
The Wild Creature

a life of a man who wants to rule over the world

Lyrics_Maker · Urban
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13 Chs

The Demon

Kazuo smirked as his fists connected sharply with the other boy's jaw, sending him crumbling to the grimy alley pavement. "Stay down!" he spat. Cries and cash bets echoed around him as the circle of onlookers watched the street fight with twisted excitement. But Kazuo barely heard them, lost in the thrilling rage that drove his young body to new heights of violence.

Another boy stepped forward, ready to take his shot at knocking the vicious upstart off his pedestal.

"Let's see what you got, punk," Kazuo sneered, his cold eyes glinting with both cruelty and confidence.

He knew none could stand against him - he had the speed, the instinct, and most importantly, the relentless will to dominate all who stood in his way.

As the next boy threw a wild haymaker, Kazuo deftly slipped the sloppy punch before delivering a ruthless kick to his attacker's sternum. "Pathetic!" he growled as a the challenger hit the ground with a sickening thud, wheezing desperately to regain the air crushed from his lungs.

Kazuo stood over the body, arms raised victoriously, making sure all saw and respected his superiority. "Bow before your king!" he bellowed, face alight with manic powerlust. This was why he fought and bled day after day - to prove that he was the apex predator in this harsh urban jungle, that one day every knee would bow before his power.

The twelve year old delinquent had no parents, no future ahead in school or careers. The only ambition left to Kazuo was to conquer, to dominate, and to rule.

TStarting with these streets, he would climb to the top through ruthlessness, through violence, through fear. "One day, you will all kneel to me!" he declared to the circle of onlookers.

For Kazuo knew in his heart he was destined not just to be king of the alleys, but king of the entire world. All he needed was the will to make it happen - and that burning desire coursed through his veins as surely as the blood dripping from his knuckles to the cold uncaring concrete below.