
The secret of the Devoured Veroba!

Huff. Huff. Huff. Sammie wiped the sweat from her forehead. If the first level is this full, she could just imagine what the other 6 were like. The trial of shadows consisted of 7 floors. The farther you make it the higher the reward would be. She needed the black card which meant she had clear it all. "Player information." She wanted to check something.

[Player: Samira Johnson (Sammie)]


250/500 + (2,000 from devouring teenage Centipede Veroba Rank F)

[Player's HP has risen to 1,350/2,500]


400/2,000 + (5,000 from devouring teenage Centipede Veroba Rank F)


500/1,000 + (2,000 from devouring teenage Centipede Veroba Rank F)


Doppelgänger Rank F

Transformation Rank F

Escape Rank F

Devour Rank D (on cooldown: 6 hours)

Hunger of Gluttony Rank SSS(locked) (1 of the seven keys)

Necromancy Rank F(locked) (must collect the black card)

Speech-craft Rank D

Medical Knowledge Rank C/ Healing Hands Rank C

Fast Learner Rank C

Mixed Martial Arts Rank D

Spy (Searching) Rank C

Dexterity Rank D

Language Ability Rank F (New)

Poison Tolerance Rank D (New)

Poison Defense Rank D (New)

Fire Ball Rank F (New)(Stolen)

Paralysis Rank F (New) (Stolen)

Poison Bite + Poison Spit has combined to make Poison Creation Rank F (New)

She smirked. 'This was a great ability! However, the downside is depending on what I devour the cooldown might increase.' She thought. It was time to raise her martial ability by putting it to practice. 'That's how you cheat the system without taking more classes.' She grinned. She finally had a magic ability, however she couldn't be sure if the higher ranked ones had a fire tolerance. Ping! Ping!

[Adult Centipede Veroba has become enraged.]

[Player is being targeting for murdering their subordinate.]

"Shit." She ran until she found a small indention in the wall. Sammie was happy at that moment that she was 5'ft. She was able to hide as the legs of the Veroba ran across the side of the wall. From her past life, she wasn't ready to take on an adult Veroba or even the queen Veroba on the last floor.

'Even if you look at all my skills, the higher tier ones are locked and the ones I have won't work on them!' She wanted to pull her hair out. Why was she so fucking confident in taking this place on?? Was it because the Raven was nice enough to give her a second chance? She didn't even know what God he or she was! While she was freaking herself out, a thought popped into her mind. 'The assassin ability can work on them! I only have to kill one of them. Now it's time to hunt some Teenage Verobas.' She licked her lips. Once the adult left, she stealthy made her way back to the gathering grounds of the young Verobas.

"It's time for you guys to give me a new skill and some exp." She whispered basically to herself as she nimbly jumped to a rock on the wall. She was glad her body remembers everything, but it will be a strain on an untrained body if she do it too long. 'Let's get this done quickly.' Quickly spotting a veroba that wasn't near the others, Sammie jumped onto its back twisting the neck.

Ping! Ping!

[Player has gained the stealth ability and the assassin ability]

Screeeech! Screeech!

The other Verobas felt when their 'friend' fell. "Shit!" She ran because she knew she couldn't out climb a veroba. Well she could only fight! Samira activated the stealth and assassin ability at once. Blood gushed onto the walls and floor. It was turning into a horror scene by the second as Samira was covered in blood of them.

[Player is hurt by corrosive blood.]

[HP is quickly falling!]

[Player has gained Corrosive tolerance. Player has gained Corrosive Defense. Player has gained Corrosive blood.]

Samira activated healing hands as she looked at the last notification. Why would she gain that ability? She didn't devour another one. After she finished healing and cleaning up, Samira decided to rest a bit. "Does this notification mean that I only have to devour one and get hit by their attack to gain the skill and not just their defense and tolerance?" If that was the case, she decided to wait until the cooldown was over. It will be a monster buffet for her.