
The Wild Feather

Hannah, a 16 years old teen girl. She has been hiding her secret from her friends and the school for years along with her sister Luna. Later both sisters fall in love, they start working together to keep their love ones safe. But being unable to hide the secret at school, their enemies are alerted. The girls finally made up their mind to fight back. But there is another creature waiting for them. They knew that one day it would come out of the darkness but no one expected it to be so soon. What will they do if they come across a threat that is almost impossible to see? The threat which has been hunting them for years has finally appear. What will the sisters do? • • • Thank you for reading this story.

Duskfire_Star · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: The Transfer Student

We headed back to the hotel and packed our bags and left. We had to leave anyway, tomorrow we all had to go to school but only for Luka and Luna. I was told to stay at home because of all those traumatic things that had happen on Sunday. Jacob also didn't go he was injured so he needed to rest for a day. I was told to go to school after three days but I'm glad it wasn't a month though, I think for a tramatise person to stay at home for a whole months it's like beyond limit.

On a Monday morning waking up without worrying whether you are getting late it's something to enjoy right? Well I enjoy it.

I sat on my bed looking everywhere with my sleepy eyes. Getting out of my bed, I walked towards the window and moved the curtains to see the sun's shine directly on me. It felt so warm. "Yesterday was a nightmare!! Let's try to forget it!" I stretched my arms and walked out of my room. "Good morning everyone!" I greeted as I got down the stairs. "Morning dear!" My mother gave me a hugged me.

Spark was the only one who was bored. Eating breakfast and watching TV is the worst thing for her so obviously she is going to annoy me for that. 'So boring! How about we go for a flight?' Spark suggested, her eyes glowing with excitement. 'I want to but I don't know if mom will agree...'

'Just try asking her!'

"Hey mom can I go for a flight in the nearest forest Please?" I asked excitedly. "No." Was all that she replied. "Pretty please!" I urged using my ultimate weapon, my cuteness and my irresistible puppy eyes. It once worked on Luna so it will work on them "Ok fine." And she finally gave up. I sprinted outside the house and changed to my eagle form. I let Spark take full control of my body because she's better than me at everything.

Soaring in the blue sky has always been something that I love, it makes you feel connected to the wind and the nature around us. However, I couldn't stop thinking about that Phoenix and that Philippine eagle, I was always wondering who they were. Suddenly Spark landed on a branch, 'What happened?' I asked her curiously. 'Someone is following us.' She said while looking cautiously around her. After a few seconds, I heard Spark laughing, 'I was just kidding!' She continued laughing. 'Seriously?' Just then we noticed a hare. 'Food!' Spark yelled excitedly.

'You are mine now!' Spark said as she prepared herself for the hunt. In a matter of seconds she launched herself on the hare. Her talons ready to get the skin of that animal. As she reached closer she extended her talons. The hare was too busy to notice our silent moves. While trying to catch the animal, I collided with something else and without even knowing it my talons were already grabbing the unknown animal. We both fell heavily on the ground. I didn't mean to grab it tighter as I fell down but having no support, it was just my instincts.

When I stood back up, the animal behind me got up too and somehow I had the impression that it was a big animal because one, it had black and gray furs and two I felt his body weight when we fell. I turned around to see a gray black wolf clenching his teeth right at me. 'Just what I needed to ruin my Monday morning.' I spoke with annoyance. Suddenly the wolf calmed down and looked at me. He started wagging his tail as he analyzed me.

'He's half human like us!' Spark exclaimed happily. 'How do you know?' Was I the only one confused? 'I can understand what he is saying to us but you won't be able to because you are a human.' The queen of languages is explaining things to me. 'Ask him what he's doing here.'

'He says that he was hunting for that hare and then we bumped into each other.' Oh yeah he was injured. What's his name? 'His name is Isaac Storm and he doesn't have a pack.' OK... so he is a lone wolf. 'How about we bring him home to put some meds on his injuries?' We agreed and he walked with me, flying above him towards my house.

After a while we reached at my house. 'He's asking if it is okay if you could give him some clothes.' I nodded and flew towards my room through the window and changed back to my human form. I quickly slipped my trousers and my blouse, and quickly open the closet to look for a some clothes. I grabbed the first aid, the clothes and ran downstairs. "Where are you going now?" My mother yelled from the kitchen. "I'll be right back I forgot something!" I opened the door and ran behind my house where I saw someone behind the bushes. I figured that it was him so I tossed the clothes to him.

He changed and came out of the bushes. He had black hair and gray eyes as I expected. I lent him the first aid, "Thanks but I've got to go now." He said timidly and took the first aid box. "It's ok, I hope we meet again." I slightly waved at him as I opened my front door.

Three days later

I entered the class to see Jacob and the others talking. Eliana saw me and started shouting my name as she came hugging me. The others followed after her. I hugged Luna even though she lived with me and we saw each other everyday. Luka also got a small hug from me but Jacob couldn't wait till hugged him so instead I winked at him and sat in my seat.

I turned to my side to see Jacob next to me. "What are you doing here in Luna's place?" I said surprisingly but he only smiled. Just then Mr. Martin came in the class, "Hello students! I wanted to tell you that we have a new transfer student." Soon everyone started whispering about who that was and why he was here.

As the principle opened the door, a handsome boy entered the class and everyone's eyes were on him. His hair was of a crimson red colour with orange highlights and his eyes were of a deep orange color. Avoiding the others, his gaze turned towards me and a smirk was formed on his face. He turned his gaze back to the class but this time his expression was so cold. "Hello my name is Rhys Blaze." and that was all he said. "Well... take your seat then." he nodded.. I could have sworn he looked at me back when he walked past me to take his seat behind me. The whole class was in a huge silence.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked in a serious tone as I turned my face towards Jacob who had been staring at me intensely. "You seem pretty interested in him." He frowned. "No I'm not interested in him!" I furrowed my brows. "Yes you are!" He repeated. "No I'm not!" I said back. "Stop it you two!" Luna whispered from behind as she slap us on the head.

"That Rhys guy he seems familiar to me." I whispered to Jacob. "Too bad he's not familiar to me!" He crossed him arms as he stared at him and back at me. "Anyway, I've got to go. Bio class! See ya!" I stood up and walked out of the class where Luna was waiting for me.

"I heard you talking about Rhys. What's up with him?" Luna asked curiously. "He seems familiar to me but I don't know how?" I was a bit upset but I couldn't figure out why. "It's ok maybe later you can talk to him." Luna patted my shoulder and smiled at me.

Thirty minutes later, I went to my next class. 'It seems that I would be alone in this class.' Why do I care anyway? I walked to my seat and turned my gaze to look outside. "Argh! Who likes computer classes?" I looked back in my classroom to see Rhys coming at my direction. He stopped and sat beside me just as I predidcted. I guess I can predict the future.

"Hi!" I said hesitantly. "Hi." Rhys replied while reading his book. Why does this feels like a deja vu? He is acting like Jacob when I first met him; the non social type of guy. "So you do computer class." I plastered a smile on my face. "Do I look like I am doing English class!" I lifted his computer book while looking at me irritantly. "You could've said that more politely!" I snapped. At first he was surprised but then he smirked back at me. "Well, you are one hell of a girl."

"Good morning students! Sorry I was late because of a meeting." Mr Brown spirinted in the class. As usual everything was as they used to be but the ones that were unusual in this school was us. There will always be something that will bother us everyday. Last time it was the trip to the forest, then the boys discovering about us, then the poison, then came Valencia adding a lot more complications in our relationships and now that Philippine eagle and her partner. I wonder what will have to face next.

"Hey you! What are you daydreaming about?" He snapped his fingers at me which startled me a little. "Why do you care?" I questioned furiously. "The teacher told us to work together with our partners." He explained calmly, showing a little bit of seriousness on his face. "It's not like I would have refuse!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So what's your name?" He avoided the matter. "I'm Hannah Courtney." Good this time I was pretty relaxed. "So what are your hobbies?" There wasn't any smile on his face, he was like completely emotionless as if it was some business thing. Noticing everyone looking at their books I asked,"Shouldn't we talk about computer? I mean everyone seems to be talking about the subjects."

"I don't have enough time to talk about silly things!" He responded.

At the same time the bell rang which literally gave me a sudden headache and that hurt like crazy. It was as if a bullet just pierced my head. I took my bag and rushed out of the computer class. "Hey Sis!" Luna came up to me excitedly while waving. "Sorry Luna, I won't be able to go to the next class. I don't feel really well." Her smile faded into a sad face.

"I'll tell the teachers don't worry." She held my arm to calm my worried face a little bit. At the end of the hall, I felt Jacob's presence behind me and I could tell he was worried. "Stop following me like a stalker, will you?" I smiled as I turned around. "I knew it! Your face is looking all pale." He must have sense the change in my scent and he looks quiet upset.

Jacob suddenly started moving towards my direction which made me back away till my back hit the wall behind me and he punch the wall blocking my way. "Spit it out!" His serious face was inches away from me and that made me slightly blush. "I'm having a painful headache. It just started as soon as the bell rang." He face softened as he looked in my eyes. "Do you think it's the Nightshade poison? Is it still affecting me?" He looked puzzled after what I had said.

"That maybe the case... we'll figure that out later for now you need to rest." He held my hand and walked me out of the school building. "Thanks Jacob. I'll go by myself now." I let got of his warm hands and waved at him while walking out of the school. "Take care bubble face!" He shouted. "Stop calling me bubble face!" I yelled back.

I walked on the road all alone, no cars nothing. My headache had calmed a little bit but I was still wondering why I was having headaches. "Hey you there!" A familiar voice yelled at the back. I turned to see the same red haired boy, "Rhys? What are you doing here?" Has he been following me? "What do you see me doing? Heading back home obviously!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"So, where do you live?" I ignored his arrogance. "I live just near that house." He pointed at my house. "So you are my neighbour? But how come I never saw you?" I asked but he didn't reply. I turned around walking backwards, "Did you know when I was small I used to go there and tell Luna that there were ghosts in that house." I giggled. A fake smile appeared on his face which quickly turned into a frown as he looked above me.

"Watch out!!" He grabbed my hands pulling me into him and we fell on the ground. I lifted my head to find Rhys beside me. I pulled my body and tried to stand up. It was a bit painful to stand up because of my bruised knee but I managed to do it anyway. I looked back to where I was standing before and saw a branch on the ground. I walked up to Rhys and helped him to stand up. Surprisingly he didn't have any scratches on him. "Are you ok?" He asked, looking for any injury on me but the bruise had already healed.

"I'm fine thanks. You seem pretty fine too." I replied suspiciously. "Why? Do you want me dead?" He questioned with a confused look on his face. "No I was just wondering!! Why would I want you dead!" He is talking just like Spark... 'Hey don't drag me into this, stupid human!' Speaking of the devil, she finally made her appearance. "It's pretty impossible to kill me anyway specially girls like you. You know sometimes I pity girls who act like they are strong but actually they aren't. They are all so pathetic." He bursted with pride.

What an arrogant person! "If you think I'm pathetic then don't waste your precious time staying with me. Besides, I'm not glue that will stick on you and surely not the type that will die for asses like you!" The longer I stayed the more I felt like I was dying. "Then why did you ask for my help?" I rolled my eyes at his question. "When did I ask for your help? You were the one who helped, it's not like I begged for it." I protested as I raised my voice.

"Next time I bet you'll beg for it!" He flashed a smirk at me. "I'm not dumb as you!" I turned to walk away, increasing my pace but suddenly stopped. Everything behind me was in total silence and I couldn't hear any foot sounds. Just before I decided to take a look behind me, the silence broke but it was only the wind. He wasn't here but I could still feel his presence. "Like I care!"

This whole month has been boring and annoying because of just one arrogant person, Rhys Blaze. Always messing around with girls then dumping them and showing off as if he's the most handsome boy in the whole world. I swear if he messes with my friends, I going to kill him for sure. Even Jacob got into a fight with him because he was flirting with me. Everytime he talks to me I can see Jacob raging with anger next to me.

Not to mention that in class tests he's always first which also makes him want to bully others.

Even though he has been a jerk there were times he was being a kind and generous. He once helped a girl who was getting bullied by her classmates. I still remember when I was in the library and the shelves were moving all the books were falling on me but he saved me by getting himself hit by the book. As always he was never hurt nor bruised.

"How about we go outside!" I suggested excitedly. "Good idea." Jacob agreed and the others followed. "Anna can I talk to you in private." Eli asked hesitantly. I nodded and walked towards the backyard of my old abandoned house that we actually decided to come and spend some time in it. It was pretty deserted and silent. "So what do you want to talk about?" I turned to face Eliana but instead I got sprayed in the face. "Was that supposed to be a prank?" I smiled confused.

I cough as I got some in my mouth. "I don't think so." She replied with a grin on her face. What's wrong with her? "Then what is it?" I asked puzzled. "It's a potion that makes you lose all your powers." She smiled devilishly. She would never do that? It's a prank right? "You're kidding right?" I asked. "If I was joking around do you think I would have done this!" She laugh. "You still don't realise it, do you?" She walked in circle around me.