
tower of joy

Ned stark has traveled to tower of joy to bring his sister back but here he is holding a new born baby while his sister is dead. What shock's him is what his sister said about the rebellion and it being a lie. Only if he had stood beside her when she said she didn't want to marry Robert maybe none of this would happen. while standing there ned thinks about his family how its only him and benjen and now this baby.He can't let anyone know the truth about this baby at first he thinks to call him his own bastard but then he thinks about catelyn his wife how the faith of the seven view bastards.He goes outside where the only survivors are Howland Reed and William dustin he gets there oaths and then tells them everything. lord dustin"I know ned we can't reveal the truth about the child but what will we say who he is" ned thinks for a few moments and then asks "lord dustin you were Brandon's best friend so tell me would anybody suspect if I claim him to be his bastard son". So it was decided.

Howland Reed asks " ok ned what do we do about the bodies" again ned thinks for a few moments and says "we will take the bones of Ethan Glover, Theo Wull, Martyn Cassel, ser Ryswell back with us" lord dustin asks "what about the kings guard" ned says "leave them if they were true knights they would have helped lyanna rather than keep her a prisoner".

They travel back to king's landing and while traveling ned thinks about his life how he always thought about Robert as his brother but he never looked at his drawbacks like he professed to love lyanna but even when they were engaged he was still whoring around and then there was his cruelty when the mountain killed rhaeger's wife and children he just laughed at the children's body.

Ned was broken from his thoughts because after a few days of traveling they had finally reached the kings landing.