
Chapter 16: Memories

When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I heard...

"You heard it too, haven't you?" Jacob said. I looked shockingly at Jacob and Luka.

I couldn't believe it, we actually heard Rhys's heartbeat! He is alive. I rush towards his body and sat next to him but as soon as I touched his forehead, I had to remove my hand. He was burning up like too much. Valencia also reached to touch his forehead and immediately backed away. "Oh my god! His temperature is like a hundred degrees!"

When I looked at him closely I saw smoke or steam coming from his body. Jacob grabbed my hand and pulled me away slightly. Just then his whole body lit on fire and turned into ash. I was completely speechless and shocked and I guess it wasn't only me, everyone in the room was.

The ashes suddenly started to join themselves like particles colliding until they are fixed. Soon the ashes formed a bird. Judging by it's form it is a Phoenix and just as I said that the ashes turned red and lit itself on fire again revealing the bird that we were all familiar with. For a moment I thought he died again when he turned into ashes. Valencia started crying out of joy as she gazed at the majestic bird.

He eventually turned into his human form and luckily he had clothes on. Valencia didn't lose anytime to hug him. These two seemed to be getting along pretty well.

"You guys didn't think that I'd died that easy, did you?" Rhys smiled and everyone frowned at him including me which resulted in everyone punching him. "Ow! That hurts!" He said, rubbing his arm. "Well that's for scarring us!" I simply replied. "Can you excuse us a minute? We need to talk to Rhys about something." Luna and Luka asked. We all nodded and got out of the room.

They had been talking for a couple of minutes now and we were getting bored waiting for them. Valencia and Vanity went in their room to talk for a bit, leaving me and Jacob.

I looked over Jacob, he was sitting patiently look in his phone. I was about to go in my room but then I thought about having a flight outside in the fresh air. Maybe that could cool my mind. I stood up and walk in the kitchen and opened the backdoor.

Just as I was about to step out, I felt a warmth in the palm of my hand and it was Jacob; he was holding my hand. "Where are you going?" I asked with concern. "I'm bored. I'll be going out for sometime, it'll make me a bit better." I cupped his face with one hand. "You can't. It's too dangerous." He took my hand in his and looked at me. His eyes were deeply locked in mine. "Come on, it won't be long. I'll be back soon." I don't know what he was thinking but he suddenly kissed me on my cheeks which made me blush so bad. "I'm coming with you." He smiled and tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. I did want to go outside and alone but I gave it a multiple of thoughts. He is right I shouldn't go alone so I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and we sprinted in the forest. No long enough I saw grey feathers on his arm and when he turned to look at me his eyes were brown. "Go shift behind that tree. I'll wait for you up there." He said pointing up to the large tree. I sprinted and remove my clothes and hid it in the nearby bushes so that later I don't need to look for them. I was a bit chilly and that made me shivered slightly.

After changing to my bird form, I flew up to the branch where I saw a beautiful grey eagle waiting for me. I landed just next to him and let out a soft call. He bent slightly to preen the feathers on my head which was so satisfying, it's like someone cuddling with you. I couldn't help but close my eyes and enjoy.

'Someone is enjoying herself.' I opened my eyes and looked at him. His innocent yet ferocious face could hide that wicked smile that formed on his face. I moved my beak to his head and aggressively pluck a feather. He growled at me. 'I dare you to do that again." Well he challenged me so how can I refuse. I did it again. He ruffled his feathers and growled at me. Having no choice I growled back. He suddenly attempted to bite me. I opened my wings and back away slightly. 'What's wrong with you?' I asked. 'It's not me it's Thunder. You pissed him off!' Great now I have to deal with an angry bird next to me.

An idea suddenly snapped in my mind. It was a bit risky but I had to do it. I moved closer to him in attempt to at least touch him. 'What are you doing?' He asked. I shushed Jacob and lean my face under Thunder's. He was about to bite me but we touched our beaks instead. I froze and I guess Jacob was also speechless. 'Spark is really enjoying this moment, isn't she?' Jacob said happily.

'Aw we look cute together!' Speak of the devil she finally showed up. 'Yes I think she is enjoying. In fact she loves it.' I mind-linked Jacob.

I studied Thunder for a while before Jacob mind-linked me again, 'Come with me, I want to show you something.' and with that last word we flew away. I dodged the branches but kept following him until he stopped and landed on a branch. I couldn't stop gazing at the sunset.

'Remember where I first saw you in your eagle form?' He asked. I looked down to where he was standing that day. 'Yes, I do.' I replied a smile quietly formed on my face as all the flashbacks came. 'And do you remember when I saw you for the first time at school.' I chuckled through the mindlink. 'Yeah. How can I forget that!' He replied with annoyance.


It was pretty difficult to control the shifting but I managed even though but somehow when I first saw him I couldn't. He looked at me with his green eyes that were piercing through mine. 'What is he?' That was the first thing that came bumping in my mind. He is looking like he is about to eat me.

"What are you looking at? Do you want my picture?" What a brat? Everyone in the class started gasping. Is this how you welcome a new student. "I might want it but I'm also scared that maybe I might throw it in the dustbin so NO!" I replied back. He was shocked at my answer. The girls started looking at me angrily as if I just insulted them.

"Miss Courtney the class will start soon so please take a seat." The principal told me. I looked around to see every seat full except the one near the brat. Good luck to me because I'm pretty sure we are going to be the worst enemies. I walk up to him while everyone was staring at me. I turned and gave them the look of 'I'm not going to eat him' and some of them stopped.

"Hello." I simply said and sat next to him while putting my bag next to my chair. He did not reply. "What's your name?" I asked again trying to make a normal human-like conversation. "Why do you care?" He turned to face me. I lift a brow at him in confusion.

"Nevermind you are too immature to understand." He said turning away.

"Look who's talking!" I said with a smirk. He was about to say something when I interrupted him. "According to science, girls are said to me more mature than boys specially at this age." I bursted with pride. "Whatever! For me you'll always be the immature one." My mouth was left open after what he said. Am I an exception or what??

"Have I ever told you that you are annoying? Well let me tell you now. You. Are. Annoying. As. Hell." I said and we didn't talk again.

After a few weeks past

We started talking and I seemed to understand him more. The girls sometimes would annoy me with their obsession over Jacob but he would always help me. He was a nice gut but...

"-still annoying!"

"What?" He furrowed his brows.

"You are still annoying!" I repeated, my arms crossed over my chest. "How about I call you Doofy boy?" I said excitedly. He was about to protest but his mouth remained open as I interupted him. "Yep Skittle boy sure suits you!" I said pretending to clean his shirt.

"But that doesn't even make any sense!" But I kept my nose up avoiding him."You. Will. Pay. For. That." He replied trying his best to calm his anger. I chuckled and walked away waving slightly at him.

End of flashback

'Skittle boy. How I miss calling you that!' I smiled. We gazed at the setting sun and looked at the other birds flying away to their nest. They sure look happy with their little family.

I flew higher in the sky with Thunder behind me. I flew higher and higher. I looked at him, 'Are you ready?' I asked a smirk clearly forming on my face. He nodded and we dived down swirling together. As soon as we reached almost above the trees, we stopped and changed the direction to going straight.

While flying my wings kept touching his. He kept looking at me and back in front of him. I was busy drowning in his brown eyes that I did not see the street light and before I knew it he swirled under me, grabbing my talons and pulled me to his side. 'Be careful.' His brown eyes were filled with concern.

'I could've dodged it you know.' I pouted. 'And were you going to do that when your eyes were focused on me?' He chuckled through the mind link. I could feel the heat creep up to my cheek. 'I-I wasn't!' I stammered and he couldn't help but laugh at me.

We were now far from my house so I decided to tell Jacob to return but he was too busy enjoying the flight and the hunt. I was enjoying too but soon I realised that It was getting darker which was making me more nervous. 'Hey Jacob, can we return?' I said trying to hide the fear in my voice. 'A little longer.'

I looked around us and shook my head. 'Let's... return... please.' I held the stammering but I couldn't hold my trembling voice. He finally turned around sensing something wrong with me. 'Hey what's wrong?' He preened my feathers. My breathing got heavier.

He wanted to transform but he hesitated because his clothes was near the house where we shifted. I need to fly and return but I'm so scared. I look around, darkness surrounded me. 'I've an idea!' Jacob's face lit up. 'Come with me.' He said and I followed him, avoiding the branches that kept appearing in the dark as we flew.

I couldn't see really clear in the dark but I could see a lake. As we flew closer my ears confirmed it. He flew and dived in the water and watched as he float and then he shifted to his human form. I was speechless... Oh hell no! I'm not going with him in the water. 'Come on! We don't have much of a choice anyway. Look around you.' Spark said. I looked at my surroundings for a while before diving in too.

I came to surface and floated while flapping my wings in the water. "Shift back." I heard Jacob and turned to face him. Excuse me what?

'I can't shift... I don't have any clothes on!' I replied through the mind link. "I know but you have too." I sigh and shifted. The cold water that touched with my skin made me shiver for a while but didn't stop my fear. I couldn't help but blush. "Ok now I need you to breath slowly and think of something happy, maybe a happy memory." He said and I followed but it didn't seem to be working.

"I-I can't. It's not working." I panicked. He reached his hands on my face cupping it in his hands. "Don't look around you. Just-Just focus into my eyes." I looked into his green eyes, it was giving me hope and I could feel like I can do it.

I closed my eyes again, thinking about the memories we had when we first met, when I found out he was an eagle, when we flew together in the sky. I suddenly felt all the fear that was trapped inside of me, gone. My grey eyes opened abruptly as I hugged him. "I did it!" I exclaimed happily.

He smiled back and shifted. 'Let's go!' I nodded happily and shifted. As we were flying I could hear Spark fangirling at the back of my head. 'What's wrong with you?' I asked her. 'That was so cute when you remembered him, your fear was gone. *sigh* True Love!' I rolled my eyes at the same time blushing. 'Shut up Spark!' I yelled.

Jacob on the other hand seemed pretty suspicious. Is he reading my mind? I decided to find out myself. 'Hey Spark do you remember the guy that I met yesterday? He was so cool and his hairstyles.. oh my god!' I smirked as I said that. I look over to Jacob, he seemed to be pretty pissed. 'Yeah I know right! He was so hot!' Spark seemed to understand what I was doing and she also joined me.

He turned furiously to face me and I chuckled. 'That's what you get for eavesdropping my mind!' His eyes widened and I started laughing. 'Aww look Skittle Boy is angry!' I continued annoying him and teasing him until we got near the tree.

I landed, shifted and grabbed my clothes. Slipping it on quickly, I came out and walked towards the house. But before grabbing the handle of the door, I turned to call for Jacob. I saw his face lit up and a smirk on his face. "How about I start calling you Miss Bubble face!" I shook my head back away. I opened the door and ran inside. "Oh you're not going anywhere! You annoyed me a lot back there and now it's your turn!" He yelled and I started running like crazy.

I ran upstairs while Luna yelling at me. "Be careful!" I nodded, continuing my way. Soon I was blocked so I turned back but saw Jacob. 'Well oops!' I ran towards him and he stretched his arms to grab me but I ran under them. Sprinting down the stairs, I ran behind the first person I saw. It was Vanity. "Vanity help!" I said. My fist abruptly gripped to her blouse.

"What's going on?" Luka asked. "He's calling me Miss Bubble face!" I whinned but kept my eyes focus on him just in case. "Why are you calling her Bubble face?" Luka looked like a big brother just now as he yelled at him. I chuckled lightly. "Because she's calling me Skittle Boy!" Everyone started laughing and Jacob stayed there looking surprised. I couldn't help but laugh too.

I suddenly got distracted by someone missing in the room.

"Where is Velencia?"

"She had to return home her mother kept calling her." Vanity replied.

After a while Rhys also came. "Hey I made us dinner! Anyone wanna join?" Rhys said with a grin on his face. "Of course!" I replied. At the same time my sister spoke, "When did you make us dinner?" Luna asked. "Oh, when you were all busy playing Ludo, I sneaked in the kitchen and decided to prepare something. I wanted to thank you for helping me." He replied with a warm smile.

"Aww! Thank you." I gave him a quick hug, knowing Jacob will be jealous.

"So what did you cook for dinner." Jacob asked as he pulled me a bit to his side. See! He's jealous as expected. "I made a family pizza!" He smiled. "Great, let's set up the table." Vanity clapped her hands lightly and walked to the dinning room. We followed her and set up the table with plates and glasses.

We started digging in the pizza which was on the table. "It's delicious!" Luna moaned as she took the first bite of her pizza.


"I didn't know you cook so well." I asked, taking a small bite.

"I used to watch my mother cook so little by little I learned the recipes." He smiled. Come to think of it where's his mother? "Rhys? I never saw your mother. Where does she lives?" I asked curiously. His smile immediately turned into a frown as he nodded. Why do I have a bad feeling about his mother. "She used to live with me a few states away. One day..."

Flashback (Rhys)

Rhys's POV

"Mom where are you going?" I asked. I was curious so I kept asking her and she finally smiled and explained me. "We are going for a walk in the forest." Just as my mom told me that I heard a twig crack. 'What was that?' I looked around. "Get behind me dear." She pulled me behind her, her soft hands tightly gripped to my shoulder. "What's going on mother?"  She did not reply she was too focus at what was around her.

"Whoever is out there come out! I know you are here. I can sense you!" We waited for a few minutes until it finally came out. It was a man but he looked strange as if it wasn't really a human. Somehow I felt anger when I saw him. "Well isn't that my little enemy hiding behind her mother?" I don't know why he was calling me his enemy but I sure was pissed when I saw him. "Aww little phoenix is angry?"  He made a mocking face.

"What are you doing here 'Dark'?" My mother asked. Who is Dark? And how is he my enemy. "I'm here to kill my little enemy!" He had a devilish chuckle as he said those words. "Who are you?" I asked coming from behind my mom. She tried to stopped me but I wanted to know who that was.

"Oh! Little phoenix has finally decided to talk."

"Stop calling me little phoenix and tell me who the hell are you?" I snapped.

"My apologies I did not introduce myself to you." He somehow had a mocking tone in his voice but I ignored it.

"I am Dark Orphan Bird!" He added. He gave me a disgusting smug as well as he was proud of his title. "Get out of our territory Now!" My mother yelled. "Oh I don't think so! Cause this territory belongs to Me now!" He smirked. My mother shifted to her eagle form, ready to attack him but he turned away. For a moment we thought it was over until he turned back, shifted.

Everything was so fast; I didn't see that coming nor was I expecting that.

He flew passed my mom and shifted while my mother fell down. I quickly ran to her shouting for her to wake up. Her  eyes looked lifeless. She was dead. For a moment I thought my life was over. The man that just killed her was my enemy, I could not do anything to save her. I watched as she died.

"Won't you take your revenge?" He had the same smug on his face as before. He stood there for a few seconds. "Tsk! What a pitiful boy!" And he left.

End of Flashback

I looked back to the others. The girls were all crying and the guys were comforting them. "I'm... sorry Rhys!" Hannah on the other hand was not crying but she had sadness in her eyes.

"It's ok Hannah-"

"Excuse me." She stood up and walk away to her room. Jacob nodded to me and followed her. "Cheer up everyone! I made a chocolate cake for desert!" I smiled as Luna and the others wiped their tears and nodded.

'I'm glad I met them.'