
The Wild Man

Shadows556 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Five


Mae Williams

I woke up with a start, and I looked down to realize the kitten was no longer in my arms. Confused, I looked around but it was no where to be seen. It was broad daylight outside so maybe it had left to go home. I hope the kitten is alright though, and doesn't get hurt. Maybe I should go look around outside to see if it is anywhere near.

I rose to my feet and I grimaced when I felt my now dried clothes against my skin. That is always the worse, I swear. Thankfully I have spare clothes in my bag. They better not have left the hut or I swear I am going to beat their butts. I don't think they would but they could've left the hut to look for me but that wouldn't do me any good.

I made my way out of the cave, and almost immediately, I knew something did not feel right. It felt like something was watching me. I felt quite uneasy but I just thought it just had to be my imagination. There's nothing out here right now. If it was dark out, I'd worry a little bit more. I wonder where that thing went from last night. It disappeared and I never saw it again.

Maybe it didn't like human meat.

I snorted at my own thoughts. My sense of humor is just terrible.

I made my way back to the hut, and luckily I found it.

"Guys, I'm here." I called up.

No reply.

I frowned in confusion, and I carefully climbed up the rope and went inside the hut. They aren't here! They left me here? Luckily though they left my backpack. How could they just leave me here? I thought we were friends...

I grabbed my backpack and that's when I saw the piece of

paper resting on top of it. I opened it up and saw it was a note from Allison.


We are going to get help. If you are reading this, stay here! We will get help.


Why didn't they just wait for me?

I opened my bag and checked to see how much food and water I had. I had two bottles of water but barely any food. I need to go out and get some food or it wouldn't last me through the day. I grabbed the machete they had left for me and I climbed back down the rope. I can't go too far or I will get lost, I thought to myself. It's a good thing that I studied what is poisonous and not poisonous in the forest.

I walked around the area, and I found some fruits that were not poisonous. It's crazy how abundant they are when I really need them. Just to think that the forest had left them here for just me. I know, that's just crazy but that's a pretty cool thought to think of.

But here's where everything decided to go south.

I was heading back to the hut when I heard a low, feral growl. I froze, and I slowly turned around, and I knew immediately this was what I saw last night but I have never seen anything this huge. This is just not real.

Staring into the glowing eyes of the beast that faced me, I couldn't help but wonder how I had gotten into this situation.

If only the school hadn't required us to go to the stupid forest to study the people and the animals that had lived here.

If only my stupid friends hadn't suggested to go into the forest that all the villagers had warned us not to go to.

If only that storm hadn't come and I got separated from the rest of them.

If only I hadn't stopped in that cave, then I would've never came face to face with a beast so massive it was unreal. It could kill me with one snap of its jaws. I am doomed...

As it took one threatening step towards me, I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself for ultimate death.

But it never came...

I opened my eyes, and I nearly screamed in surprise when I came face to face with the giant ass leopard who had walked towards me so silently, I hadn't heard it. It didn't attack me though, it just stared into my eyes, and I could read almost the intelligence in his. I wonder if this was the spirit. This is no normal size for a leopard, and it hasn't attacked me yet.

"Are you the spirit?" I voiced my question outloud.

Shit, it's definitely going to kill me now.

All it did was turn and lay down on the ground, facing me. Watching me. Well this is a little creepy. I couldn't help but study it though, and I realized then and there that it was a beautiful creature. Though I wouldn't want it getting too close in case it wanted to make me its lunch.

Because I am stupid, I just sat my butt on the floor and decided that was good enough. It continued to watch me, but I just ignored it, or at least tried to.

"Can you understand anything I am saying?" I questioned outloud.

If this was a spirit, he would be able to respond to me. But here I got no response. Of course, it's just some weird leopard who doesn't want to attack me. He's probably full from eating someone else not too long ago. That made me tremble at the thought. I swear to god, please leopard, don't eat me.

"I do not eat humans, Mae."

My head shot straight up, and I stared at the leopard. Did that just talk? Or was it in my head.

"I am the spirit of this forest. I am it's protector. You may call me Talon."

Oh fuck.

Everything went black.