
She Is Suspicious

 "No worries! That's probably my dinosaur... Hey Lilimo!" 

"Dinosaur?! Lilimo?!" Kaden asked.

"BRUHH! You have a DINOSAUR! WHAT KIND?????" I asked.

"OooOoOOOOOooo! I wish I had it or..." She stopped the sentence looking at me.

"Ezra had it.. Or..." 

Then she looked at Kaden.

"Kaden had it!" She finally finished her sentence.

"Yeah, well, bad for you. Not you nor your 'best friends'" She stopped her sentence and looked at Kaden and I with a creepy evil smile then looked back at Cynthia.

"have it. You can pet mine.. Haha. Sorry for you guys also." She said sorry like she didn't mean it.

Cynthia ran towards her dinosaur and pet it.

For me, I really got jealous but this time I couldn't hold it. I threw a fit at her when she was turning away but I wasn't satisfied so I punched her in the face. But before I could, she stopped me whilte turning away then looked at me.

She winked at me. Then she punched me back. I was hurt. I kicked her, slapped her in the face so many times. She woke up with injures. But I knew she was not good so I said "Sorry" But in a 'not true' way. 

"SHE IS SUS" Whispered Kein.

"Yes, she is."