
Who really is that?

"Hey, wanna check the system of how many people are there? I just found it when you fainted and asleep!" Says Kein.

"Yes. Yes. So how many people?" I asked.

"four. Wait, FOUR?! That's so less!"

"Who are they?" I asked.

"1. Me, Kaiden.

 2. you, Ezra

 3. Cynthia

 4. Unknown???"

"Check information about Unknown!" I shouted.

"OK, umm... I can't!!! it keeps saying; Cannot check Unknown's profile. The person has blocked it

"How did you find this treehouse? You just found it so you came?"

"No. This cottage was broken so I kinda destroyed it so that it could be a cottage but it didn't work so I made a treehouse instead and I saw bed in the cottage so yes... "

"Hmm... Alright... Anyways. Who really is that?

"Let's check CCTV!"

"There is?! Gosh, I never realized that. I should focus." Then I thought about what Cynthia said in the cave.

"Yes, there is! Look! Cynthia is there with a lantern in a very safe tent in the safest place. Mine's first and she is in second safest place. Next are just dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs, and dinosaurs.... Next is the last one. It's destroyed. And now it is opened. But the other one is destroyed!. Now-"

"Stop! It must be the 'Unknown' Let's go to Cynthia first. To make a team."

"YEAH ,good plan." He said

We walked to where Cynthia stayed with checking the CCTV. It was in the tablet so we carried it.

"Wait, then there's wifi." 

"Yes, I guess so." Says Kaiden

"What's the pass?" I asked.

"thistabletisusefulandfoundedin1992... What?! just type-

t-h-i-s-t-a-b-l-e-t-i-s-u-s-e-f-u-l-a-n-d-f-o-u-n-d-e-d-i-n-1-9-9-2 Just that."

"Almost done wait, pass typing. It's t-h-i-s-t-a-b-l-e-t-i-s-u-s-e-f-u-l-a-n-d-f-o-u-n-d-e-d-i-n-1-9-9-2, right?"

"Yesss! How'd you know, Smartie?" He asked.

"Thanks. Anyways, because it's a damn sentence, you damn idiot! Oh, you look just like Meredith."



"Anyways, What's the sentence?"

Oh by the way, we were also walking.

"This tablet is useful and founded in 1992. Wait... But this is a new game. Why 1992?"

"Hmm..... I don't know- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kaiden fell down and the log moved. He went down. That was probably something. So, I went down. I saw Kaiden on the ground tired. I fell down. 

"Hello, folks!" There was a voice. I looked but it was very dark and the person was far. I don't know which gender....

The person walked to us. But he/she was so far away she was not there (where we were) yet. But I asked a question.

"Who are you?"