Examination, there was no need for it.
