
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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getting one the road

So yall have been busy I said as we sat down Gold side as she sat down next to me I told you he would notice Flare, Star, Fox Freya and Giant all looked to one another and back at me I could see a bit of guilt in there eyes Giant was about to speak but I held up my hand cutting him off I don't want to hear it Giant you all have done good fir your selves besides at the end of the day we are all free to do what we want I am proud of yall I assume Giant you was in command he nodded indeed that is my duty after all as your second in command I smile well what you waiting for hell to freeze over give me a report shall you Giant laughed nodding well as a group we had completed 3 quests from Taylor and as you can see we was able to pass you in levels sadly if your not there that XP booster doesn't work I smiled nodding that would be way to broken if it did he nodded as for individual stuff we all want shopping to get some magic items I picked up blacksmithing and leather working wall Fox but Fox cut him off saying I found the black market and the shadow organization under the city as you can guess I started making connections wall also establishing myself as an assassin which got me the job assassin good I nodded and I looked to the twins Flare smiled saying sis and I took up cartography which got us the job cartographer I also got a second job which is historian wall sis second job is ruins diver I can tell you about history of the wall she can tell you things about ancient lost city and what not I nodded and looked to Fraya she smiled I along side of Gold and Zigrin have been training Sofea outside of training her I got the job priestess alongside Mage so I can both heal and cast fire ball hehe I smiled nodding how has Sofea doing Freya laughed she is going through hell so pretty good I nodded and that leaves you dear and I looked to Gold she smiled shrugging well I got the job pyromancer on top of gunner so I think you can guess what those do other than that I've been helping miss Helga and Fox o that reminds me and she pulled out my coin purse and handed it to me I took it noticing how light it was I opened it to see about 60 gold in it I side putting it away I hope what you spent my money on was worth it dear Gold smiled hearing the bite in my voice yes dear it was I figured with all your magic items you didn't need anything like that so I used your money to my us all these and she pulled out box and opened it what I seen resting in the box was 7 necklaces each of them had a bright green gem hanging off it magic runes was written all over the gem this appeared over it

Live saving talisman: legendary item- when a person who is wearing this necklace dies the gem will shatter reviving the wearer to heath about 100 feet away from their death with no death penalty note- this is a one-use item if you use it that's it you must buy another one

I smiled laughing o my dear I take it back you're the fucking best where did you even find these Gold smiled Percy was happy to help us for the right cost I nodded I should have guessed this has his work all over it good I picked up one and put it on tucking it under my clothes I looked to the others smiling what you waiting for take one they did I smiled forming a plan in my head asking so we leaving tomorrow they nodded good I stud up laughing I pointed at Fox saying your coming with me and I grabbed him and started walking up stairs Fox tried to struggle but he might be higher level then but that didn't mean he was physically stronger then me no Hunter I got something to do he said I laughed don't worry Fox the thing I need you for won't last long Fox side excepting his fate I stormed into my room and opened my shop portal I sat Fox down and pulled a long peace of paper and started asking Fox question when Fox heard my questions his eyes want wide and a huge crazy grin spread across his face I only needed Fox for about a hour I sent him away smiling as I got to work the next day Taylor, Helga, Valentine, James, Rose and my party stood outside of the gate Zigrin Sofea and Faltin was also her to see us off Faltin and Taylor shook hands wall Zigrin and Helga hugged Freya and Gold hugged Sofea telling her they be back to complete her training Sofea looked like she was about to cry but she was holding it in Zigrin walked in front of me extending out her hand with a huge grin try not to die and come back with some good tails got it I laughed hugging her try not to die that's some good advise thanks and don't worry we will have plenty of more stories to tell ones we come back Zigrin blushed laughing she pushed me away Faltin walked in front of me he extended his hand smiling good luck out there new Baba Yaga protect your father and mother will you I shook his hand laughing that is what we are getting payed to do keep up your training you need it and I winked at him Faltin grinned at me as he said fuck you and he walked away chuckling I waved my hand and my Humvee appearing behind us I yelled all aboard, aboard we got people to save and a kingdom to burn I mean save Taylor and Helga got in the back with the rest of them wall Giant claimed into there the gunners seat would be sadly I didn't have time to make a 50 Cal no matter Gold had me covered Percy had these odd homing rockets so I simply made rocket ports on either side of the gunners hole Giant controlled aimed and fired them he also had to reload them 3 on each side Gold got into the passenger side I smiled at this city waving at Faltin Zigrin my eyes feel onto Sofea I grinned tipping my hat saying my the gods watcher over you little lady may the next time we meet be soon she smiled nodded good luck out there Buck I laughed getting into the drivers door saying who needs luck when you got skill but I will take what I can get at this point look after your father and big sister got it I glanced back to see Sofea node good see yall later probably maybe definitely and I shut the door I pushed my finger over a blue gem on the dash I then slid my finger left then down that's when the engine powered up I looked back smiling welcome all yall to Bucks sightseeing truck keep all hands, feet and any other appendages inside the vehicle at all times thank you and I do hope you enjoy the ride I then turned forward smacking the ruff twice yelling out the window you ready up there Giant cocked rocked and ready to go sir I nodded good let us go I took off my hat and through it in the dash, as I put it in drive and slammed on the gas dirt and rock were thrown behind me as my Humvee lurched forward shooting down the road I heard Giant yell o shit not this again and he held on for dear life I heard people curse angrily slow the fuck down boss Fox yelled we ant being chased or anything I laughed you sure about that I seen his face go pale in the rearview mirror and like on queue I seen 4 carts chasing after us ones we hit the woods the road was fine but it provided good cover for people like these I slammed the roof yelling bogies on are flank take them out rager and I heard Giant and the rocket ports be turned around the carts ganged 30 feet on us another 40 they be on us Giant the fuck you holding up for I yelled take them down out but sir they have the banner of the flying fish kingdom what Taylor yelled let me see and he moved to the back of the Humvee and he looked out the slit windows in the back doors I got to see the banner also a green clothe with a blue flying fire jumping over a boat yep that's them alright Taylor said but y are they here they shouldn't be here we got no reports of this I shrugged saying well there here Taylor I heard Giant yell Buck what do you want me to do if we are killing I need the order soon what do you think Taylor I asked he shrugged sitting back down I would rather not make the flying fish kingdom more then we already have so let us try and resolve this peacefully and if it doesn't go that way I asked Taylor smiled shrugging butcher the bastards then I smiled yelling you hear that yall game faces on and hold onto your shit Giant I twisted the wheel to the left as I tapped on the brake as I through the car into reverse I heard screaming from the back seats but I didn't care I was focused we was know facing right at them I slowly came to a stop the carts doing the same there was about 20 years between the two of us nothing happened at first till someone from the middle cart yelled Spartan leader come on out we wish to talk I smiled throwing the vehicle into park I looked to the back seat with a huge smile hold on this little tore will have to stop for a moment don't worry I will put are best foot forward I winked at Gold who shook her head chuckling the rest in my unit was grinning at one another I grabbed my hat from the dash before opening the door I climbed out throwing my self onto the hood I had a huge grin on my face I crossed my right leg over my left as I said yall asked for the leader of the Spartans well you got him I dusted off my hat before twirling it in my fingers as I put it onto my head my green eyes scanning over these carts 2 people sitting in the front one driver one shooter I also noticed a 3 standing at the back of the cart they tried to hide from me but it wasnt very well my magic site activated and I seen 4 more magic signatures in each cart all of them had weapons and at least one in every groop had explosive of some sort I saw grappling hooks and crossbows my eyes fell onto the middle cart which low and behind is where the strongest magic signature was coming from I rested my head into my hand and in a bored voice I said so are you going to talk or attack make up your damn mind already if you ant going to do either stop wasting my time I am getting bored and trust me you don't want to see me bored nothing I seen the woman in the middle cart was confused but she didn't say anything I side yes I am talking to you the girl in the middle cart I can see you might as well step out I promise if you don't try and hurt me I won't try and hurt you deal I heard a angry huff and the middle cart door got thrown open and walking out was a woman probably 5'7 in her early 20 she had white pants with boots that want just under her knees and a blue coat with gold frills on the shoulders it reminded me of old navy captain uniforms no that's exactly what it was a captain coat she had short blue hair as blue as the sea and her eyes was as brown as any wood on her hip was a gold hilt cutlass and touched into her waste line was a silver flintlock pistol all she was missing was the huge hat and it would have been complete she walked to the front of her cart she had a annoyed look I assume you are the holy shit what are you she yelled I laughed tilting my head to the side what you've never seen a talking black obsidian deer skull before she shook her head angrily of course I haven't the fuck even are you I side shrugging I am many things badass, scary, sometimes a dick or ass hole um o a mad man is another umm oo I have also gone by Daddy, or master in close doors I also might be a wendigo but tell me have you ever seen a wendigo of this caliber I think not umm I but she finally yelled shut up by the gods who just comes out and just says all that do you have no shame I laughed o right that's another one people have called me shameless but you're asking a lot of personal questions about me and yet you haven't even told me your name or what you wanted this woman started at me slack-jawed but she recovered fast she stood up straight with her head held hi she said my name is Mary Red Flyingfish caption of the red crab fleet I have been sent here to pick you up and take you back to my father the high king you are to be his right-hand man when dealing with all things related to Chromatic dragons so let us go I started at this woman dumbfoundedly I covered my face mumbling so let me get this straight you came all this way to come and get me just cuz you want me to deal with all Chromatic dragons and I getting this right so far she nodded that's right it's a great honor you should feel happy not many peasants like you rise to such a position I smiled at her saying one who and that was no Mary posture slightly changed when she heard what I said what was that I don't think I heard quite right sir can you please repeat that for me I nodded and I a loader town of voice I said no Mary want through many faces when she heard that shock , disbelief , confusion and finally anger you dear she said her hand moving to her cutlass this isn't a request this is a order from your high king how dear a peasant like you think you had a choice in the matter I laughed expanding my hands saying look around this isn't the flying fish kingdom naa this is the wild lands there is no such thing as Kings in this land out here we live on the survival of the fittest sure inside of a city there's rules but out here there is no such rules it's only the strong rules besides I am a wildling so I truly could care less about your king and kingdom hell I don't even really care about you but my adopted father wished to see if we could talk out Mary fave want white when she heard my words your a wildling she mumbled I nodded chuckling I would have thought the talking black deer skull would have given that away by know no matter walk away Mary if you try and take me all that your will get is your deaths and this isn't a threat nor a promise it's a fact Mary glared at me seconds passed in intense silent I started at her with a cold blank smile and she was angrily looking at me her hand still on her blade finally she huffed fine you win be on your way and she slowly walked backwards I nodded smart move I stood up and was about to move when I heard her yell blow him up boys I seen something shinny shoot at my I deflected it to the with Yokai not even taking it out if it's sheath I side flipping onto the hood I crouched down grabbing the bumper yelling Gold gun it yes sir I felt the Humvee lurch backwards I deflected another arrow to the side but when it flow to my right and struck a tree the arrow exploding blowing a hole in the tree Giant what you waiting for blow these fuckers up I yelled sir there to close he yelled I deflected another arrow sying do I have to do everything around here I pointed Diablo forward and it roared to life normal bullets I heard someone speak some magic words and a wind barrier blocked about 10 bullets before that barrier shattered and holes started to get blown into people I crouched down pointed other gauntlet to the left at the cart that was pulling next to the Humvees ratatatatata my bullets blow throw this cart killing the driver passenger and 2 of the people on the inside that cart veered left off the road slamming into a tree but 2 of them jumped off there cart and onto my Humvee they pulled out cutlasses one was on my left the other was pulling them self up to Giant hi system play some pirates music I smiled at the familiar sound that started playing have at thee the one in front of me said charging at me I laughed kicking his feet out from him as I spun onto my knees I pointed Diablo down at this man head saying have at thee indeed boom splat blood splattered all over my face I heard a shot gun blast from behind me tangos's on the right Giant yelled I pointed my right gauntlet right ratatatatata it burst to life but I only killed 3 people 2 people who was sitting towards the back of the cart and the mage who was standing in the back I sensed something forward so that's where I looked to see Mary lunge off her cart thrusting her cutlass at me I raised Yokai just in time to block Mary attack but I got pushed back against the window Mary was over my trying to push her blade down into me but Yokai was unsheathed slightly sparks flew from are weapons Mary smiled like she had already won where did all that confidence go you monster huh I must say I would have thought the leader of the Spartans would be stringer and she punched down at my face a huge grin spread across my face as I opened my jaws snapping down onto her fist she screamed in pain but I wasnt done I then kicked her leg out from under her but since I had her fist in my mouth she literally dropped onto me but she was able to punch me in the gut which opened my mouth she rolled away I quickly recovered my breath as I looked ar Mary her hand was completely fucked up she wouldn't be able to us in to fight with unless she wished to get hurt even worse I slowly stood up Yokai getting put back on my left hip I unsheathed the blade saying o come on this is the best part of the song Mary stood up glaring at me your a mad man I laughed yep let us dance and I stepped forward swinging Yokai down she easily blocked it and she thrust forward but I simply stepped to the side as I pushed her in the gut she feel back stumbling on the window she rolled into the roof singing at me we want from one blow to a to another that epic music still playing in my years on the 10 repost I heard Gold yell hold on up there and she twisted the while spinning the Humvee around this forces me forward and down Mary thrust down at me but I deflected it from behind me back as I pushed my self up I walked into the roof with her each swing of mine pushed her back she was being overwhelmed she blocked a overhead strike that's when I stepped closer thrusting Yokai into her right shoulder she screamed out in pain she tried to step back swinging her sword back at me but I simply smacked it out of her hand with a right strike I was about to finish her but I heard Giant yell hit the deck I seen y he yelling that and I didn't hesitate I dropped to my stomach Mary turned around with a angry confused expression just in time to for a low handing branch slam into her chest pulling her off the Humvee I stood up looking back at her dropped off that branch and hit the ground that must have hurt I mumbled I flicked the blood off of Yokai and sheathed her I then walked to the passenger door the window was already down I climbed in through it everyone good I asked they all nodded Valentine yelled big brother was so cool out there I laughed thank you little Valentine but I am rusty normally that would have been to easy she wasnt that skilled with the blade no matter we won and that's all that matters well folks I am sorry for the slight inconvenience but I do hope the show enjoyable next stop the kingdom I turned forward to see this

Congrats host for killing 20 knights from the Flying Fish kingdom rewards are 200 XP to the host and the player Giant

My eyes narrowed that wasn't the right number I counted 28 enemies and that includes Mary in that count the cart Mary was in did retreat leaving her to fight alone cowards damn it then that would mean Mary is still alive I clicked my tongue from irritation and annoyance but I calmed my self down taking off my hate and throwing it in the dash thinking well it would seem Mary is a tougher then she looks good if the fates cross are paths again lets see if you can keep that arrogant disposition this reminded me that my second in command didn't follow my orders when I gave them pulled my self up and out the window I sat down in the window opening my sharp glaring eyes fell over Giant who was looking around on guard for any enemy attack but when he felt my sharp eyes land on him his a shiver want down his spine as he turned and looked into my fiery green eye he didn't cower under my look he held his ground, next time brother, when I say shoot, shoot the bloody bastards ok I said in a calm voice Giant side but Buck we was way to close to us these I shook my head saying no buts next time just fire in this place we can't hesitate to go for the kill you know this as well as I besides a huge grin spread my face do you truly think I wouldn't have armored this baby before taking her into hostile territory Giant's eye want wide but shaking his head naa you wouldn't do anything that stupid I nodded happily with his answer listen Giant be it in this game or in real life I have always treated you like my blood my brother and I always will I need you and you me I can't even count how many times you and I have been in the thick of it and we saved one another life during the war we had full trust that the other got your back we had to have this trust to survive so tell me Giant can I still trust my back to you Giant started into my eyes a look of shocked want across his face but the next second a huge crazy grin spread across his face but of course brother I got your back do you got mine I didn't even have to think a huge skull grin want a crossed my skull I only said one word always Giant and I stared at each other not breaking eye contact in the moment then we both broke out laughing gods I missed you brother Giant said I chuckled i missed your company to you big broot hahaha we both laughed in the moment after we stopped laughing Giant asked we well I nodded yea we good brother and we high fived and I want back inside wall we want back to being are lookout Gold had a small grin on her face she heard mostly everything I was about to open my mouth to say something when two warm arms wrapped around me from the back Freya what are you doing I mumbled shocked I could see her face do to her hiding it behind the chair but I could feel her shaking thank you I heard her say in a weak quiet voice I was stunned but I pat her arms saying but of course Giant and I have had are differences and fought but through it all we stuck together through the good and the bad did you truly think we was going to split up from this hell naa yall are my crazy, somewhat egotistical no good outcasts family after all and that's they way it's going to stay Freya and Gold laughed so did Fox and Star wall Flare grinned o look its the kettle calling the pot black you we all had a good laugh at that wall Taylor, Helga, James, Valentine and Rose all displayed different emotions as they gazed at this odd family James admired the strong bong of brother and sisterhood that connected us all wall Rose had jealousy and sadness nostalgic look in her eyes little Valentine didn't understand what brought us close but she could see are bound and how strong it was she simply felt happy that we or Buck was happy Taylor and Helga had a nostalgic happy smile on there faces there eyes shinning sadly what they was truly thinking no one but them truly knew time passed like this Valentine asked us to tell stories from our world and how we met I laughed so did Giant in the gunner seat well Giant and I met in boot camp shit you don't know what this is no matter we met at a camp that trained soldiers Giant was sort of a out cast for his um lets say unique stature and strength wall I was feared since my grandfather was a very very high ranking military figure and it also didn't help that my Father and elder brother both joined and made their mark in the military on there with no help well Giant and I got conscripted to fight in a war a great war world war 3 we called it and just like its namesakes this war was as blood as the past ones well Giant and I soon became friends and got through camp and when graduation day came we asked to be put in the most dangerous location for are first deployment normally people don't just ask to be put in the most dangerous area but the general seen nothing wrong with are request and soon we got shipped out to the front of this war and there on the front lines is where Giant got the nickname Ymir the white giant and I got the name Wendigo I think we soon met Fox, Gold, Steal and Jack Fox laughed so did Gold I remember that night clear as day Gold said coldly Fox nodded as he spoke Gold and I was part of a scouting unit usually scouting units have small numbers no bigger then 10 in each unit well we got given the order to scout out a area where a enemy base was said to be it was our job to find where it was evaluate the enemy and report back well we found the base easily enough sadly it was a internment camp I spoke then explaining it to Rose and Valentine what that was its a camp where prisoners of war are kept most of them are for civilians the common people and 9 times out of 10 these camps ant good places prisoners killed and experimented on Rose and Valentine nodded anger on there faces Fox nodded yes well we found the camp and was going to retreat to report what we find with a transmission item when a old military vehicle that was on fire shot down the road straight at this camps front gates it crashed straight through the gate slamming into the enemies sleeping corters before the vehicle crashed into the building two people dived out of it luckily they did cuz right when the vehicle slammed through the wall of the building and boom the hole building exploded into flames those two figures was laying on the ground as bullets and debris rained all around I seen them roll into cover as they laughed the bullets hitting the ground where they just where I saw the shorter figure of the 2 take something from his pocket before letting it before fist bumping the taller man at this point alarms was blearing and are commanders back at base was screaming at us to report are caption of the time Jack reported what was happening to hq to say they were pissed would be an understatement we got the orders to take out the two figures if we had to Jacks strongly disagreed with hq and they got into a fight over it as Jacks was fighting with Hq those two figures started fighting off the enemies in that base they played tricks on enemies mind and senses some how they was able to spit them up into groups and spread fear through there ranks plus as they moved they freed the prisoners who took up weapons from the fallen enemies by the time Jacks was done fighting with hq those two figures had freeded most of the camp and killed the enemy after the last enemy dropped all the two figure do was walk to the side and waited for the prisoners to free the others the small figure sat there on a box that said tnt on it still smoking his cigar like he had no worries in the world wall the other man took stock of everything when all the prisoners was free they walked back to the two savers the smaller man took charge loading the enemy vehicles with all there remaining resources he did this like he was meant to lead no one questioned his lead when they was done there vehicles headed out and they took the road that lead right passed us when the head vehicle got in range of us it stopped and stepping out was Buck with a new cigar in his mouth he was smiling like a made man his first words was yall want a ride Jacks happily agreed ones we bot back to camp Buck and Giant got put in charge of are unit so that's how Gold and I met the Boss Rose had a dumbfounded expression on her face wall James started at me with respect Valintine was just happy to hear the story what happened next she asked excitedly I laughed well after that 5 months passed before we met are next member Freya who had sat back in her chair a while ago nodded she had a huge smile on her face I was a field medic you see I want where I was needed well Bucks unit got hit hard and needed a medical extract me 2 other medics and a group of 6 field group dropped in to a fucking shit show a scout unit fighting in a dug camo trench that the enemy made gunshots echoed through the air I seen 3 figures was still fighting back with such ferocity you would think they was wild Animals I seen one figure tending to a 4 downed people I heard someone let out a angry war cry before we landed and I seen a tall man trip a chunk from the solid reinforced concrete wall that the trench walls was made from this big man charged down the trench at the enemy using the chunk of concrete as a shield wall one other man charged behind him with no hesitation as he screamed at Fox to help move the wounded I ant sure what happened sense we landed and it was my job to take care of wounded and not watch the battle me and my 2 peers followed me into the trench wall 6 made a perimeter guarding us medics I heard many other guns shots pained screams and the sound of death from the other end of the trench but over it all I heard two people screaming at the enemy in anger one in a wild commanding voice the other in a rageful frenzy both was mocking the enemy telling them to bring it all they will take as many as them down before there death they would pay back the blood that had been spilt ten folds well the enemy soon rain away at these two crazy franzy man who charged into the face of danger with no fear the two of them came back completely covered in blood hell even there weapons was bloody me and one of my fellows ran up to do a check up on them but when I seen the bodies behind them to say I felt fear would be a understatement what these two man could only be described as a butchering blown off lems and body with huge holes in there chests legs heads it was a bloody mess the fellow medic that followed me through up on site of that the two man simply looked at there fallen complains with worry and anger in there eyes the big man asked how are they the other medic was to sick to speak but I was well enough so I answered 3 have a change to live but the one called Jacks it's to late for him I seen pain anger and most importantly sadness spread across these two bloodyed figures the big an was shaking like he was about to brake down right there wall the other was gritting his teeth I recognized this man to be the caption of this unit the caption hands touched around his weapon as he shook in anger and sadness he glanced back to the bodies behind him then side his body loosing up and a calm expression spread across his face I am going to check on the others and he walked away straight backed and confident that's when the big man started to cry silently as we looked at the back of his captions back the medic next to me scoffed angrily he's a monster how can he but before that man could finish a big strong hand rapped around that medics through as the big man gralled you will not call my brother that do you understand me a very scary expression was on the mans teares stained blooded face out of us all it is him who feels the most heart broken on Jacks death it I'd his job to lead and bring his members home but when one of them dies he can't show weakness this is war and the enemy will stop at nothing to win before you through insults think before you speak bitch and he pushed the man aside walking after his caption as you can think that unit was the Spartans and the two figures was Buck and Giant I soon joined them as there medic right after that actually I side nodding Rose, James, Valentine, Taylor and Helga all had sad expressions Taylor and Helga glanced at me with understanding so did James wall Rose had pitty in her eyes wall Valentine just was sad at the lost of life and like this we spent the time telling them war stories.