
Chapter 4

  “Vivi!! Vivi!! Wake up!!” Vivian opens her eyes to find Niya shaking her frantically. “Go away Kitty and let me sleep.” She tries to turn sideways but is pulled back by her sister.

  “Don’t call me that!! Come on, you sleep like a sea monster, wake up already!!”

  “What is your problem?” Vivi shrugs Niya’s hand aside and sits up with groggy eyes trying not to scratch her sister’s face.

  “You have to teach me something.” Niya says finally settled in a cross legged position.

  Vivian at last looks at her attentively. “Am I dreaming?” She asks as seriously as possible. “You are asking me to teach you something?”

  “Yes.” Niya grits her teeth

  “Well what is that ‘something’?”

  “Teach me how to flirt with boys.” Niya says, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

  “Since when did you start fantasising about boys?”

  “Since last night.”

  Vivian gives her a sceptical look and says. “These things cannot be taught, it comes naturally. You set your eyes upon a boy and you make him notice you first if he hasn’t already. The next step is to leave necessary clues for him to understand that you are interested. After then plan to meet up, take pleasure sexually and keep the cycle going. However if you want real love you must not act scandalously like this.”

  “No no, I don’t want anything to do with love. I just want someone temporarily. Although what you just said kind of freaks me out and also it sounds like a lot of work, but I have no choice.”

  Vivian finally understands the reason “Is it because of what father said yesterday about the betrothal?” she asks.

  “Yes,” Niya says reluctantly. “It is better to find someone within the clan. I don’t want to leave my father's side and settle somewhere where I don’t care about anyone. I will try my luck here if it is so necessary”

  “You know these things don’t happen by trying,” Vivian replies. “If it is not meant to be in your destiny you will never find your mate here.”

  “How do I know anything? That is why I came to you.”

  “Well my little sister, you have a pretty little face with those deep blue eyes and your striking silver hair. With few changes in your overall demeanour you can capture any heart you want. I can only help you with your looks, the rest you have to learn on your own. But remember one thing sister, grabbing attention or interest and falling in love are completely different.”

  “Okay. I just want a temporary distraction for father to believe.”

  “Lying to him is not a good idea. He is thinking the best for you Niya, you have to know that. You know him better so trust him. Now if you will excuse me I shall go and take a bath.”

  Talking to Vivi was more confusing, but she knows more about the matters of love and lust. Niya has never spent too much time in front of the mirror and was not confident about all the features Vivi pointed out to her.

  Her hair is straight, clipped to shoulder length and her almond shaped eyes are blue indeed but she considers herself an average looking girl compared to the sensual beauty other she-wolf possesses.

  Vivi’s long blonde hair and hourglass shape are the features to be envious of her petite body. Putting all these aside, can she really lie to her father just to avoid an engagement? If not for love, no one in this clan would be ready to lie to their Alpha; no one would dare fake to date Herald Winterfrost’s daughter. With a sigh Niya pulls open her cupboard and takes out her training gear. Maybe one or two muddy training sessions will clear her head.

  Niya was in the middle of her workout when she heard the howl. The call was so faint that initially she thought it was in her head. On the second time she stood upright along with other pack members.

  “Felix, Hans, Cory and Jessie come with me. The rest of you stay alert and ready for anything.” Herald calls out.

  “Father! Let me come.” Niya steps in his path.

  “No, you stay here and if anything happens, look out for your sister.” He commands and then without any warning jump transforms into his mighty wolf form. Niya stumbles backward and falls on the ground, her father’s huge form looming over her. Even with his age, Herald looks every bit the terrifying and magnificent leader she knew him to be. He lets out a growl that probably says, “Stay” and then leaps over her head closely followed by his trusted wolf pack. Niya watches them go silently praying to the Moon Mother for their safe return.

  The wolf howl was weak as if the werewolf was wounded and sure enough just outside the boundary of the clan and a few miles into the forest, Herald picks up the scent of his friend Malakai. He is an asset to his clan as he has served as a good spy over decades. Whenever any threat to the clan befell, Malakai always sniffed it out and helped the clan to be ready beforehand the danger. Losing him would be disastrous. They find Malakai’s limp body and upon checking find no external imminent threat. Blood pools around his unconscious body but they find him alive and breathing very shallowly. Several scratches and claw marks crisscross over his body indicating attacks by several wolves together.

  “I will carry him Alpha.” Cory declares.

  “You can’t do it alone. Hans will help you. Jessie, Felix help me put him on their backs. Careful around the shoulder area, the flesh has been torn and the arteries must be severed too. He has lost enough blood.” After securing Malakai on their backs, Herald takes the lead and Felix along with Jessie flanks the back. If they are attacked on the way and unfortunately outnumbered then they would have to save their backs.

  Luckily the entire way to the clan remains uneventful and it is not until placing Malakai inside the clan healer’s cottage that Herald notices the small piece of paper pinned on his underbelly with something written on it, something that chills Herald’s blood with dread.