
Seeing cutting my umbilical cord

Arthur's POV

You can see a man with a expensive suit and Patrick Penelope watch and red bottoms. It is our protagonist Tristan he walk-in in the NY subways

Kaleb's POV

Walking down the substation I get on the train. And walk over and sit down I grab my beeper and send a message to my sister I'll be home tomorrow witch is the 20th my birthday and I look up and see my stop and get off walk up and walk in to the trump building. Going up to the receptionist I ask( Sullivan meeting with trump at 10:30)

She look up and starts typing on her computer and says (Go up to 570 floor and walk straight) as I walk away I say( thank you pretty women) and I walk to the elevator and press 570 and walk dow to the door and knock he answers and I walk in ( hey old friend wanna go for drinks real quick be bet I leave)

trump gets up and says ( sure sure let's go to the top floor) walking back to the elevator and going to the top floor and drinking for 2 hours the I left to the air port and got on a plane back to Sacramento.

Getting off the plan in LA I called a cab I sat in front of the airport and I sat and thought that if what I do to raise my self to be the best he can then why don't I teach him manipulation techniques and crowd controlling it would be good for the future.look up I see my taxi.

Arriving at the car dealership ship I walk straight to the manager office and see the manager and say (I'm here for the 69 Chevelle my name is Tristan Sullivan) he look up and says excitedly.

( hello mr. Sullivan your car is just out here let me grab the keys and you can be on your way) he handed me my key I walk to the car get in and start it and drive back to Sacramento

Arriving in Sacramento I drive in to rio Linda and get to the house and walk in and I see my sister 9 months pregnant and look at me and said ( he is due and time this week) (I'm going to buy some land so I'll be back tonight) I said walking out to the back yard.

I walk to the trailer and knock and hear( come in) and see my dad and mom and say ( dad mom I need you to go house shopping and want to raise him in the mountains and I'm being you and mom so do you want to go or just for me to pick out the land) ( we will go but did you say lan why buy land and not a house)

l smile and say (we're looking and mountains to buy from the Government since bush is in office I know some Congress members and they're willing to sell me three mountains so we'll go look at them and pick one) I walk out and said (20 minutes we'll be Leaving)

Getting to the car I see my parents walking over with my younger sister jasmine and she runs up and says ( buba I muss you were do buba go did buba not like Sissy) I look down at her and say ( no buba hat to go work now I'm back you will be us all day if so you can sit in buba's lap) siting her on my lap we drive off to the first mountain and mom and dad like it but we had to more

After looking at all 3 we chose the first one. And now the house is being Built and I gave them modern construction homes plans for them and I designed my house off of a 68 million dollar home that was built in LA in 2017 so I'm taking that designing putting into my home I will be done in a year.

I got a call it was from my sister saying she was going to the hospital because the baby is comping so we get in to the car and speed off.

He arrived and ask ( where is Lena Sullivan room I'm her brother Tristan Sullivan) The nurse looks done then said all they do there come follow me I followed her and I arrived

I see my sister in the delivery room I walk in and see myself getting born the doctor walked over and asked me to cut the umbilical cord. I pick up the scissors and cut the umbilical cord. ( I'll be doing the paperwork for the baby since I'll be raising him) I get the paperwork and I fill out his name i write Tristan Sullivan jr. and stay that night in the hospital


Walking back in to the house in rio Linda to see my past self or my son as I've been calling him he look like gojo that was good but he also has his powers so that worries me. But that for later so far I have made 139.7 million so far and the mountain was free because of that favor I had from Donald. And the car was restored. It time to make a billon. I'll bring him with me to meet trump and I have to find the Chessmaster Mr.tate going in to the baby room I call the jet and tell them be ready to go to New York. Get him in to his seat walking out to car getting in i dive to the airport port.


Getting off the plane I walk off to the rolls-Royce and sit in the back and tell the drive to go to trump tower. Siting in the back I hear jr. moving around and see him grab my sleeve i look to him and he point's to the bottle I swear this kid is to smart. I look up and we arrived. Getting out of the car I walk in.

I look to the receptionist and see it the same girl from 6 Months ago I walk up and say (hello pretty women I'm here to see Donald again and I'd like to get ur number)

She looks up and sees me and jr. And (says yes Mr. Trump is ready to see you and I'll give it to you if you tell me who this cutie is)

I look at jr. And say in my mind you fucking chick magnet. ( oh this is my sister baby but I am going to raise him how bout you and me go on a date and talk about is I have time to night)

She stands up and walk over and kiss me and jr. On the cheek and say (of course from what I can see ur A perfect daddy so I'd love to)

I walk away and say hey pack when I walk out you will be going with me don't worry about ur job I'll have my personal assistant do it for you she will be here in 20 give her this) I give her a piece of paper and walk up to his office and say ( I need Emory Tate ex-wife live in London) he reached in to his desk and hands me paperwork and says that everything I got anything else) I reach in to the bag and hand him 300 Government bonds

and say ( yah 150 of those are yours sell all of them and send my cut to my bank) I was about to leaving and turned around and said (my assistant will be your receptionist I'm taking your receptionist) walking dow the stairs I say (come let's go pretty women and what's your name) I said as we get in to the car as I have a cassette to aux converter I hear ( Hinata Hyuga) I hit my head on the steering wheel

And look at her and say (so you are reincarnate) and she look at me shocked now that I have a look at her she look like a real hinata ( yes I've been here for 20 years I die at 64 and was give a chance to be able to help raise my future husband) I look over and say (what was his name) (His name was Tristan Sullivan jr. we meet back in my home land Japan And married 8 months after meeting and I spent the rest of life with that stud)

I look shock at first and then call me a stud the I die laughing ( HAHAHAHAHA you still call me stud huh ahh how much I miss you yuki) she look At me and says so it is you you fucker how long did you live) I look at her and say (I live tell 70 and it sucked but let go I'll tell Donald that you won't be working there)

( ok but is that the past you in the backseat) I look at jr. And say (Yha but he's more like my son the just raise my self yk but we need to get to London) (Kay I'll sleep for now)

Me and my family arrive back to the plane I look over to the women that I married in the past and say ( get the baby please I'll got talk to the pilot)

Walking in to the cockpit and say boys I n Ed to go to London so you can go see ur family here is a 100,000 each for both of doing a great job Boy's I'll see you in London.

Walk to we're my wife Sat down I say (we're going to London) ok why tho you don't know anyone in London beside your old friend ohhhh ur going to meet him when he's younger hun) I look I've and say Yha I'm going to take a nap I haven't slept in 2 days goodnight) I kiss her and fall asleep.