
Chapter 56

  The morning light shines through the window and Niya finds herself cradled in a safe warm cocoon. Her back is pressed to his solid chest and her head rests on his extended arm while his other arm is lying limp across her belly. The pain is almost gone but the uneasiness is still there which is bearable. She shifts to face Chase and finds him in deep sleep, his tousled hair falling over his forehead and his breathing soft. He is breathtakingly gorgeous but the longer she looks she finds the small imperfections on his face. The little crookedness of his nose, the scar just below his right eye, the stubble in his chin and somehow her heart starts beating faster. A perfect face is Moon Mother’s blessing but like the black spots on the Moon, these little imperfections make him more beautiful.

  His face scrunches in pain as if he is trapped in some kind of nightmare and Niya places her palm on his cheeks trying to bring him back to her.

  “Hey! Shh... “Niya says