
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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28 Chs

The slavers

I twitched and moved my body unnaturally in pain it all started with this metal shell sering its self to my skin till there was no skin left then it fried the blood out of my body till there was nothing but my bones left what did it do to them was simple slowly disintegrate them all this hurt worst then the ones before it after it was done I was nothing but organs and dried veins is when I felt thousends of these nanoids bugs start to crawl through my empty veins to all of my organs like my heart, stomach, lungs, and brain ones they got to there target is when I felt a cooling feeling spread throughout my body wall these nanoids cooled my organs the rest of the naniods was taring down my veins and replaying them all with fine thin dimon like thread it was sort of fool to see??? Feel?? What they was doing it was like seeing thousands of small little metal spiders work together to make one huge web the web being my veins and even my bones it was so cool and interesting to see ones everyone of these little workers was done is when they all exploded spreading this odd black and dark red oil like liquid throughout my body my new heart happily pumped this liquid to my other organs and veins that's when all feeling came back to my body it was oddly warm I opened??? My eyes and I could see that same screen floating above me I slowly sat up shaking my body it didn't make any noise that it when I seen my body it was made from black, gold and red metal with I looked down to my sword standing up I could feel the the wind move as I got up I flexted and stretched my body I heard bones brake mmmm this feels odd but also home I looked down to my chest seeing the gold lines merging in the center connecting to Hades purple and black gift stone but unlike before it was in the shape of a star it was glowing faintly and it flickered in beat with my heart beat I chuckled touching it saying welcome to the family Hades and like that I equipped my gear again and ones I equipped Diablo it just felt right you couldn't even tell that Diablo was gauntlets it mixed so well with my body it looked like my actual hands I pulled out a meer from my ring and looked at the face staring back at me it was still deer like but I had horns on the side of my head that twisted up and back as for the deer skull it looked more predatory like a dragons even my eye sockets was thinner and came out to more of a point at the ends but what stuck out was the 4 fangs two long ones on my top jaw at the front of my mouth two of the bottom jaw slightly smaller then the top if I closed my mouth both fangs set next to each other alsmot like a bears front teeth my eyes still had the green fire in them all in all nothing really changed when it comes to my face I just look more demonic and scary which I don't mind I put away this meer and looked back to the options in front of me thinking which I should choose when this appeared

Error detected scanning congrats host you have gotten a 7 class option

Cybertronic worrier: As a cyborg you have options that fleshys don't have your a machine yes a living breathing machine but a machine nonetheless this allows you to modify and upgrade your self to your hearts content cybertronic worriers make them self into feared weapons of mass destruction that even many gods are wary of go fourth and build your self into a weapon that even the gods will hesitate to cross you. This class can be changed and upgraded its all up yo the host

I smiled at this saying o would you look at that Hades you are the best I felt the star on my chest shake happily thank you master this was what I started off as so when I say this class has infinite possibilities I mean it its all up to you master I smiled I like the sound of that as I chose that one when I did my status appeared






Race: unknown??

Class: Cybertronic worrier

Job: 3 shadow Musketeers, forge master

Titles-undead bane, beast wrangler

Congrats host skill beast shape has changed to transformer 1/5- purple rank: this skill allows you to transform into any fiscal or beast as long as you can either scan something to gets its data or at long as you got knowledge of its skelatal structure and the imagination to see it as metal you can turn into it. Cost 150 mp

Congrats host for awaking there second gift which is a armor gift which is another rare gift 100 xp earned

Congrats host for gaining a skill Iron hide- purple rank: this skill is less a skill and more just the fact your made of fucking metal if any low level or grade weapons strike you it will be the same of hitting you in your chain armor this goes for both melee and ranged hell even some spells won't affect you much but be warned you can still get enjoyed if the weapon or magic is strong enough but all you need to do is upgrade your body with stronger metals right hehehe

Congrats host for gaining two new affinities shadow and metal host will have to form these cores if you want to see what they do

Congrats host you have gained the skill body's is my weapon-purple rank: who need to hold a weapon when you can affect it to your back arm, leg or any where that works you are the weapon you are a walking catastrophe at a snap of a finger you will be armed to the teeth and your enemies will be scared shitless

And lastly ghostly presents has mixed with this skill called battle form- blue rank: this is a pretty common thing for any creature a battle form many people wear armor to strike fear in there enemies and to boost there allies spirits the only difference between them and you is timple they have to take off that armor at some point in time you on the other hand you are the armor hahaha. battle for— just a helmet for now till you add more just flick your head down this will activate and deploy your helmet this will also activate your ghostly presents

When I read through all of these notifications and it came down to that last one I couldn't help but smile and I jerked my head down which deployed a helmet that covered my face but it didn't obstruct my vision I pulled out the same meer and looked at my self and what I seen smiling back at me was fucking cool it was less a helmet and most of a mask where eye would be there was 2 lines the want side to side underneath the eye holes was two long thin lines where I blocked and those lines opened at the same time they was glowing in a bright green and where a mouth should be there was a smiling face that reminded me of a jack o lantern smile in its mouth was that same green fire the mask it self was black with lines of gold in it that curved it was definitely spooky I flipped my head up and I felt the mask disappear I looked to the floating screen that has been there for a while

Would host like to respond yes or no…

I clicked on yes and like that my whole world shifted and moved the stars shot by me till I had to close my eyes that's when thumped I was back in my room at Taylor bar I looked around seeing it was dark out Gold was on the bed sleeping all though when I appeared she rolled over and looked at me smiling I could see she had some changes also her scales was more radent and covered more of her body what us to just be her arms was now her arms chest neck and part of her stomach also her tail looked thinner but stronger for some reason and her gold slits shined happily other then that she was normal well and her hair looked like it was made from fire but her being hot was pretty normal when she looked me over she was shocked Buck is that you I chuckled nodding indeed she looked at my body again asking what happened to you I shrugged and told her she was shocked really your a double awakener how lucky I sat down on the edge of the bed asking how about you and everyone else she side laying her head in my lap as I gently ran my hand though her hair as she said well Giant looks more fears like you it would seem both his race and weapon had a class for him so he simple chose plan c which was mixing the two I didn't know that was an option I gralled she side it isn't Giant just got lucky sense both classes was so fucking similar they just mixed as for Fraya she also looked odd more wild apparently her gift and her had a huge talk and she chose the class that would help her catch up with us as for Fox he is actually even more Fox like he has another tail he apparently got a odd monk assassin class so who knows as for Star and Flare they haven't changed one bit both got battle wizard classes so they can blow even more stuff up as you me I got something similar to Fox a but mine was a odd monk assassin and spell caster class its called draconic worrier strange huh I nodded smiling indeed how long as passed I asked glancing out the window she sat up resting her head on my shoulder saying apparently only 1 day I was shocked strange I muttered she nodded we talked with Taylor and he gots another mission for us I nodded standing up saying ok thank you dear I got work to do I probably won't be coming to bed tonight Gold nodded ok Hunter just don't work your self to death and don't make a habbet of this and she winked at me I chuckled and pulled out Daedalus key and opened a portal and stepped through it I kept it open just in case but I walked into my forge which unlike the first time I was in here it was much cleaner the table had blueprints books notes and parts off all sort there was also other parts to forge I made a power hammer it was pretty easy with magic but I also had armor and weapons stands all around not many of them was being used lastly at the bottom of the shop on the left side was organized storage and the right side was bookshelves in the center of this room was three platforms one of them had a odd engine hanging from chains on it wall handing from the left one was a odd bike that had wires and parts hanging out wall the biggest was in the center it was the frame of what looked like a vehicle of some sort I walked to the anvil picking up hammer that has had a hammer and had pix axe it was a simple purple ranked hammer I made I then walked to the table sitting down I pulled a new paper out and started drawing up plans I did this for a while till I was satisfied this will do as a start and like that I started forging and making what was on the papers it didn't take long till I had a odd looking chest plate that I held up to my self I nodded next I started forming my cores which didn't take me long sense two of them was from Hades

Congrats host you have formed a shadow element core

Congrats host you have formed a metal and steel element core

Congrats host you have formed a forge master core. This core was odd it sort of flickered between all of my cores colors it was cool to watch this flame dance

And like that I started to work again I wanted the shadow element sense it could distort space or that's how I was using it anyway then I used the metal control to make details I couldn't with hand by the time I was done I had that chest plate welded to my chest it was just a extra layer of protection that can be discharged easily next I worked on making my body into a walking armory to the point I made a hole nother gun it was a double barrel rifle that shot out two long superheated spikes that was longer then my hidden blades but this wasn't the only ammo it could also shoot glass bullets which will shatter on hit would rain down hot shards of glass on who ever is near this was slung over one shoulder in a shadow pocket bucking bull on the other all that it looked like was two small spikes sticking up from my shoulders next I upgraded my pistols to a bigger caliber we are going from 45 acp to 13 mm aka one big ass fucking round sure humans could fire this type of gun but no one would want to fire it more then ones and I am going for 7 round magazines making the bullet was easy it was making the guns that will be hard but I started working I am using a black steel for both I was just finishing putting one together with 3 fully loaded clips I slotted one mag in it and racked a round I holstered it on my right hip putting it into a shadow space that moved a piace of my side out very robocop I thought as I thought this the portal that was open ripped and Taylor walked in hurriedly there was anger and shock on his face Hunter drop what your doing the fuck happened to you I turned to him smiling some beauty sleep does wonders right but he quickly shook his head recovering fast explain later its Faltins Daughter she has been kidnapped when I heard this I shot out of my seat and shot over to one weapons stand I placed on my hidden blades then pulled my short sword out and sheathed it on my belt I already had the ammo for both my rifles but just in case I pulled off my revolvor and holstered it on the back of my belt I had more ammo for it and Diablo then any of the weapons, as I was doing this Taylor, was talking yea some people snuck into his house and about killed Zigrin with poison they have a 5 minutes head start they was heading to the west side of the town here and he throw me two things the first being a piece of cloth that looked like it was from a dress the next thing was a odd token that had a wolf head in one side and on the other was a ravens skull with two scythes crossed behind it the token is my mark if the guards ask flash them that if they don't back off and answer your question kill on site and the cloth is from his daughter your group it waiting I nodded and ran through the portal saying thank you, Taylor, talk later people to kill and so little time and like that the portal closed behind me and the key was in my hands I ran out of the open door closing it behind me I then ran and jumped over the tails landing on the bar in front of my group who ass was ready for battle they all had slit changes but none was like me they looked at me with a fire in there eyes I jumped flipping off the bar running passed them saying move out they didn't need any other orders we bulted out of the bar heading west Fox I gralled and he ran next to me I held out the cloth to him he nodded and took it from my hands and started to smell it after he was done he passed it back to me I did the same us to had the strongest senses in the party are knowses was on the same level as a blood hound probably take Giant and Gold I will take Flare, Star and Fraya split now and we split off I ran and used my claws to easily throw my self into the roof the three quickly following me as I was running my eyes was scanning everywhere and I was sniffing the air madly I pulled out my ear piece and stone saying testing one calms check can yall hear me rager they boss Fox said I nodded good listen up the Dukes daughter has been kidnapped first it was the goblins now it's humanoids I do not care who they are we butcher them and save this girl she has suffered enough if you find there location do not engage and tell the other party where your at do you understand yes sir they said good calms going silent it was a bad tick of mine us less talking on the calms but they was all usto it my group silently moved across the roofs luckily the houses was placed close enough together where we could easily jump over them we easily got to the west side which the poorer side of town with a huge dock that lead out onto a huge open River I seen fishing and trade boats moving across the water there wasn't that many boats tied to the dock since the sun was about to come up I stopped at the edge of this area looking down at all of these building they way that this city was set up was quite genius it was built on a incline so if you tried to attack this city it would make it hard for the Army infiltrating sense you couldn't see what was on the roofs and it was easy to hide from others but downhill from me was either rotting wood bouldings or homemade shelters made from tarps I jumped I felt the wind blowing against my face I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose trying to pick up the sent of the girl but it was hard I could smell rotting fish, shit, piss, a wet smell from the river hell I even smelled a lot of iron I did this a few more times till I cot the faintest with of a sweat flowery smell my eyes shot opened and turned to a alleyway I jumped off of the roof and ran to that alleyway not caring about the odd looks I was getting Flare, Star and Fraya followed me I ducked into this filthy alleyway that was filled with trash I seen a few homeless people sleeping in it also but I don't care about them do to the sent was getting stronger I walked to a barrel that had a piece of familiar blue cloth sticking out of it I picked it up noticing how it looked like it was ripped off I looked down to the muddy ground I seen quite a few tracks going both ways I crouched down examining all of the tracks it didn't take long for me to notice drag marks from someone who had small feet next to these marks was two other tracks from two sets of boots I stood up following the tracks out of the alleyway that's when they go out onto the road that's where these tracks disappear do to all of the foot traffic but not all was lost I sniffed the hair and I could still smell her sent we wasn't to fare behind I looked to my group pulling out my hat and putting it on next I moved my coat over my weapons I also stuck my hands into my pockets saying Flare and Fraya walk on the other side try not to draw to much attention to your selfs they nodded Flare rolled down his sleeves on his coat and pulled up his hood of his coat wall Fraya simple pulled up her hood and moved a mask over her face they nodded to me and walked across the street I looked to Stat smiling shall we go little sister she smiled and flicked up her hood and put her hands in her coat pockets nodding at me I smiled as I looked across the street nodding at the other two they nodded back and like that we started walking I kept my head slightly tilted down so my heat was covering my eyes and some of my face but not enough to block my vision, wuch as we walked down the street we passed many people who looked tired and stressed out of there mind each one of them looked like they was on some sort of drug and that they haven't eaten a good meal in a while hell I both heard, seen and smelled people throwing up all over the place some throw up on the street some in a alleyway hell there was even some who just throw up on the path as we was walking we walked by a political ugly man who had a shinny box sticking out from his back pocket I smiled and easily pulled it out of his pocket was he was throwing up I looked at this case noticing it was made from silver with a gold carving on to it was a name Faltin black I was stunned but chuckled opening it and resting on both the top and the bottom was one row of thin cigars I could tell someone rolled these by how the paper looked there was 5 on both top and bottom I pulled one out and closed the case I put this cigar in my mouth stopping as I easily lit it I took a puff smiling well it would seem its my lucky day and I put the cigar back in my mouth turning around and walking back to that man who was done throwing up he was looking around for something he was so focused on finding something that he didn't notice me walking up to him but I simple didn't care I grabbed him by the back of his coat and dragged him into a alleyway, of course, the man didn't go quietly he was screaming Hi who the fuck are you leave me alone I don't know you someone help me please someone help but no one helped they simple walked on by like they didn't hear him Star followed me into the alleyway I through this man against the wall Hi what the fuck he flared at me your a sliding thing I smiled nodding as I took another puff indeed I am but that isn't the right question if you answer honestly you just might live he scoffed spitting on the ground yea what ever wilding what do you want I pulled out the case saying where did you get this the mans eyes want wide seeing the case Hi that's mine and he tried to snatch it out of my hand but I simple moved my hand out of the way kicking him in the shin ow that fucking hurt you bastard he hopped around on one foot holding his leg I side pulling out my cigar tapping off the ash from it as I stuck it back into my mouth it would seem I got to brake a few bones before you answer me and I stepped forward the man face want paler then it already was he screamed no please don't hurt me please I will talk aaaaa he screamed but it wasn't me who moved it was Star she through a fire dagger into his leg this fire dagger not only peerced his skin but also cauterized the wound I took a puff from the cigar as I breath the smoke out sorry for my little sis she doesn't got much patients but on the other hand neither do i so I will ask again where did you get the case he stared at me scared It was given to me as a payment tell me do you know the dark guild that goes by chain hands when he said that name my mine want back to my first kill in the wild hunt tallows had a letter that had a stamp of two hands shaking I nodded indeed I have heard of the name tell me more he nodded profusely yes sir the chain hands are a dark guild that have there hands in everything that is illegal and that will make them money but there biggest hits are selling drugs, assassinations and lastly slavery but I am only there cook so I don't know what actually happens I was given that case as a bribe apparently some of the younger bloods did something that they didn't want others to find out so when I seen then one of them pulled me aside and gave me that and a few gold to keep mum but I did notice they were dragging a nicely dressed girl but I couldn't get a good look at her face do to the bag over it I nodded where was this I asked calmly he side it is at the pub called the flapping fish there is a secret seller door in the back all you need to do is look for the two hand mark I smiled thank you my Sir my you rest in peace and before be could react I punched his face my fist caving in his skull against the wall I pulled out my cigar blowing out smock from my nose here you go your reward and I flicked the cigar onto his body I looked to Star who was frowning what don't tell me you wanted to let him live I asked chuckling she shook her head smiling no I wanted to be the one to kill him though I laughed patting her head as I walked by saying now, now Star what sort of big brother would I be if I let you dirty your hands with that ant now lets go she needed we walked out of the alleyway i looked across the road seeing Flare and Fraya Flare waved his hand in a what the fuck motion I want over the calms saying all groups report to the bar called the flapping fish on are side rager that moving know I heard Fox say and like that we started walking down the road again as we was walking I contacted Taylor he quickly answered but the voice I heard wasn't his but Faltin Buck did you find her do you got my little girl but I heard a angry exasperated sy from Taylor sit down man he barked I heard a chair scrape across the ground and someone sits down that's when I heard Taylor ask have you located the girl Hunter I nodded yes indeed we have b that's when Faltin yell is she alright do you but I heard another angry sy which cut Faltin off Faltin shut up and let the lad speak and do not interrupt again I allowed you to wait here with me out of respect I know how it feels to have your loved ones taken from you but you also promised me you would stay calm and listen I know you've gotten soft after having wife died giving birth to Sofea but shut it and bring out the old you the man who was a mighty adventure a few seconds of silence passed till I heard a calming sy your right Taylor thank you now Hunter you was saying you found her I nodded indeed we have located where she is being helped but we got a problem the people who took Sofea are the chain hands silence utter silence that's when Taylor slowly asked are you sure lad I could here the anger and venom in his voice I nodded again indeed Sir I found someone who works for them who got payed off to keep quiet when he seen Sofea he told me where there base is its at a bar called the flapping fish there is a hidden trap door in the back I heard a angry grall and Faltin muttering the guards looked over that area but didn't find anything that's when I heard Gold say you probably got a few rats money talks you know I heard two angry huffs what do you want us to do Taylor we are looking at the bar knows I looked around and spotted a bar at that was right before the dock I seem Flare and Fraya walk into an alleyway out of site Stat Andi did the same as we waited for Taylor to answer I noticed 3 other people in black coats walking in from different alleyways that's when I heard a angry huff and Taylor spoke you can do what you want Spartans but just know back up is on the way I smiled asking just to clarify your words we are free to do what ever we want are you truly giving us free rain to kill who and how ever we want I heard laughter that's when I heard Taylors calm chilling voice yes I am you can run wild killing who ever you want I don't care how I just want them dead do you think yall can do that when I heard that I was looking around with my mana site and I was looking down under the dock I started to laugh crazily happily Sir yes sir Spartans on my and I flashed over where I see those magic signatures I raised my fists Diablo bursting into blue flames but sparking between my gauntlets was lightning I slammed my hand onto this wood dock the wood under my feet completely caving in on its self I feel down landing on a card table my eyes looked around the room there was two doors there was the door on the wall across from on the top wall this was the exist then on both the left and right walls there was doors carved into the stone sitting around this table was 5 man in black clocks each one of them stank of blood they all started at me dumbfoundedly I pulled the cards out from the man in front of me it was a 2 of hearts a jack of spades and a 1 of dimons I looked up to this man shaking my head throwing his cards back in front of him then I grabbed him by the top of his head and slammed his face into the table ones twice three times by the third hit I felt his skull crack I let go of his head his body slumping the table dead the other 4 man stared at me dumbfounded I flashed a huge toothy grin saying he fulds and like that all hell broke loose the 4 man jumped back pulling out weapons mostly dagger or a short sword but that's when thump a Fox landed behind me I rolled to the side as one of the man through a dagger at me it just missing Fox I launched myself off the table at that man I flicked my wrist out stabbing my left hidden blade into his throat as I used blood strings to pull another one close to me I easily snapped his neck by the time I stood up Fox had killed the other to that's when the others dropped down I smiled at my squad saying let us blow this popsicle stand shall we split up and look for close they all smiled and nodded I looked back to the doors and closes my eyes and spread used my blood art to sense anything that had blood ontop of that skill I used mana sense one I loaded a target in the left door seemed to have a barracks, training ground and mess hall wall the left side had prison sells that was strengthened by magic placed a little ahead of this prison was what looked like a auction room that had a area behind the stage to prepare the next item and auction was in session there was probably 200 or more betters most of them was weak but they had a few guards that could give us a run for are money but passed this was a office but no one was in it but that's when I felt the person on the stage he was the strongest in this hole place only Giant or I could probably take them in a fight but it would be one hard fight to win Fox could as well if the right set of circumstances appeared but I doubt he would win I opened my eyes sying Gold, Fraya, Star, Flare take the left door Giant, Fox follow me and like that I walked to the right door and kicked it open and ran down the hall Giant and Fox following me I heard crying, whimpering and angry monsters and humans ahead of us I seen a opening in front of us I reached to my left hip and pulled off the spike and like that my sword formed into my hands the edge of it was glowing red got from my fire I ran through this opening into a huge storage room that had nothing but 3 rows of cages on cages that had monsters, humanoids and anything in between but I had no time for this as I lunged at the first group of slavers I thrust my sword into ones throat I then spun around this man thirsting right hidden blade into the slaver behind this man my sword still in my left hand and like that two dead body hit the floor one with his head cut clean off wall the other was choking on there own blood but I didn't stop do to someone yelling Hi you stop do you even know who but before this slaver who was next to me could finish his head hit the floor it was a shame to he was a quite a beautiful bird man but what ever I heard body's hit the ground behind me I glanced to see Giant cleaving his way through a group of slavers wall Fox was stabbing two slavers that was standing next to the opening I looked back forward that's when I seen 3 water blades flying at me and I heard someone scream come water I command thee to obey my will slice through my enemies water blades I chuckled hearing this chant I seen the mage who cast the spell he was holding a odd staff with a blue gem at the top of it but no matter I simple made a claw with my right fist as I spoke my chant hear me my flames heed your masters call let us burn the world dragons claws and like that I slashed my am hand in the air as I spun to the side of one of the water blades my dragons claws slashed through the air cutting the two other blades in half easily and they didn't stop there they flow passed them aiming for the mage who slammed his staff onto the ground saying water bubble and like that a water bubble formed around his body but it wouldn't matter I smiled seeing that and didn't even care to look to see there dead my eyes locked onto the rest of the slavers who was all holding weapons I chuckled happily but that's when my smile was gone and I stared at these xp bags and in a low chilling voice I asked where is the Dukes daughter whoever tells me will get a swift death I looked over all of the slavers none of them saying a word I clicked my tung in anger I see we have no takers no matter I can sense her she is passed you all so come to your deaths my free ex bags and when I said that I flicked my head down going into my battle form my ghostly present started to spread out from me my bright green eyes glowed I seen a few of these slavers start to back away from me I clicked my tung again we can't have that and like that I used my movement skill to flash to the center of them and like that the ones who was stepping away from me hit the ground there heads flying in the air I flicked off the blood from my sword and looked to the rest and motion for them to bring it and they did they all mindlessly charged at me in fear there was so strategy there was no skill behind there attacks they just swung madly I side disappointed as I cut through theses slavers I was so bored I was looking into the cages as I walked I seen many different types of monsters from goblins, blooded orks there was a cage that had nothing but dire wolfs in it I seen old young and even Cubs there was one Wolf that was much bigger then the rest they was in the back of the cage all the Cubs was huddled around her stomach they was drinking her milk but it wasn't just them the older ones did aswell this huge Wolf had red eyes and black fear she looked to me and I heard her speak food please I smiled interesting as I walked by there cage I swung and cut there lock off and kicked three slavers into there cage I seen the wolfs pounce onto these slavers and drag them to the big Wolf and she started to eat them alive I kept on walking noting down everything I seen till I got to one cage that had a bunch of mer foke in it I seen woman and children who as had dried scaly skin a old merman looked over to me with red eyes that was heavily misted over he reached out weakly and said water, water please I stopped asking will blood work his hand hit the floor but he simple nodded I waved my hand and all the blood that was around me shot into this cage as I walked by the door I swing and cut off the lock saying if you go back the way I came you will find help I seen the old man shape in the blood nodded I took three steps that's when I stopped I had a huge smile on my face I stood in front of the next set of cages in the one on my right two beasts a brown owlbar she was huddled around three big what eggs next to her in the cage was a Griffen with black and brown feathers she was also huddled around 4 eggs that had blue spots both of this beast was charged up across from this cage was another cage that had a black wyvern she had her wings rapped around 4 eggs all three of these beasts looked up to me food they gralled I chuckled and cut off all the locks saying I want food no but these are and I through them slavers they started eating them I walked next to the owlbar who was monching on a slavers chest but as I got close to her eggs she stopped what she was doing and looked up to me hissing I raced my hands saying I mean you and your children no harm and to prove my point I put away my sword and came out of battle mode this owlbar glared at me saying what do you want boy I smiled happily simple I want to free you of those chains the owlbar looked to the chain that attached to a caller around her neck and want to the floor she huffed saying one wrong move and it's you who I will be eating I laughed that's fear enough I walked forward confidently and looked at her caller it was made from steel with a huge lock that hanged off of it I rolled my eyes and reached out and used hell flame to melt the lock I then pulled off the caller the owlbar shook happily I took a few steps back and walked to the griffen who had been watching us this hole time as I got closer to her she didn't get defensive do you mind I asked she shook her head and like that I took her caller off aswell I walked out of this cage and walked to the wyverns cage who glared at me saying boy I don't need your help to free my self watch and she stood up and jerked her head up the chain snapping but she miss judged where her wings would fall it was right over the eggs I used my movement skill to appear over the eggs clocking her wing it pushed down onto my back but I pushed back luckily she was in a weakened state cuz she feel to the floor breathing hard I stood up my back cracking I looked over to her with anger you are a fucking fool you just about crushed some of your children for what pride to look down on me you are nothing your lucky I was her and was willing to save these kids or your actions would have been terrible she glared at me but huffed I rolled my eyes and walked over to her and took off the caller which was still around her neck that's when I looked back to the eggs and my eyes want wide 3 of the four eggs was much bigger then the forth tin times as bigger actually and they was different colors one red one white and one green and they was covered with that color of scales wall the last one was a smaller black egg that had the same scale color as the wyvern I looked back to her saying these ant your eggs are they she side angrily no they forced me to look after them they said sense I As basically a dragon it would work I side well shit this ant good I pulled out my sending stone as I walked out of the cage saying Taylor are you there yea what's up Hunter reinforcement just have arrived what's the problem I side of course they did we got a bigger problem then all of this these fuckers stole three Dragon eggs one red one white and one green so we might have 3 pissed off Dragon mothers looking for there eggs I heard Taylor stand up from his chair the fuck did you say shit I will be right but before he could finish the door at the end of the hall exploded open and flying at me was a tall thick black lizard he looked to me and angrily screamed how fucking dare you touch my merchandise and he opened his mouth and breathed out fire I gives to the side saying sorry Taylor the boss is here got to go and I put the stone away as I lunched at this fucker I throw a punch at his face he cot my fist and flipped me around and through me I slammed into the wall I spat up blood but I rolled out of the wall just in time cuz flying passed my face was a fist that cracked the fucking wall I clicked this lizard away from me as my boot hit his chest blue fire burst on my foot and he shot back into cages I landed on the ground Fox and Giant running next to me ready to fight I looked to them saying go find the Dukes daughter I will play with this lizard they nodded and ran through the door the lizard came from I looked to see the lizard walking towards me he had a huge smile on his face there was a little bit of blood falling from his mouth he wipped the blood off smiling at me finally a fun enemy it has been to long sense I had someone who could take a hit my name is Dark the leader but I cut him off saying I know who you are Dark Tallows letter said it all you can call me DeerSkull he laughed o so your the one who killed that fucker Tallow how fun did you know cuz of your actions his daughter is now are sex slave and its all your fault I chuckled shrugging naa I think it was his fault for being a ass hole and working with you so shut up and let's fight or are you to scared you will die and like that I jurked my head down and I was in battle mode.